Chapter 39, Four confused....

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*No one's POV*

They had made it back to the caravan, Yami still the one in control.

Sitting on the couch, he let Anzu lean against him with her back on his stomach.

"Your body been holding out alright?" Yami asked while looking around the room, considering it was his first time there and in control.

"Nevermind me, how in the france are you even here? Atem said you coul-"

"Sorry for interrupting but who is Atem?" Yami asked and used a free hand to tilt Anzu's head up to face him.

She thought to herself then, had they not met each other yet? Does that mean Atem hadn't gone to meet Yugi in the puzzle yet?

"It doesn't matter, we should focus on more important things right now," she said and sat up using Yami to turn herself around. "Can you separate yourself like before? How are you feeling? Does anything hurt or any new marks on you?"

"Anzu I'm fine, I've had time to recover," he chuckled seeing the worry in her eyes. He did a final look round and finally began to piece things together.

This timeline they are in had advanced further than his own time in it. But what about all the people he had to fight to get away from Yugi?

Anzu wasn't strong enough given her time loop jumping and the guys would always knock Yugi out, hence why he always appeared at first before he became his own person.

Asking Anzu to move, he got up to go to the bathroom but not actually needing it. He had to check the body, make sure there was nothing on it since it was Yugi's body and not his own.

He lifted up his shirt in front of the mirror, turned all the way around and found nothing. Not even a scratch from all the trouble that could happened.

A full body inspection later and he was clear, nothing was on him. A sigh of relief escaped him as he leaned against the sink. Still questioning to how he actually wasn't dead given how he was almost dead in the previous timeline.

All he can recall, is being tied up in the puzzle for the longest time and all of a sudden his restraints were taken off.

He couldn't see who it was, but absolutely sure it wasn't his Yugi. How, well because the peron wasn't tiny.

Not to mention Yami can spot his lover even in pitch black. After he was let go, he knew he had to take over the body and see what was going on even though he knew he would be in complete pain.

But once he hit the real world, that pain wasn't there. He felt new, almost as if it was his first time in the world. He didn't have time to question though as he saw Anzu run past with the guys right on her tail.

Which all lead to the moment right now, them in the caravan. He sighed loudly and washed his face, leaving and seeing Anzu doing some cooking. He felt bad seeing her do it by himself, so he washed his wands and joined her side.

"Won't don't you tell me what you want done and I'll do it? Must be tiring being the only one there for Yugi," Yami said while nudging her out to the living room.

"Yami I can handle this, you can help though," Anzu tried to say but tripped over her own foot. He caught her with his free arm and smirked, knowing he was in the right. "Fine. I'll sit."

He helped her to the couch and made sure to plop her down. But now came the hard part, everything for what he could remember from his time cooking was out the window. He felt like he had been in that puzzle for Ra knows how long.

Staring at the equipment in front of him and tried in his head to guess what she was making but he wasn't winning this battle. He gave up and stared at her with somewhat puppy eyes. She laughed and shook her head as she pointed to the fridge.

"Well how about you choose something you know how to do and we will go from there," she laughed and Yami was ready to throw a ball of plastic at her. Turning around he went to grab the handle but something tingle on his arm.

He rolled up the sleeve of the shirt but nothing was there, so he went to shake the feeling out of his system.

But now his legs were getting that feeling, with it being worse than the feeling in his arms. Not wanting to worry Anzu his disappeared into a room with calling out that he needed to check something. Once he was done calling out however he fell straight to the bed with now a massive pain through his head surging.

Everything went black.

The next thing he saw when he woke up was the same walls of the puzzle, he was back there again. But this time he didn't understand as to why he was brought back in. He looked around and saw the same eye that was on the outside of the puzzle was on a door.

Not thinking twice, he pushed through the door which lead to a hallway, but this one he knew. Walking down at full speed he reached his end goal.

It lead to the two doors of his own room and Yugi's. His heart rate picked up, his face growing warmer over the thought of even seen Yugi again.

He held the door, he could just feel the sweet side of Yugi coming through. With a smile on his face, he twisted the door handle.

A object was slapped across his mouth and something against his stomach and arms pulling him back from the room.

He let out a muffled yell as he was dragged into his room and thrown to the floor. As he was getting up, he heard his door being locked and when he got to his feet he saw what it was.

"Ok how the fuck did you take my control?" the man asked. Yami was confused, he was seeing double. Well apart from the difference in their skin, he looked exactly like Yami. "You shouldn't be alive, what is happening!"

"Shut your bloody mouth Yugi will hear you yelling," Yami said and the other shut up as soon as the name left his mouth. "And I don't know, yes I know I should be dead but I'm not, so I'm back in the driving seat."

The other looked at him with daggers in his eyes and balled his fist looking between Yami and the door.

"Who are you? How have you been controlling Yugi ans when the hell did you get here?" Yami asked folding his arms

Although he couldn't see what was happening in the real world, he could sense someone was controlling his host. It was a unfamiliar feeling, one he doesn't wish he had to feel again.

He wanted this other person out of Yugi's body.

The other laughed at him, flicking a piece of his hair out of his face and walking to the door.

"My name is Atem, I'm the murderous side of you that you left and I am in love with Yugi Muto," he smirked at that last part with staring at Yami. "You think you can keep him, but you will perish soon. And when you do he will be mine."

With that, Atem existed the room, leaving a shocked, more confused but oh so livid Yami.

He hadn't had the feeling of murder for some time, but something was starting to simmer because of Atem. He didn't want to murder however, he left that feeling loops ago when he promised Yugi he would never murder again.

But he just wanted Atem out of his body, mind and the picture all together.

Two titans meet, Yami and Atem. Both share a difficult love, but only one can win this war. With Yami's condition and Atem's murder ways, can either of them succeed?

Or, is this story of loops bound to end in a tragic way?

Meh, what would I know?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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