Chapter 32, Is it almost up...?

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*No one's POV*

Yugi was lost in thought but Anzu was sat there with a scowl on her face.

"So your name is Shadi, why has it took so much time for you to come fourth when one of ours is almost dead?" Anzu asked ready to punch the man in the face but Yugi made sure to hold her arms down.

"Because believe me when I saw child I did not expect for this to be so bad, if I thought the Pharaoh was this bad then I would have stepped in before hand," Shadi explained as he sat down at the door. 

"Why are you here now then? Wanna explain how we can beat these loops?" Anzu asked but received no answer. "You had better tell me before I make sure Yami knows you in the next loop and kills you."

"Kill me and you will never know how this ends," Shadi stated and made both their ears perk up. "There is a way of beating this, but it's whenever you two can live with the choices you have made. All the loops combined, you weren't supposed to die and that is why you now have to suffer. But there is only one way for any of you to have a happy ending."

Yugi and Anzu had a pre-mature celebration smiling head to toe, thinking that all the effort that they had put in were finally gonna pay off.

Yugi had already had it planned, he was gonna ask if Yami wanted to move in with him and they could finish high school off. Maybe they could even get into playing Duel Monsters for a career and become a professional team.

Meanwhile Anzu wanted to take up dancing, go traveling to New York and start lessons and go into tournaments.

"The only way you can make this a happy ending is if I wipe you memories until the moment that my Pharaoh is on this planet," Shadi said making the pair's plans and their jaws drop.

"S-So what you're saying is that I'm not allowed to remember any of what has happened? Everything will be gone? Even my....relationship with Yami?" Yugi muttered out while trying to keep his eyes glued to floors. Not wanting the others to see the tears threatening to fall. 

Shadi nodded his head as Yugi let go of the grip he had on Anzu but she didn't move. Because she too, was fighting an urge. An urge not to fly for Shadi and beat him to a pulp. She may not be so close to Yami, seeing how he had killed her in a previous run. But still, it's a love hate friendship that they had. 

A nurse came by and saw the three, looking confused until they all made eye contact with her. "Well, he is stable right now. By the looks of his scans his body has had a lot of trauma," she said and looked a the wall across from the group. "In a short story, with the amount of wounds he has. He is a walking dead man."

"He should be dead? Are they that bad?" Yugi asked, feeling lumps in the back of his throat forming. He knew about the damage him and Anzu have had to go through, but he didn't think that they should be dead.

"Can his body heal?" Anzu asked putting a hand on Yugi's shoulder and giving it a rub. 

But when the nurse was taking too long to answer Yugi was hearing his heart sink. "I won't be cruel and lie to you guys, and I also won't give you false hope like a lot of other people would. So I don't know for if it will. We will keep him here for a while to keep a close eye on him. We can only keep on of yous here with him. "

It was a no brainer to who was going to stay, but Anzu didn't feel right to just go back to her home so far away from the pair so she made sure to find a hotel nearby. 

The nurse left leaving the three in the room, two of them unsure what to do. 

"You are running out of time and I don't think you will want to sit around and think about," Shadi muttered and was prepared to leave. "But think about it small one, would you rather see him suffer and slowly die or forget about him for another chance to be with him. Better make your move soon."

Those were the last words Shadi left. And that's when Yugi fully broke down.

"I-I don't want to Anzu.... I don't wanna forget about him, no matter the bad or the good I love him..." Yugi bawled as his legs were starting to buckle. Anzu seeing this forced him to sit down and watched as he started to ball up. "B-But if I keep him here....he-he'll die and I'll never see him again..."

Although he was debaiting it, he already knew what he had to do. 

Visiting times were almost over, so Anzu said her goodbye as Yugi went up to Yami's room. Opening the door, Yami turned and smiled to him straight away seeing him. 

"Feels like forever since I've seen you angel, come sit with me," Yami said patting the side of him. He grabbed a remote for the t.v in his room and put a movie channel on. "I have grown attached to movies and this one seems nice. A Walk to Remember, seems cheesy but hey ho."

Yugi didn't say anything as he plopped himself next to Yami on the bed. Looking at him up and down, he was seeing scars coming up from under his shirts onto his neck and a deep coloured bruise was already existing on his neck.

"I know it looks bad doesn't it?" Yami asked wrapping an arm around Yugi and pulling him close. "But hey it's the price I pay for keeping you safe. I will gladly take this price."

"But I don't want you to be suffering because of me!" Yugi yelled gripping the bedsheets. "Didn't you hear? You should be dead! You're dead because of me and now your body is just suffering because of me! Just stop!!"

Yami's face turned to a sad one as his grip tightened on Yugi and brought him closer. 

"I was already dead before I met you Yugi, so this doesn't ma-"

"It matters to me Yami!!!!" Yugi balled out and threw himself onto Yami. "You're covered in cuts, you have that many bruises on you that someone can play dot to dot and I don't even know about what is unseen!!!"

The tears had soaked through Yami's shirt and into some of the many scars he had, but the pain he was feeling was at the bottom of his list. 

"I'm sorry love, but I know everything that happened downstairs. With Shadi, what he said and what needs to be done," the injured said as he stroked Yugi's head.

"And not matter what you say, I'm dying for you."

Yami doesn't seem to be giving Yugi a choice dose he? So does that mean he has fully accepted the price he has to pay? Is Yami's time finally coming to an end?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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