Chapter 18, Collecting thoughts...

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*No one's POV*

It was starting to take affect on him, both mentally and physically.

There is only so much a person can take. Watching your lover die in your arms not one, twice, but three times. He was breaking. Yami didn't know what he was doing wrong.

He tried everything. Staying close to Yugi since the start by being in his world which took a toll on his body, tried getting him not to run away because of what he did, even tried asking him to stay away from the school. It all ended the same, Yugi lying in Yami's arms, covered in his own blood.

So, Yami had a new plan. Which was to kill himself in the long run.

Stay fully away from Yugi Muto.

He thought long and hard on this choice but sees no other way. He would only switch bodies for when he was in trouble, and always avoid him in the puzzle. Hell, he would keep the door closed if it means to keep him safe.

So Yami sat there, in the darkness of the puzzle staring at nothing. Yugi was asleep so he was allowed a breather but not for long as he has been killed in his sleep once before. Yami heard crying coming from Yugi's room, and it hurt him. No killed him not to run to his lover and comfort him. He was behaving like a yo-yo, going to his door to open it then moving away.

The crying continued for most of the night and Yami knew his love would not have the energy for in the morning so he had to break his own rules. He opened the door.

He made his way to Yugi's door and held the handle already feeling the warmth he had missed so much. Twisting it, he heard sniffles and walked in greeted by a growling Kuriboh for a few seconds until it rubbed against his leg.

"U-Um hello?" Yugi mumbled and wiped his eyes to try to hide the tears. "Who are you? You seem really familiar?"

"I-I-I-" Yami mumbled, nervous in front of Yugi. Each cycle he always gets like this for the first time. Even though he knew first impressions are everything, when it comes to Yugi he can't compose himself. "I'mmm....just someone."

Yugi titled his head at Yami, but put on a small smile as he got up from his bed. "Well just someone, come in. It's not safe out there," he said and grabbed Yami's hand. In the meantime, Yami's heart was doing flips. "Kuriboh always protects me, but has said there something out there."

"Really now? Something," Yami said as he stepped in and looked around the room. Same room as always.

"He said there's something dark out there, that is cold and almost evil," Yugi said and held a pillow close to him. It hurt Yami's heart hearing that, his light thinking that of him. "But I think he's nice.

"I feel like he is misunderstood. That he has something to do but has to do....bad things. I-I'm sure he has a reason though!"

He couldn't hold it anymore. Yami ran to him and hugged him, wanting to thank someone that he somehow believes in him.

"I'm gonna protect you this time, I swear," Yami mumbled and brought Yugi in tighter but was careful not to hurt his lover. Yami got carried away and held on for too long, forgetting he was a complete stranger right now to Yugi.

"S-S-Sorry! I er didn't think about that!" Yami yelled while moving from Yugi. He rubbed the back of his neck while his face was going a light shade of red.

He always liked how Yugi can make him a shell of himself, make him feel powerless and....normal. Yami wished he could keep Yugi in the puzzle, protect him from the horrible fate he was perhaps soon to endure once again.

Yami thought he had embarrassed himself enough today, and was ready to walk out the room. But a little grip on his jacket stopped him.

"Hold on a minute, I didn't say I didn't like the hug," Yugi mumbled causing Yami to face him. The smaller one was also turning red. "Also, I don't know your name. I wanna learn something about you."

Yami's heart strings were pulling at him right now, he wanted to tell this Yugi everything, but the fear of something happening to him was even bigger. Watching him get killed again for no reason, Yugi did not deserve this fate, if anyone deserved it, Yami thought it would be him.

"Yugi I...I'm not a nice person to learn about and get close to," Yami mumbled trying to get Yugi's grip off of him. He wanted to get away from the smaller before it was too late for him to turn back.

"It may be a bad choice...."Yugi mumbled then got in front of Yami and grabbed his shirt. "But it's my choice to make."

Now it was too late.

Yami had started to cry, bringing Yugi into a hug and hiding his face in Yugi's neck. "I-I-I can't lose you again...please just listen to me...and don't talk to me. Don't be around me...d-don't...." Yami tried to spit out the last bit but was feeling faint. "Don'"

Yami lost his strength in his legs and fell, Yugi's arms being wrapped around him in a safe matter. Even though Yami had promise himself he wouldn't, he had fell for Yugi again already in a heartbeat. 

Yugi placed one of Yami's arms around his neck and helped him over to his bed laying him down. Kuriboh jumped up and tilted his head at Yami, as if he was trying to figure something  his mind. Then he snuggled up to Yami's hand, making Yami confused but pet the brown fluffball.

"You still haven't told me your name?" Yugi questioned and placed his elbows on the bottom of his bed and his head on top of his hands. "I wanna know the name of my 'so called bad choice!" 

Yugi was smiling brightly at the other laying in his bed now and Yami's heartbeat was going through the roof. Yami had some colour now return to his pale face that he did not know he had. 


Alright next thing I'm gonna tackle... GETTING BACK TO IT'S TOO HARD!!! Honestly I've been an idiot to leave it but I have had no interest in trying to pick it back up for a while. But now, seeing that people have been wanting me to get back to it, I've finally got myself motivated to write up the next chapter of it.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know dowN below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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