Chapater 3, Into the mind...

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*Yami's POV*

"Listen Yuge, you were quiet brave back there playing that game with that punk. I'm learning more about you each day," Jonouchi said and Yugi rolled onto his bed when he got changed because he just got in. 

"I keep telling you I don't remember anything that happened. I must of zoned out when this happened Jonouchi," he said and looked at his puzzle and hugged it. I can feel the warmth of his body through it. "Sorry but I'm heading to sleep, I feel so drained."

"Fair do bud, I'll see you in the morning. Night," Jonouchi said and they both hung up. Yugi got up and turned the main light off and kept his bed side lamp on.

"I wonder though what happened to me? I don't remember anything after Anzu got smacked. Oh well I'll just sleep for now," he said out loud and passed out on the bed. Even his sleeping there anything he does which is not cute? Is that even possible? Oh well I might as well go back to my own room in the puzzle. 

Every time Yugi is asleep I'm already in my room asleep but now he is the first one out. I wonder if this will change anything inside? Time to find out. I went out of his reality and back into the puzzle. I had to walk to my soul room but realized that the other door was open. I guess I never saw this door because it has always been closed. I had a look in and saw Yugi playing with some weird creature that was brown and round.

Whatever it is, it proves that anything that Yugi does is cute. The brown thing came bouncing along to me and started to rub against my leg. "Hey where are you going! Don't go out there or you'll get lost!!" Yugi yelled and I heard him started to make his way to the door. I had to move quick before he sees me!! I hid behind his door and the brown thing followed me.

I couldn't go anywhere, there's no where I can run to hide. I guess...I just need to let him see me. Yugi came around the corner and crouched, scooping up the brown thing in his arms. "Don't you run off out here again please Kuriboh!" he yelled and got up looking up and seeing me. "Um. Hi?"

"H-Hey there..."I mumbled and Yugi didn't move, even seemed like he wasn't breathing. "I- I um. Look I know this. This seems weird but er I. I can explain?" 

Ra I sound like a little school girl!! Yugi's blank expression changed to a smile as he let go of the thing called Kuriboh and grabbed my hand. "Well then if your going to explain then come into my room. My name is Yugi by the way, may I know yours?" he said and pulled me in. 

His room, it's so much more brighter and happier then mine. "Um...I-I'm Yami," I said and held out my hand. Yugi took it and shook it happily. He took me and sat me down on his bed and Kuriboh came and sat on my lap. "I guess he likes me?"

"Yeah he finds it a hard time to not like anyone. But not many people know about him. So Yami will you tell me the reason for being here?" he asked and I had no clue on how to answer because the question is why he was here. 

"Sorry but I don't really have a answer. But maybe that's for the best," I said and Yugi just shrugged it off. We spent a lot of time in his room, just chatting about random things and he tried to ask me about who I was but I side stepped them. "Listen Yugi I'm going to need to go. If you stay awake for too long then you'll be drained in the morning."

"What? No please don't go I'm enjoying this talk!" he said and grabbed my arms keeping me down. 

"Yugi I have to, maybe another time we can talk?" I said and he looked at me with sad eyes. Is he crying? "Err wait don't cry!! Please don't cry, I promise I'll be back tomorrow!!"

"Y-You promise?" he said and held his pinky out. Ra how can I refuse it. I gave him my pinky and we shook on it. He smiled happily then crawled into bed. "Then it's a promise and you can't back off from Yami! I look foreword to it!!"

I nodded my head then he closed his eyes. I decided to wait until he was fully asleep to stand up. He's so peaceful when he sleeps, how can a world be so cruel to him? As painful as this is, he can't remember me. He needs to forget. I walked over to him and kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry, but this must be done."

I hovered my hand over his face and focused, taken away the whole memory of me. Once I was done I moved my hand and ruffled his hair. I'll just continue with what I have been doing, protecting him from anything that will harm him. 

I left his room and returned to my own that was right across from his. Sleep tight Yugi, and know that your future is safe and I love you with all of my heart.

Aww they met in his soul room. But Yugi won't remember in the morning meeting him!! Ah well, least they had a little time to spend with each other. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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