Chapter 35, An offer...

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*No one's POV*

A droplet of water ran down the side of Yugi's cheek, dark clouds above them as none of the people dared to move. 

The younger wanted to charge at him, wanted to hurt him for the damage he has done. But if he did that, he would not get any answers about how to help his lover or friends.

"Well you have my attention, go on and speak before the police get here and take you where you should be," Yugi snapped while holding his arms folded.

"Let's make this story short before it drags on only longer, the only way for you to help your friends is for you to kill yourself," Shadi said with a straight face. "It won't work when someone else kills you. In order to stop them from jumping back, you have to give up."

All the scenes of his friends started to run through his head. Yami covered in deep coloured bruises and scars on his body. And Anzu, her body has started to give up itself. But he didn't want to give up on life, not yet.

The future, he had often thought about it with a life with Yami. Somehow he could heal from all the wounds he had and they could move. Maybe travel, see the world and what it had to offer. Something he dreamed about, was living aboard. Learning the different languages would be difficult, but with Yami by his side. He felt like he could take on the world.

"There has to be another way, otherwise you knew this was going to happen and purposely gave them that power and are enjoying seeing them suffer," Yugi growled his fists now balling. More droplets came from the sky, now at a faster rate that it was before. It was raining.

"I did it was a good mind-set. That my Pha- that Yami could save you before the wounds took over. Sadly his nature took over and he went a little....kill happy," Shadi laughed as he reached behind him. He pulled an umbrella from behind and put it up pointing to the spot beside him. "Would you like to join me? I don't think Yami would be too happy for if you catch a cold."

"If I stand next to you then you will catch my fists," Yugi spat out. 

Shadi shook his head as he looked over to the other side of the hospital.

"It's a shame really. Cause when it comes between you two I will always choose him. So Yugi I now present a new option," Shadi said while turning back. "You either kill yourself or every single new loop I will kill Yami and your friends until the loops stop."

Yugi couldn't say anything, he let his arms drop down.

"You jump now, fall head first and completely end it. Or, this isn't a promise it's a threat. No one will survive," Shadi went on, now taking a step to Yugi. "This gift I bestowed, shall be the downfall of everyone because you are being mister selfish."

More slow steps were made to Yugi, as another image of Yami flashed through Yugi. Him, gasping for air as he grasped onto a bed sheet and and screaming from the pain. He didn't want it to continue, was he being selfish now?

"I can even give you a push if you are nervous Little one," Shadi whispered as he started to snake his way round Yugi's waist. While the other just closed his eyes, preparing to accept this fate without saying anything to the others.

'Goodbye Yami,'

A huge shockwave went through the air, knocking Shadi down to the ground and away from Yugi.

"Keep your fucking hands off of him before I cut them off," a deep growl came from behind them. Yugi whipped his head, feeling tears well up.

Yami, with blood running down from his mouth was standing there with Anzu holding him up with an arm around him.

"Yami you shouldn't be here...." Yugi mumbled, trying his hardest to not let the excitement of seeing Yami slip out. "It's ok, you two will not be in any pain soon."

"Yes I will, cause I won't live without you'" Yami mumbled and squeezed Anzu's hand. It was a signal to move forward. "If you die here and end our powers, then I'll just end my own life over and over till I can't get up."

Yugi's mouth was left open, shocked that Anzu wasn't reacting to this information. It's like....she already knew. And what made things worse was the stern look in Yami's eyes. That look was the same one he had received when Yami told him of the time loops.

"You can't just do that to me, it's up to me what I do with my own life and you don-"

"I don't want to see you jump over the fucking roof again Yugi!!!" Yami bawled out, a overwhelming sense of dejavu with the threat of tears escaping him. Everyone at that roof top was silent looking at the once evil spirt, but Shadi had a smile on him while shaking his head. "I don't....where did that..."

"Another Yugi," Shadi said making the group turn to him. "That feeling you have right now, it's because you have been through this before. But not in another time loop, or with this Yugi."

"What the hell are you on about Shadi? That doesn't and anything else you are spouting makes any sense," Yugi blurted out while looking back and fourth between his lover and Shadi. The shadow of a person was coming up the stairs behind them but he couldn't quite make out who it was before his eyes were covered.

Something cold was pressed to his neck as he tried to wiggle free but the object was pressed further to him. He heard the scrambles feet of his loved ones but a thud as they stopped moving. 

"I have had enough of this bouncing back and fourth. Pharaoh I would hate to see anything happen to you but I am sure I can fix this in another loop," Shadi said making Yugi move backwards with him. "Up for a little trip Yugi?"

Yugi didn't speak, but. A new feeling was growing in him. A fear, of falling. As they grew closer to the edge, the more strength he was getting for not going over the edge. He was ready to go at first, but now he was terrified and didn't want to die. So, as he felt Shadi begin to tip them both he fought against him. 

The object, which was a bloody knife was grazed against his neck. But with a swift punch to the stomach made it so there was not so much damage. Yugi reached out his hands, hoping someone was grab and pull him to safety but felt no hands.

Instead, it was a grab to his hair that he felt and the falling feeling was sinking in. But something raced past him, kicked his back and he landed face first into the ground smacking his nose. Blood came out from his nose but at that moment he didn't care as he forced himself to get up, and looked over the edge.

And you all thought I would show who it was? Nope, I am being that person. But go ahaead, let's hear on who you all think it was.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!! 

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