Chapter 33, His actions...

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*No one's POV*

Yami sat there in the dark thinking about the time he had left. He had to speak to someone first, probably reset the loop one more time and explain to Jonouchi he needs to keep Yugi safe.

But the question was, would he even survive the reset long enough to tell him.

He was stuck, stuck and no place to turn.

Now with the amount of time he has spent with Yugi and watching him sleep next to him, Yami started to silently cry. He was scared, he was going to lose him and everything he had worked for.

And he wasn't ready to let go yet, there was so much he wanted to do with Yugi. A lot he wanted to learn about the world and to why everyone was so cruel. Yami had the thought that everything happened for a reason, even though he did not have the answers for everything that has happened to himself.

In his mind, he didn't want to be lying down for too long so he slide out the bed as quietly as he could and watched Yugi with his every move. And with that, he left the room.

Walking seemed fine for him, not struggling to walk, not having trouble to get air. But one thing he did not feel, was the powers he had. He felt....normal. Is this what Yugi feels like all the time? 

So much was running through his head as he noticed a set of stairs. They had signs, for some for the bottom floors and even to the balcony on the roof.  Some fresh air was seeming nice so Yami made his way up there using the rails just in case of an accident. For some reason he felt a bit nervous on the stairs.

Making his way up, he saw the door to the balcony creaked open making his walls go up slightly. Opening the door, he saw the nurse who has been taking care of him holding the bar. He sighed as he opened the door making the nurse look back at him.

"I would say you shouldn't be walking about, might end up killing you but you should already be dead," she said as he brought up a cigarette to her mouth and breathed in.

"And I could say smoking that will kill you, but something tells me you're aiming for it," Yami said as he moved towards her and leaned on the bar staring out at the city. "So why are you slowly killing yourself with that?"

"Everyone has their past, mine is too much and it is all piling up. It's not like I have anyone waiting for me at home," she explained as she blew out the smoke she had in her mouth. "And I don't have the guts to fully do it, so slow and steady wins the race."

Yami couldn't say anything, because unless it was Yugi he didn't know how to cheer anyone up. So he stood there, rubbing his hands together as he was slightly cold. But a warmth came apon him as a jacket was put on his shoulders, looking to his side the nurse had put it on him.

"Why take a job about saving other people when you are struggling to safe yourself?" Yami asked and grabbed the sides of the jacket pulling it to him not really understanding the gesture.

"Because I thought it would give me the reason I was looking for to move forward, but it has just made me more in distraught," she said as she went to inhale more of the smoke.

"I. I don't think you should give up," Yami let out without really thinking of it. "I came into this world not thinking I had a reason until I found my light, my angel, my.....Yugi. He is everything to me and the reason I wanna keep going. Even with all my scars."

It seemed like Yami words had gotten through to her, cause she  stopped before the stick got to her mouth and stared at it. He had learned about the different things that cause humans to hasten their deaths, the common ones being smoking, drinking and doing something called drugs.

The only reason he looked at this is because he wanted to make sure his Yugi wasn't doing any of it. 

She sighed and placed the stick into the tray and putting it out. 

"You're a walking dead man, with multiple scars and bruises but you still have that motivation to go on. You have guts sir, in this cruel world," she said as she leaned against the pole and took in a deep breath. She turned to the city and smiled before she gripped the bars and opened her mouth.

"I WILL NOT GIVE UP!! I WILL FIGHT!!!" she screamed making Yami look at her confused. But when she turned and had a massive smile on her, he couldn't help but to mirror it. "I want to believe that my reason for living will appear soon, even if it does take a long time. I have to and will fight."

The shift in her was a new one for Yami to see, but it made it him smile a little. With it getting late the pair decided to go in, Yami giving her the jacket back as they got to the top of the stairs. "Your relationship with Mr Muto is a lovely one to witness, seeing him not leave your side is very warming," the nurse said as was going down the stairs first.

Yami was close behind her, feeling light headed as he took some steps down. The stairs had started to shake as he took more and didn't stop. "Y-Yeah...I really hi-"

His foot missed a step and he felt himself slip on one going forward. He thought this was it, he would fall down. Fall down and crack his head forcing another loop. The one where his eyes wouldn't open back up.

But no impact was made, in fact a pair of arms were holding him at the bottom. His nurse had caught him.

"Maybe we should get you back to your room, don't think your partner would enjoy hospitals if something happened to you," she laughed and helped Yami back up on his feet. She kept an arm wrapped around him to help steady him as they walked down the halls. 

Turned out Yami was lucky when he was walking about, being spotted on his own would result to being sent back to his room. But with the nurse by his side she lied saying she was helping him walk round.

Once back to the room, they saw that Yugi was still asleep but was hugging himself. Yami's heart picked up as the nurse left him on the bed to get comfy. 

"Thank you for the help," Yami whispered as he got up the covers and wrapped his arms around Yugi pulling him in. "Also, keeping fighting, your light will come some day."

"I will Yami, thank you for the talk," she said as she walked out dimming the lights so they weren't so bright leaving Yami to fall asleep in comfort.

It feels like forever since I have updated. Feel like a dead potato recently, also I have had a massive pain but now that it's gone I should hopefully wright a little bit more. 

But yeah, instead of killing people Yami actually helped someone! Just when his time is about to run out and he turns a new leaf. How will the group spend the time they have left?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!! 

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