Chapter 4, A kiss to forget...

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Again my own little made up chapter, next one will be the 3rd episode of the show!!

*Yami's POV*

The rain was coming down hard, I can't believe that my angel needs to still go to school in this. "Yugi did you pick up your umbrella yesterday!?!" his grandfather yelled and I saw Yugi shake his head. He is going to be completely soaked right through. 

He looked outside off the door and saw the rain bouncing off the ground. I heard him staring to think if Anzu would come and walk with him still. If I could let him see me I'd walk him every day, he wouldn't even need to think about her. Grabbing his book bag, he threw it over his head and started to run. 

5 minutes in the rain and his hair has deflated and his white's gone completely see through. Even his blue jacket was soaked, maybe he should of got a taxi instead of running. He got to the school and at the doors was Jonouchi. "Heya Yuge!! Bro you looked like a drowned rat," he laughed and looked through his bag and grabbed a towel. "Here take this towel and go change at the nurses office."

Yugi nodded at him and started to walk the halls leaving a puddle of water behind him. When he got there, the nurse looked at him and just laughed. "Seems like your under top is dry. You can just take off your white shirt and jacket. Change your trousers and I'll be back," she said and gave him privacy. I should just turn my back...wouldn't be right if I kept my eyes on him. 

After about 10 minutes I heard him just sit on the bed so I assumed he was done so I turned. I saw his under top that he had on with a different pair of trousers. That black top looks a little too tough for someone like him, his innocence doesn't work with it. "Hello? Is there anyone in here?" I heard and saw a girl walk in. She had longish blue hair, tied at her ear to make pigtails sitting on her shoulders with darker blue eyes.

"Yeah back here!" Yugi yelled and the girl turned to see him and smiled. "Hey you need any help there?"

"Um yes I'm looking for the nurse but I see she's not in here. You have any idea where she has went?" she asked and looked at his outfit. She better not be looking at him and liking him, other wise we will have a problem. "That's not the uniform, you got caught with the rain?"

"Hehe yeah, she has just went to dry my cloths so she shouldn't be too long. You're free to wait around if you," he said and the girl took his option and sat down. Ugh. "My name is Ayumi, I'm here on a visit from my other school along with a few others. What's your name?"

"My name is Yugi Muto, it's nice to meet you Ayumi," he said and smiled. I instantly knew she liked him. She needs to go, the only person that is allowed to like him is me. I can't get rid of Tea because she is his friend. A cold draft came from the door so I went out and saw something starting to appear. A little girl in a red dress was staring into the window with a evil smile on her.

I went back in the room and saw the Ayumi girl moving closer to Yugi. "I-I'm sorry, I-I don't know what has come over me. I-I just you from your skin!!" she yelled and lunged at him. He hit his head on the end of the bed and was knocked out. I made us switch places and she was leaning into me. "Just one...kiss..."

She locked her lips with mine but only for a second until I pushed her off and she landed on the ground. "Ooo someone has a little spring in his step. Wait your not the same boy from before are you?" she said and got up.

"Trying to steal his first kiss from me? You just signed your own death certificate. But before that I wanna play a game with you, the real you and not this vessel you have," I said and seemed to get through to whatever was controlling the girl. A black mist came out of her mouth as another girl was in front of me, Ayumi now passed out on the ground. "You game?"

"Ehehe sure, I like you more then that other little boy, so are you gonna tell me the rules or is there none?" she asked and sat on the end of the bed. 

"It's simple, there's a knife in the drawer there. You get it and I'll get some plastic cups," I said and she went to the drawer and got the knife. "Now we will put the knife facing up under a cup and each of us will take it in turns smacking our hands down on them. Whoever ends up with the knife in their hand loses. You still up for it princess?"

"Oooo sounds like fun, it'll be fun watching you wriggle in pain. So there's 12 cups? Alright I'll go first," she said and we both closed our eyes moving the cups around so we didn't know what was the one with the knife in it. Once we were done she opened her eyes and smacked her hand down on one of them. "Hah seems like I have luck. Your turn~"

I looked at the cups on the table and took the one on the far right. I got nothing but a little pain in my hand from the desk, also a sound from the knife hitting off of the table. "Well I still have a hand, wanna take another swing at it?" I asked and she seemed too happy for this. We kept going until we got to three left. 

"We're almost at the bottom, and with me next I'm sure you'll lose next turn," she said and hovered her hand over the one that had the knife in it. She's gonna lose the game, and that means she'll leave and not bother my little Yugi. "You. Are. Through!!" She slammed her hand down but it went through the knife and she winched in pain. "Ughh I-I guess that I'm the one who loses."

"I'll relive the pain if you leave right now and never mess with Yugi again," I said and she nodded. She seemed to start moving away but pulled the knife from her hand and tried to strike me. "Fool, even a spirit doesn't have a full brain. The door of darkness has opened."

When I tried to give her a punishment she was already disappearing and in a few seconds she was gone. Cocky little kid, she shouldn't be messing with other kids. Ayumi started to wake up so I changed places with Yugi and went to his side but a little away so he couldn't see me. "Ow ow ow my head hurts. Hey Ayumi are you alright?" he said and looked down to her. She was now fully awake and getting up.

"Yeah I'm fine but I have no idea to what that was. I'll just...go for now. If the nurse comes back soon please tell her I was looking for her," she said and waved goodbye to Yugi. Yugi just sighed and looked out the window, that was a little too close for comfort. If I was too slow she would of had her hands on him. I'll die before I let anyone have him. 

Ah yes, it's always fun to write a little of psycho Yami. Also the girl I wrote about is the gril from Corpse Party and the little girl was Sachiko. The reason for this is because I was thinking of doing a Ayumi x Yoshiki story. Still thinking about it.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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