Chapter 6, Been unleashed...

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*Yami's POV*

Any face he makes is cute, even when he is pouting. "Come on Yuge, staying back isn't that bad. Before I was friends with you I'd stay back more often then Honda gets himself a girl," Jonouchi said and Yugi just sighed. Anzu kept talking to him during class and the teacher caught them, Yugi took the dive for her and needs to do detention. 

"Grandpa is gonna kill me! I've never had to do detention in my life. Also I'm pretty sure he wanted me to help out at the shop." Yugi moaned and flopped on his desk. Anzu went off to talk to one of her other friends while Jonouchi and Honda stayed beside Yugi. "Also I need to do this alone. I'd rather it me then Anzu but it would be nice to have a friend in there with me."

That actually gives me a idea. Yeah I don't want him to see it's me taking over his body but that doesn't mean I can't appear every now and again...right? That's it, I'll give it a shot. He might be a little confused but as long as the others don't see me I guess that will be fine. Because every time I take over they are the ones who see me. 

I went away from Yugi and tried to focus my power. It surged through my body and I felt the warmth of a human body. It's my own body! I went to the nearest mirror and I saw my own reflection. I guess I'm a human now, but I can't do this for long. I waited for the finale bell to go before I made my way to the detention room and entered. "Excuse me, but I don't think I have another person on the registrar for this," the teacher said and looked at her list. 

"Pardon me, but I just got it at the end there. I pulled a chair from one of the students and threw paper balls at the teacher," I said and sat down in one of the chairs next to the window. I just thought. This is going to be the first time we have met face to face outside of the puzzle!! I can feel my heart starting to pick up it's beat and turning to the window I could see myself going red.

The door slid open and I saw the angel walk in. "U-Um this is the detention room right?" he asked and the teacher nodded her head. She seems too nice for a detention teacher. 

"Yeah it is! Don't look so shy Yugi I know your not here because you want to. Your a good student! Just sit down for the hour and have something out in front of you. Oo you have another person here if you wanna talk." she said and pointed up to me. We both made eye contact for a minute before I turned to the window. 

He walked up to me and sat on the chair that was next to me. "Hey I'm Yugi, what brings you here?" he asked and I turned to see his beaming face. 

"I-I-I- Er Here for Yami. I-I mean my name is Yami and I'm here for throwing paper balls at the teachers," I said and Yugi laughed at my stuttering. I'm making a fool of myself.... "I'm sorry. This is just my first time for something like this."

"It's fine I'm the same. But I'm happy because I have you here with me ," he said and ruffled through his bag and got some work out. "Hey is it alright if I ask if your good with math? I'm struggling a little and need some help."

"S-Sure I'll help to the best I can," I said and he shuffled his desk closer to mine so they were touching and he put his books in between us. I had a look and it seems like he is just getting under what he needs to get for passing. "Look here, the way you have written this formula is hard to understand. Let me re write for you."

The hour flew by without myself realizing it and our time was up. "Alright boys you two can head home now. Try not to get detention again because next time it's Mr Takano and you don't want him to be here," she said and walked out.

"Hey Yugi, want me to walk you home? I still have time to burn anyway before I'm needed to go back," I said and he nodded his head fast to my option. We left the school and got a can of fizzy juice on the way, I need to 'pretend' like I don't know where he lives. "So which way is it?"

"Your not going anywhere little children," I heard and a group of men surrounded us. Two of the grabbed Yugi and tied him up while three pinned me to the ground. 

"Don't you dare touch him or I swear you'll regret the day you were born!!" I yelled and they all laughed at me. The three guys that were holding me down picked me up and dragged us into a run down building, tieing us to a chair. "What the hell do you plan to do to us?"

"Well we saw one of you hanging around with that Kaiba brat and figured that you might be friends with him. If we have you and you go missing we can get a load from Kaiba Corp. just to get you back!!" one of them yelled and everyone cheered. I looked at Yugi and saw that the colour was slowly slipping from his face.

I went to whisper to him something but one of them walked up to him and grabbed his hair. "I'm really bored boss, can I wreck this little ones faces please?" he asked and the boss waved his hands. He then started to knee Yugi in the face and kept punching him in the stomach until he was spiting out blood.

"stop....stop it right now...." I growled but they kept going at him until bruises were starting to form. "STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!" I felt the ropes that bind me down break completely then I lunged for the person pounding Yugi and put him into a choker hold. "I warned you."

I didn't have hesitation before twisting his head so it was like an owl and let him drop to the ground. "You have no right to play with someone life unless your willing to play with your own. Messing with Yugi sealed your contract with the devil and now he is here to claim you!!" I yelled and went for the next one, snapped his neck. Those were the two who had a hold on him outside... three left.

"Kid your more messed up then us. How about this then, we play a game and the winner lives!!" the boss yelled and I could see he was about to break out into sweat. "There is some boxes above us and I have a gun. The chains aren't that strong and can't fend off a shot. We take turns and shot them, if the one I'm under falls I'm dead and the same for you. You game?"

"How about I just shoot you and end the game here? Be a lot less hassle in the long run," I said and the guy laughed.  The other two guys were backing up to the only exit so I clicked my fingers and locked the doors. "Alright hot shot, take you turn then."

The guy looked up and I looked over at my precious Yugi who was passed out from the pain. In a way it's good, he doesn't have to tarnish his pure soul with the murders of there people. The gun fired and nothing landed on me. "Tech unlucky. Alright kid do you know how to pull the trigger?" he asked and threw the gun to me.

I looked up and tried to see the weakest point of the chain. It was at the top tat connected the box to the wire of the crane it's dangling from. "Want to test that theory out?" I asked and aimed the gun. This is so simple even Honda could make this shot. With a pull of the trigger, the bullet went straight through the chain and box was sent flying. "Nice kid. I lose."

The box slammed on the guy and it split a little to revile knifes and other weapons in it. "Boss!!! K-Kid you aren't human your a bloody psychopath!! I'll kill you!!!" one screamed and tried to attack from behind but I lunged foreword and picked up a knife shoving it straight through his chest.

Leaving only one left. "Now how to deal with you?" I said picking up a knife and looking at the last guy trying to get out the door. "Let's see, neck snapped, box dropped and a chest stab what have I not don- Oh I know! A head stab. Wanna see if I can get you from here. I'll give you a chance, I'll have one go and if I miss you can live! See I'm not that bad."

The last guy had started to cry and was down on his knees. "Hmph well I gave you a chance, like I would miss anyway," I said and threw the knife hitting him between his eyes. I ran to Yugi and picked him up, running out of the building and to the game shop. I'm...starting to feel weak...

It's my power, I can't sustain myself in this state for much longer. I manged to the front door and looked in to see his grandpa wasn't there and no one was in so I took him in and laid him on the counter. "I'll never let this happen again. I promise you that," I whispered and kissed his check. "So long Angel, until we meet again." I returned to the puzzle and waited for someone to find him before I let my eyelids close.

Well this was eventful. Also here's a tip, never stay up at 3:42am drinking mind and body are so awake it's killing me!! But hey, this was rather fun to write so it was worth it.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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