Chapter 16, New House...

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*Yami's POV*

"I look ridiculous," I said looking down at the clothes Yugi had gave me. We had the same clothes, only different colours. It was a hoodie that made us look like clowns.

"Oh come on, you're in my hoodie which looks good on you if I do say so myself," he said and winked at me. I love his face.

The bus came around the corner and we jumped on, Yugi paying for the tickets and I grabbed us two seats. "Where are we gonna go anyway?" Yugi asked as I was watching the bus drive away from the stop. Fascinating, how long did it take to put these stops up around the place? Who even had the time for it?

"Far away from here. I guess your family and friends already know, so we shouldn't have to worry," I said and patted his shoulder. "None of our friends will call the police. Unless our faces go on the news we'll be safe."

I smiled at him as he rested his head on my shoulder. I was happy, we were together and away from anyone that could take his attention from me.

His phone started ringing.... Can I throw it out the window?

"Sorry Jonouchi is acting like an overprotective mother," he said and answered the call. "Dude come on, I'm old enough to look after myself. Plus I'm not alone."

"Oh yeah, your friend you have been avoiding us for. I swear dude you and the guy are going out," he said and we turned to each and chuckled. "I guess it doesn't matter, as long as he takes good care of ya. Keep me in contact."

Yugi hung up the phone and I grabbed it putting it in my pocket. "No more distractions?" I said and Yugi shook his head but smiled. Maybe 30 minutes passed by, maybe more and Yugi still didn't tell me to get off. I was getting slightly nervous as we were leaving the city, until Yugi pushed the button. 

We got up, picking up our bags and got off. "Yugi we are in the middle of nowhere," I said looking around. There was a huge body of water next to sand.

"It's not exactly nowhere, it's somewhere," he said and I rolled my eyes. "My papa had bought a house here a while ago. I knew this would be a great place for us to come."

He lead the way and we walked along the sand and the water was crashing in and out. I was, at peace here. The sound and being here with Yugi everything seems like it can't go wrong. Like I didn't commit murder once again the other day.

"Look Yami!!! It's there!!!" Yugi bolted forward dragging his bag on the sand. I smiled fondly at him as he ran off and a building was in the distance. I had to run myself to be able to keep up with him and we ended up at the bottom of the stairs. "Come on slowpoke!!"

"I'm right behind you doughball," I said and shook my head. He grabbed keys from his pocket and opened the door walking in and throwing his bag somewhere. All we could both say was....


Who is Yugi's dad? This looks like something only royalty would live in, I have a strange feeling right now. Yugi looked like a child that has been given a favorite toy that he has wanted for ages. He was running around the house, checking every room while I sat in the living room. I laughed watching him bounce from room to room until he stopped at one.

"Yami come look at the bedroom," he whispered and walked in. I got up and walked to the room standing at the door. It was...almost as beautiful as Yugi.

The windows covered at least two of the walls which showed off the water, a bathroom connected from the bedroom and another door. "It has a massive closet in it," he said and opened it climbing in. "Look! It's me size."

"Stop being so cute will ya?" I asked and he laughed coming out the closet. Heh, that feels slightly funny. "I guess we will be living here for a while. But there's only a double bed here, sure you're alright sleeping in the same bed as me?"

Yugi face flashed a new shade of red as he buried his face into his hands. I laughed and pulled his hands from his face, himself turning away to face anything but me. 

"Come on I was only kidding, I'll sleep on the couch if you want," I said.

"N-No. I-I want you to sleep with me," he said but realized what he said and went the deepest red I have ever seen. "O-O-Oml! I-I didn't mean it like that!! I um. Just want you beside me when we go to sleep. That's all...."

"You make my heart soft," I whispered and patted his head. "I knew what you meant doll, don't worry. I won't do anything you never want. Let's get something to eat ey?"

We walked out the bedroom and into the massive living room.  Yugi went to rummaged through the cupboards while I looked around more to only discover at least three bathrooms.

The house was more or less covered in windows which made me uneasy. Some bushes moved outside and what I could gather there was no wind. I noticed a glass door and went to open it.

"Yami can we have pizza tonight!?!" Yugi yelled which made me flinch. I looked at him as he was rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet holding the box in his hand. "If you don't like anything on it there is a selection in here for you. I didn't even know my papa had stocked it."

"Are they even still in their expiration dates?" I asked out loud and Yugi looked at the box. I turned my attention outside again and nothing was out there but I was still on edge. I felt something light hit me and turned around to see Yugi had ripped off a piece of cardboard and threw it at me.

"Yammmmiii," he whined and I gave up walking over to him. I brought him into a hug and kissed the top of his head.

"Pizza sounds great."

Well look who isn't dead. *Points at self.*

Having a job now and also making online friends and speaking with them takes my time. But I wanna get back into writing,  at least have a chapter done once every three days or something. Hope you guys haven't got boredAlso please forgive me if there is any mistakes, I am extremely rusty.

But anYWAYS,

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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