Chapter 2, Food...

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*Yami's POV*

Another day, just for me to spend with Yugi. He was talking with his grand father and he started to read what was on the side of the puzzle. Dark power and a wish granted? I remember what Yugi asked for before I took over, he wanted a friend. I mean yeah he has that blond and brown haired boys and the girl that stopped them from arguing but now I have him.

I'm not dark though, I just serve justice to those who harm my Yugi. Yugi stared to make his way to school and I just hovered next to him, but not too close because he can't see me. He got to school and the day flew by. "Hey guys wanna go eat somewhere after school? A new place opened up called Burger World" Jonouchi asked and the rest of the group agreed.

"Uhhhh wait guys! I heard a lot about that place!!" Anzu yelled and slammed her hands on the desk. "Uh I heard it doesn't do good food!! Why don't we try somewhere else or m-maybe we just don't go out at all."

"What come on, we all haven't gone out together so why not now? Also aren't you over reacting a little Anzu it's just a little grub," Jonouchi said and leaned back in his chair. Anzu got annoyed and dragged him down in the chair storming out. "Gees man what's got her twisted? Where on earth is she going anyway?"

"I think she said she had something she does after school. I wonder what though?" Honda said out load and rubbed his chin.

"She's been acting weird lately, I wonder why. Maybe just maybe she is dating a man for money," Jonouchi said and I could feel something stir inside of Yugi.

"Jonouchi! She would never do that!" he yelled and puffed out his face. Ra that expression of his is too cute...  

"Well what do you suggest that she does? It's a little weird when she just disappears every day after school instead of walking with you also she is coming in with expensive food that we NEVER eat?" Jonouchi asked and stood up from his chair and looked out the hall. "Hey Honda bud, why don't you follow her to see where she goes?"

"Um...sure? I'll text you if I find her," he said and cased after her. Dating a guy? Heh yeah she doesn't seem like that type of person to me. Yugi returned home and just sat on his bed staring at the ceiling. I wonder, if I blow will he feel it?

Eh why not, I got closer and almost to the point to where he would notice me. I sucked in a little and blew a tiny bit seeing him flinch and he sat up looking at his window. He looks so surprised, I wonder what he would do if I showed myself to him. No I better not.

The next day when Yugi got into school, the end of the day swept in like a storm. "Psst Honda did you find out anything?" Jonouchi asked and Honda started to sweat. He's hiding something.

"We don't have time to talk, come on Honda," Anzu said and grabbed his arm dragging him out of the class and away. Yugi and Jonouchi turned to each other and both looked out of the hall. 

"Your not gonna say he's dating for money are you?" Yugi asked and Jonouchi let out a laugh. "I wanna follow them. Since Honda didn't text you we need to find out what they're up to."

They started to follow them closely and I hovered behind them, trying not to give Yugi any hints to my presents. They got to the place they were talking about, Burger World. Something caught my eye which was a wanted poster. Yugi better be careful, this guy might be wondering around. 

They walked in just to see their friends in staff uniforms, so they just had a job. Big deal, what was the point to hide it? When Yugi and his friend sat down I had a little look around to see if I could find anything that didn't look off. I saw Anzu go over to them ticked off but Yugi was looking at her with his face completely red. 

What his deal? She's just in a different outfit to what she is normally in. A guy caught my attention, but it was one of the workers. Must be my mind. An officer came in and told them that the guy might be hiding in the restaurant somewhere and they started to look at the ankles. Because apparently the guy has a mark on his ankle from when he was trying to get away. 

I can sense the nervousness of Yugi. They came across a guy they thought it was and tried to arrest him but he thought and they all stumbled to the ground. But the guy I saw earlier, the other worker his trouser was up at his ankle and there was a mark on it. It's the criminal! That seemed easy, so they just need to get him out.

The criminal moved too fast and grabbed Anzu, putting a gun to her head. "Get down now!! Or I'll blow this girls head off!!" he screamed and everyone got down. All of them, I don't care for but if he does anything to Yugi he will wish that he was never born.

He sat down with Anzi and commanded for someone to bring him a drink. "You! The shrimp pathetic little brat! Bring me a drink with a lighter!!" he yelled and pointed at Yugi. That... I will kill him.

Yugi grabbed a tray with a drink and a lighter on. "Yugi! Is that you Yugi! Run away!" Anzu yelled and raised from her seat. The guy got annoyed with her and slapped her. 

"Anzu!!" Yugi yelled and I have had enough. I made Yugi switched places with me and I gave him his drink then sat down with him.

"You wanna play a game with me, seeing how you like to play with others?" I said and he gave me a evil smile. "The rules are simple. We each pick a finger and try to kill the other player with only it. For me I chose my thumb."

"Kid you don't value your life, I chose my trigger finger." he said and pointed the gun at me. 

"Alright then, let's start the game," I said and he shot up from his seat and seemed like he had already won the game. I grabbed his lighter and flared it. "Wouldn't you want a light first?"

"Oh yeah, guess you can do that for me before you die." he said and leaned forward. Humans can be really dumb, my plan well be his downfall. I lit his cigarette and he seemed happy. I dropped the lighter on his hand that was pouring his drink and smirked.

"That's Russian vodka your pouring, it's 80% alcohol and if you fire the lighter will fall on your lap which is now covered." I said and got up grabbing Anzu. "Humans are blinded by their own greed. Let's go Anzu."

"Brat I can just do this," the criminal said and grabbed the lighter and clipped it. 

"You've broken the rules. It's now a penalty game," I said and felt the power surge through. He made Yugi angry, anyone that makes him not happy is a dead man. "The doors of darkness has now opened and you will suffer."

It's easy to make a hallucination to humans, so I made him see that he was on fire. I had to run to the bathroom and let Yugi take control again. He went back in and Anzu asked if it was him that saved her. Of course Yugi doesn't remember and  she wouldn't know, there is a little difference between us. But since she was blind folded she only heard my voice.

Wait. She's blushing. Great, she's fell in love with my voice just what I need. But the only one that will ever be in my eyes is Yugi.

 Now I know this is a little different then the normal season 0 but  I didn't want to be completely identical. Next time I'll do something that has nothing to do with the show!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of evil Yami, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!!!

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