Chapter 11, The Brown Haired devil... part 2...

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*Yami's POV*
Blood dripped down from my cheek as I walked the streets. I couldn't go back into the puzzle because I had my precious little Yugi on my back. I managed to get him out that card game, but I had very little life points. That spirit, it's was brutal. Even a bit too much for me to handle, I was on the ropes.

She had forced me back on the fence and I had 100 points left, but luckily I was able to summon my Black Luster Soldier before it was too late. Her life points dropped and so did she.

*Flashback to the end of the duel*

"I-I won you demon..." I panted and tried to stand up. But everything in my body was screaming at me. When we took damage in the game, she forced real damage on me. Which ended up hurting Yugi. She hurt him more than ever. "N-Now let him g-go..."

"Hmm, I don't think you want me to let him go right now," she said and snapped her fingers. Yugi's unconscious body was dragged over the edge and was now hovering in the air. Suspended by her mist. "If I let him go, he'll fall. Do you really want that?"

I know I can catch him, I'll just take the pain for it. "Go ahead, but you'll regret it," I mumbled and she smirked. Before she was able to click her fingers, I began running to the edge. I heard her fingers click and the mist around Yugi faded and he was sent falling to the ground.

I jumped off, and reached out for him as much as I could. The ground was racing to us faster and I wasn't getting any closer to his hand. "Yugi please I'm begging you to open your eyes are reach for me!!!" I yelled but I got nothing. I was on the verge of letting out tears because he is getting hurt because of me. "Yugi please!!!!! Just reach out for me!!!!"

I thought it was over, I was about to lose the love of my life. But he reached out, his eyes remained shut. "Y-Yami?" he whispered and I smiled, grabbed his wrist and pulling him into me. I flipped us, so I was the one landing and I held him in to me as much as I could. I never saw the bushes so I knew this was going to be a pain.

We went through the bushes and right onto the ground, I bit my tongue to try and not let a sound. Yugi groaned as he felt the shock from the landing but he was safe and sound which is what mattered to me the most. I tried to sit up, but my back was in agony and I could feel thorns pricking into me. 

I looked down at my arms and saw multiple opening, my arms had been cut. I thought I couldn't get hurt like this, my body isn't even a normal humans. I gulped and got up to my feet pulling Yugi up and getting him on my back. "Don't w-worry my little angel, I'll always keep you safe," I said and kissed his forehead. I have a long walk to the shop.

*And now, back to them...*

My legs were giving out, but I needed to get him home. "Hey Yuge!!!" I heard and froze. Why they hell does he need to appear now out of all time. I turned around and saw Jonouchi running to us. "Oh Ra, Kyo what happened to you?"

I forgot that's what I told him my name was. "I into a fight," I said and looked at Yugi to try and think of an excuse. "And him, I I think I found him like that?"

"You think you found him like that?" Jonouchi asked and I took a step back. Come on, I'm am a heck of a lot smarter than this. I nodded my head and tried to put a smile on. "That's beside the point, do you need help taking him home? I could take him if you wa-"

"No!" I yelled and didn't realize I raised my voice. I know he is his best friend...b-but I wanna be with him for as long as I can. "U-Um it's no problem at all. Y-Yugi wanted me to speak with me after school a-anyway."

I shouldn't be like this! I should not be stuttering when talking about Y-Yugi!

"Hm, alright dude. Tell Yuge I was worried about him eh?" Jonouchi said and I nodded. He waved at me and I gave a little wave and walked off. That was too close, why is it always him getting close to us? Could I not just be alone with him?

I managed to keep walking, though I was looking at my body and parts of it was disappearing. I really don't have long....

Ten minutes of walking and half an arm missing I got to the game shop. I couldn't see his old man anywhere so I tried to run in and took him upstairs. When I placed him on his bed I collapsed onto the ground. I had now lost a full arm and part of my leg was going, I have been out for way too long and been using up too much power.

But first off, before I go I'm gonna make sure my angel is not hurt anywhere. I tried to stand up but I collapsed on the ground. All of my leg was now gone and the other had started to disappear. I can't stay out any longer, I need to go away now.

I crawled over to his bed and pulled myself up, more blood dripped from my arm. "I-I'm sorry my angel, but I need to leave. I promise I will be back and see you, perhaps spend more time with you," I said and smiled at him. I leaned down and wanted to kiss his forehead, but something was thrown up. 

Yugi had wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled down on his bed. I felt my face get warmer as I was an inch from him. I looked and saw my other arm starting to disappear and had to get away fast. 

I quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek and focused on getting into the puzzle and within seconds I was in the darkness again. Only all the pains I felt in the human world increased here. At least now I could let out a scream of agony.

My wounds started to heal slowly as I opened up a window to the human world and saw him lying down and resting. I'll take all the pain, if it means I can keep him safe I'll do anything. The one thing I can not do, is tell him my feelings. He can never know.

I laid down on the makeshift bed I had and tried to rest, but everything is screaming at me for pushing myself too hard.

So it's been a while since I have updated this, but now I wanna focus on updating more. Exams are around the corner and I need to study my butt off. Also I have never been so excited for summer. I will be turning 18!! I have not stopped talking about it. 

If any of you are in the same position as me sitting exams, I wish you all the best of luck!! And makes sure to rest and take care of yourselves!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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