Chapter 34, Shadi having enough...?

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*No one's POV*

Yugi was the first to waken up from a nurse coming in, it was the one taking care of Yami from the other day with a tray and some cups on it. She turned on the lights but to a dim setting as it was still dark outside with the time being 5am.

"Hello Mr Muto, glad to see you awake," she whispered and placed the tray down on the table. "I have the choice of tea or coffee here for you both. "But I would like to talk to you outside if that is alright?" 

Yugi agreed and slid of the bed leaving the room with the nurse. They went to an empty room and both took a seat, the nurse looking uneasy. 

"I wanted to wait until you were both up, but I fear of waiting for too long," she went on and brought out her phone. She played a video of a man Yugi knew all too well standing  outside of their room. "Do you know this man?"

"I do, when was this taken?"  Yugi asked as the worry in him was starting to grow. 

"It was not long that Yami returned to his room, this man was staring inside and was messing around with something in his pocket. Before I got close to see he noticed me and ran off," she finished while Yugi was clenching at his fist. 

He went into his own pocket and grabbed his phone, messaging Anzu to get her back to the hospital. They now needed to take their own shifts with staying awake making sure Shadi doesn't get to either of them. One more time loop might be the end, and Yugi didn't want the others going through the pain yet again. 

The phone buzzed with him not thinking he would with it being so late with her saying she would over straight away.

"I can also help with these shifts you will do," the nurse said while patting Yugi's shoulder. "You ever need someone to help cover or get you good food. Just ring and ask for Kiki and I will be right there!"

"Thank you miss, I'm gratefull for your help and I hope we can resolve this," Yugi said while smiling.

A little of the suns raise was shinning through as the time had seemed to skipped by. The nurse had to leave for another call, leaving Yugi to return to his room and see his sleeping partner. 

Looking down at him, everything he had been told of all the other loops was coming back to him. Yami may be violent now, but Yugi hadno doubt in his mind that he would now never murder anyone. He may threaten people and maybe pull out a weapon but to commit the act? 

Yugi believed he had learn enough about this world. 

"Yugi?" he heard which threw him out of his thoughts. Yami had opened his eyes and was smiling as Yugi's face was turning red from being caught staring. "What's up, getting embarrashed cause I caught ya?"

"N-No! I wasn't straing!! I was just-!"

Yugi's hand was grabbed gently and brought to the bed. Yami made him sit down as he himself sat up looking at the bedisde clock they had. "It's late, did you have a bad sleep? Or did something wake you up?" Yami asked placing his hads onto Yugi's cheek. 

His touch, there was a slight warmth to it but a lot of coldness. 

"No I-I'm fine I swear. Just couldn't sleep to well," Yugi managed to mumble out. The other wasn't conviced but let it slip for a while staring at all of his features. 

"Yugi I love you."

"I love you too Yami, but that is coming out a little at the blue no?" Yugi asked while chuckling a little. But was shut up when lips were attached to his. Yami had moved without making too much sound.

Yugi smiled leaning in and returning the kiss. Aftera mintue they departed while Yami placed his head onto Yugi's shoulders.

"I don't feel so good Yugi, but please don't go," Yami begged, now grabbing both of Yugi's arm tightly.

As soon as those words left his mouth Yugi called for a nurse to get Kiki to come to them to give Yami a check up. He didn't want to take any chances. 

Time passed, from fifthteen minutes to half an hour and still no sign of Kiki. The pair was justlying there on the bed wrappedin each others arms. That is, until they heard a comotion outside. Yugi got out the bed and went out, almost being taken out by a strecher running past.

Anzu was running slightly behind, finally getting to were Yugi was and stood trying to cacth her breath. 

"Anzu are you alright, who was that!?!" Yugi yelled out as he held her up and was bringing her to their room. Yami had gotten out his bed and opened the door to see what was going on, saw Yugi helping Anzu and ran to help her as well.

"A-A nurse!! She was stabbed at the front door when I was walking in!!" Anzu cried out as the boys finally got her inside and to the bed to sit down. "Yugi....I think it was the one that has been treating Yami..."

The boys were both panicing and Yami tried to run out, but Anzu placed her hands on him.

"You can not run out there, you are in no condition!!" Anzu yelled out as tears were racing down her face. Yami tired to fight her, but a sharp pain ran throw his back and he gritted his teeth. 

So Yugi took the chance to run off, with Anzu and Yami calling after him. He made sure to as a nurse to where Kiki was, appearntly she had to be rushed into an emergancy operation so he wouldn't be allowed in. But somehting else caught his attention in the corner of his eye. Which was walking up to the roof. 

He didn't think twice to run after them with his fists balled. There was no doubt in his mind that he hurt Kiki. Yugi wasn't going to let him get away with it.

He reached the top with the door closed so he kicked it open. The person who he thought it was flinched when the door opened, but had a smlie on his face.

"I knew you would follow seeing me, Yugi," he said and held out a hand. "Would you care to join me?"

"Mind telling why you stabbed her Shadi?" Yugi asked making sure to stand his ground.

Shadi laughed, retracting his arm and folding them. 

"To get your attention of course."

Shadi has now began to hurt innocent people, he has gone too far now. But with Yami getting worse and Yugi alone, is there another reset of the time loop coming up?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, of so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!

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