Chapter 21, Bullet dodged...

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*No one's POV*

His legs were burning, begging him to stop. His shirt, covered in his precious blood. But he was still breathing, Yugi was alive in Yami's arms. Stumbling through the door, Yami placed him quickly on the couch in the living room and running to the kitchen table and throwing everything off.

Returning back, he scoped up Yugi and placed him on the table, ripping a part of his shirt from the bottom and placed it around the wound. Yami was panicking, throwing his hands in his hair coating some of it red. A knock on the door made Yami jump in his skin, him wiping his face to try and hide the tears, only having red on his cheeks now.

He looked through the peep hole and saw it was Jonouchi, freaking out inside not knowing what to do. He decided to open the door with a small smile, only getting a scared face from the blond outside.

"Dude what's happened to you!?!" Jonouchi screamed out grabbing Yami's face. "Your covered in blood!!"

"Get your hands off me," Yami managed to try and growl out but ending up in a whimper.  "I just, got caught in a lamppost..."

A small cry from the living room got Jonouchi pushing past Yami and into there, seeing his best friend in tears on the table.

"What the hell have you done to him!?!" Jonouchi yelled and turned around with his fists balled. 

Jonouchi went to hold Yugi's hand but was stopped when something sharp was on his back.

"Don't you dare touch him," Yami growled and was holding a knife shaking widely. He didn't know what he was doing, when he saw Jonouchi reaching for him he thought he was going to hurt him. "P-Please, h-h-he just needs help. D-Don't touch him please, don't h-hurt him."

Yami was broken at this point, wanting the help from the one in front but fearing he would take the love of his life away. He had to think, does he kill him and try and get different help. Or did he take the risk of being separated from Yugi once again.

Jonouchi sighed as he turned, gently grabbing Yami's hand and lowering it with the knife in it. "I won't touch him. Just tell me what happened and we'll get through this alright?" Jonouchi asked.

Yami told him the whole story, including the loops he had to suffer. This got Jonouchi onto his side, agreeing to help Yugi there at home. Luckily he had just been studying on medical care for the future for if something ever happened to his sister.

Letting him near Yugi, Jonouchi got bandages and disinfection with a rag. "This will hurt Yuge, you're gonna have to bare it," Jonouchi said and soaked the rag to clean his wound. With a nod and holding Yami's hand, Jonouchi began his work to clean it with Yugi having a bear grip on Yami and biting his tongue to not let any sound out.

Just a little bit more work, and Jonouchi was done cleaning it he covered it and looked defeated. "I know how to clean it, not to stitch it. I'm sorry, but he needs a hospital," Jonouchi said and fear rose in Yami again. "If you don't want to go through another loop you have to trust me. I'll video call and you'll see and hear everything."

"B-B-But what if they keep him in? I can't go in there and I won't stay away from him for a day. He could be killed!" Yami let out fed up with the tears streaming down.

"Then you need to change how you look. Being seen will get you locked away, and I don't know how you didn't get caught doing shopping," Jonouchi said and got his phone out. He looked for permission, finger over the call for an ambulance. Yami kissed Yugi's cheek, and nodded his head. 

In no time at all, Yami back off and watched, with a hoodie on, as the doctors took his love away not being allowed to go with him. His body started to fail on him now, with the distance that grew between the two Yami was finding it harder to breathe. He collapsed to the ground, holding his chest and sweat started to roll down.

With no choice now before he would be forced back to the puzzle, he pulled himself up to the bedroom to clean up. Once done and changed, he went downstairs and out the house following the bond between him and Yugi. When he would get closer, his body would heal itself and when he got away breathing seemed almost impossible.

He followed this feeling until he made it to the hospital, entering and having a look around. The place was far too big to go looking, the trick he used to get there wouldn't work again. So he sat in the lobby, bouncing his legs from nerves. "Hey son, you alright?" a stranger asked and tapped Yami on the shoulder.

Yami flicked his hand away, and looked up to see a somewhat young man. "Get lost, I don't want your pity," Yami said and held himself trying to stop his shaking. The man sat beside him and sighed but smiled at Yami.

"It's fine son, I have a love one that in here too. I guess this person means a lot to you if your this shaken up," the man said stretched out his arms. "But the people working in here are the best, believe me when I say you will see your loved one again.

"H-Have they worked on people...who have been stabbed?" Yami asked finally looking at the person.

"Of course they have," the man said and the biggest sigh of relief came from Yami. A while later and Jonouchi came jogging through the halls with his phone in hand. Yami called him and got up, not before the stranger tapped his arm. "I hope you see them soon. Take care."

Yami half nodded before h ran up to Jonouchi who had the largest smile on him. 

"We get to take him home tomorrow," Jonouchi said and threw himself on Yami who flinched at his embrace. "Our little buddy can go home."

"My little buddy. A-And get off me now," Yami let out but the blond refused to let him go. Yami didn't have the energy to fight him, so instead he put all his weight on Jonouchi and slouched.

Of course I wasn't gonna let him die, my own heart can't handle another loop yet. But if you think they're out of harms way then oho boy, you are so wrong.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

Oh also I have a question, how long would you all like this to go? I haven't really thought about it yet. I have the ending planned, but it's when for it is the question. Let me know ya'll!!

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