Chapter 14, Hands off...

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*Warning, this chapter contains violence.*

*Yami's POV*

My heart is about to burst out my chest. Everything right now does not matter to me, as he is the only thing that I care about. Once we drew from each other we turned from each and his face was brighter than anything.

"Um. Wow. I erm, that was..."

"That was a thing," I said and he laughed. We turned to each other again and smiled. I gathered some courage to reach my hand to his and he held his hand out. "We should think about getting you back before it gets dark."

"Really? But I'm having so much fun with you... I don't want this night to end," he said and rested his head on my shoulder. "Do you have to go home? Couldn't you stay the night? My bed is big enough for two."

I think I'd die. Someone clear my mind with water...

Before I had the chance to answer him he stood up and pulled me as well. "Please Yami?? For me?" he asked and even had puppy eyes.

I gave in and nodded my head. Although my body was screaming in pain, it seems to have let up and settled down. It started to get better when we went out. He was bouncing around and had a huge smile on him as he lead the way.

I heard footsteps behind us and stopped turning around. A shadow dipped into a building which gave me an unsettled feeling. "Yami? Is something wrong?" Yugi asked and squeezed my hand.

"Nothing angel, don't worry about it," I said and he giggled. He continued to walk and I had a look round one last time. Whatever this thing was, it was peaking out at us and following us.

While walking with Yugi I kept looking back at whatever it was. If they even so touch Yugi I'll snap their necks.

The game shop was is sight and I felt a little better.

That is, until the same figure jumped out. Yugi flinched and I jumped in front of him holding him behind me. "You're the kid that is friends with Seto Kaiba right?" one asked and Yugi tilted his head.

"U-Um what do you want with Kaiba? I-Is something wrong?" Yugi asked grabbing the back of my shirt.

"We want you to come with us for a little while," the same guy said. He started to walk towards us and I pushed us back. He kept coming closer and I ended up grabbing Yugi's wrist, prepared to make a sprint. But when I turned myself around something hard hit my head and knocked me clean out.


With the throbbing pain in my head and in my whole body screaming once again I opened my eyes and I did not like what I was seeing. Yugi was tied up in a chair and had been crying. I will cut their throats.

"Ah the other has awoken," I heard and looked up. Two guys were standing there and another behind Yugi. "You see, we need to take down the Kaiba's and we're gonna use you. But we're gonna have a little fun."

"If you wanna take down his business you would have a better chance to kidnap his little brother," I said and Yugi turned to me in shock. "And what do you mean about a little fun?"

One smiled and clicked his fingers, a light beside me lit up and a girl was sitting there, mouth gagged and tears streaming down her face. "You see, when you put the choice of someone's life on another, you see their true colours. What their morals are. Aren't you interested in your friends?"

"I don't need to know his morals, I already know everything I need to know so why don't you just take a hike," I growled and one of them came over to me. He smacked my face and it stung like hell.

"You're testing my patience boy, be glad it's not me making the choice," he snapped and walked back to his friend.

"So Yugi Muto, in order to help make a choice between you and this girl. Here is a little information about her," one of the guys said and leaned down to him. "She's pregnant."

Yugi started to cry again, him almost choking on his sobs as he couldn't speak. I looked at the girl, she was looking at me as if she was trying to say sorry. Why should I be sorry? Of course Yugi is gonna pick me. He wouldn't let anything happen to me.

"W-What if. Y-You take me? Let them both go?" Yugi mumbled and my heat stopped. "P-Please let them both go...I beg you..."

The men began to laugh and one grabbed Yugi's hair pulling him up. He looked into Yugi's eyes and smirked at his tears.

I had already started my work behind the ropes, wriggling my hands free and not caring that the rope had started to burn against my skin and even something was trickling down. I will die before I let them take him away from me.

"Hm, brave little soul eh? What should we do boys?" the leader said and all of them snickered. My hands, although probably completed covered in blood had escaped their binds and my legs were already untied. "I think we'll take you up in your choice. You, free the boy and girl and get them out of herem"

I felt the body heat of someone behind me and waited for a moment, before grabbing the bottom of my seat and using my strength to flip myself up placing my legs on either side of his neck and twisting them.

A snap sound echoed as he dropped to the ground and Yugi looked horrified as I got up my chair. The person behind Yugi pulled a knife out and held it to his throat. "I wouldn't dare you psychopath! One more step and this kid is dead!" he yelled and Yugi squeaked a sob out.

I focused my mind and managed to find what this man is most terrified of, spiders. So I managed to create an effect, an oversized spider was behind him with red eyes. "Might want to look behind, you might look tasty to something."

The guy turned and I can only imagine his face as his saw the massive creature and bolted as this 'spider' chased him. I ran up to Yugi and untied him, rushing to his face was hung down stained with tears.

"Y-Yami...what did you just...." he mumbled and looked at the guy on the ground,

"Nevermind him right now, we have more important things to be worrying about," I said and helped him up. Even though I needed to get us out Yugi would want me to help that girl out. So when I turned around to face her I had the intention to save her. 

She looked up and I could see in her eyes how she was thanking me. I untied her and she stumbled into me. "Get off me and leave. Before you end up like them on the ground," I growled and she scurried off out.

I ran back to Yugi and pulled him up and started to move forward. I could tell some of the life was gone in him, but he was still fighting with me. 

I'm not dead guys!!! It has been so long since I updated because everything in my life is a mess, yey!!!!! Honestly I wish I was a bear so I could go to sleep and ignore everything for a while. But hey oh I'm here.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!

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