Chapter 41, Safety broken...

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*No one's POV*

The two kept their word. They let Yugi be for a day so he could actually gain some energy back.

Of course this didn't stop them from fighting inside of the puzzle.

Somehow Atem has had a room of his own that just appeared in the puzzle right next to Yami. He wasn't impressed in the slightest but nothing could be done.

Yugi and Anzu were out on a walk, it was in the middle and of the day and the sun still had time to set.

"So you're telling me I now have Yami and Atem living in the puzzle and can take over me?" Yugi asked as he had a little of his ice cream.

Anzu had explained to him about everything, which Yugi was now no longer surprised that it was happening.

"Yep, and going off of those two I think someone has the other gripped on by the collar of their shirt," Anzu said but with a slight laugh.

She wasn't far off, but Atem knew better. He hated Yami, but knew that his body was fragile to touch. So he never laid a hand on him, not even once. Although there was a lot of times to where he had to walk away in order to not be tempted.

But he also had to help with something as well, which benefitted and also hurt the group. Atem couldn't let Yami out in his own body as much as he wanted to. Although he was looking slightly better, he was still coughing up blood every now and again. So when Anzu was about to leave the puzzle she pulled Atem aside and made sure he promised to keep him in.

"I hope not, although I haven't met Atem yet he is doing the same as Yami on keeping me safe so I don't want either of them to get any more hurt because of me," he said and linked their hands. If this was the first loop with all of them and no team work was going on, she would surely get murdered for that from the look-a-likes. 

They were approaching their home as the sun was almost fully down and some dark clouds were starting to fill the sky. They had been forecasted for snow for a little while now but as usual the weather had a different story in mind so it was clear but with slight wind. 

Once inside and the doors locked, Yugi and Anzu settled on the couch while they weren't quite ready for some food yet so they put on the t.v. For some reason they had been watching the walking dead a lot.

"Do you miss talking to the other two?" Yugi asked out of the blue and twirled his hands around themselves. 

Anzu turned to him in confusion as to where this question was even coming from.

"Well...Yami is a lot more cooler than me, he has the confidence that I wish I had and Atem. by the sounds of it he won't and doesn't let anything stop him. With me there's just..." he went on and looked down at his lap. "I'm just Yugi Muto."

Anzu heard a famailr sound then the next minute she looked up she wasn't happy with what she saw.

"Pardon me for speaking on Anzu's behave," a voice said and scooped Yugi's hands in his own. Yami had forced his way past Atem and entered the world in his own body. "Yugi you're kindness is like no other that I have learned. You have the patience and a  strong will. Look at our situation, you think most people would be calm with all that has happened?" 

Yugi looked away but Yami wouldn't let him as he freed one hand and held his chin making him face him. "Yugi never doubt your self worth, your such a strong and beautiful human being, you're one of a kind and no one can ever match your heart," Yami went on and stroked Yugi's cheek.

Yugi started to tear up and tightened his grip on Yami's hand. Yami didn't want to let him go in a full blown cry so he hugged him, looking over at Anzu who softened her look. The doorbell went and she looked confused as she stood up and looked through the peep hole on the door. 

"What do you want?" Anzu called out, making Yami get off of Yugi to wipe his eyes as he watched Anzu carefully at the door. 

"Pizza delivery!" the person called out from the other side. 

Anzu backed away from the door and did a hand gesture, it was something that the made a while ago to say danger without words. 

Why was there danger? None of them had ordered anything. They don't normally do orderings to try and avoid anything or anyone having a solid idea to where they were. 

"Yugi go in the room and call on Atem," Yami whispered placing a small kiss on Yugi's cheek The smaller ran off as Yami grabbed a metal pole he had in the house to use as a weapon. he made sure Anzu moved away as he grabbed the door handle and looked back. Anzu had managed to grab a glass bottle.

Yami unlocked the door, but froze in spot.

A harsh pain ran through his entire system making him start to shake and cough. In a moment flat, the person burst through the door making Yami fall to the ground. Anzu charged at them, smashing the bottom half of the bottle against the persons head making them fall off of Yami letting him gain air in his system once again.

It was at this time that Atem had taken over the human and charged through sitting himself on the person and began to punch him. Yami and Anzu watched as Atem messed up the persons face making him has busted nose.

"Atem that's enough," Yami said placing his hand on Atem's shoulder to stop him. 

The other was going for another punch, Yami tightened his grip and Atem shook his head. Going through with the punch but on the head to knock him out. Atem dragged him towards a exposed pipe placed him against it.

"Go find some sort of rope or wiring I don't care what," Atem ordered as he watched the other two look around. The door was left open so he got up quickly and shut the door keeping his eye on the body. 

Not long after Anzu came through with some rope with Yami trailing behind her, holding his stomach.

Atem didn't need to ask him what was wrong to understand, the effects of loops were once again catching up to him. Anzu gave him the rope as he used it and tied up the person tight, making sure there was no way he could break free. However the pipe in the wall could be ripped out the wall if the group didn't watch the person carefully. 

So Yami passed Atem the pole he had for a weapon and let the other sit in front of the person with the pole ready at hand. 

Feels like forever since I did one of these huh? Yeah I know I keep disappearing, but isn't the more important part that I come back yeah? So who is there person that has located our group? What do they want? Answers may come soon.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

Also if there is a little spelling mistakes I'm sorry!

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