Chapter 17, The first...

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*Aha be prepared for this chapter ya'll. It's gonna be a ride.*

*Yami's POV*

We woke up the next morning, and Yugi was clinging onto my shirt. I couldn't help to smile at him, I have him all to myself without anyone being able to disturb us. Although the bushes that were moving last night makes me nervous slightly. We couldn't be watched could we?

Doesn't matter, anyone that even so looks at Yugi the wrong way will have their necks snapped.

I managed to wriggle out of his grip and went to the kitchen trying to decide what to make for breakfast. Should it be sausage and toast, or pancakes?

*Yugi's POV*

Last night was the best sleep I have had in awhile. Snuggled up to Yami, I couldn't ask for anything better.

I noticed Yami was not next to me but the smell of pancakes got rid of any my thoughts. I took a quick shower and went out after getting changed. 

Yami's smile was the first thing I saw and I mirrored him. "Morning sunshine, hope you're ready for breakfast. There's butter, maple syrup and also nutella for you to choose from," Yami said as he placed the last batch on a plate.

"You have given me choices? Wow I feel so loved!" I yelled and sat down. He laughed as he put the plate in front of me and took the seat next to me. "What about you? What do you like?"

"You, I like you," he said which made me blush. "Honestly you can put whatever on them and I'll still eat it. Put whatever you prefer on them."

I nodded and smeared them in syrup. We split them in half and started to eat while some baking show was on the t.v. Even though we were still mostly wanted, this felt nice. Just me and Yami in this house, no one to hate on us or try to turn us in. I can get used to it. A bright idea came to me so I turned to Yami and grabbed his hand.

"Can we get a puppy for here!?!" I yelled and put my best face on. 

Yami interlocked his hands with mine and planted a kiss on my cheek. "I'll get you anything in the world if you want. Get ready and we'll head out," he said and I jumped off my seat but not before stuffing more pancakes into my mouth. 

I ran to our room and went to grab my phone. But a cold chill went down my spine, and the room suddenly went dark. I wanted to call out to Yami but I couldn't find the strength to use my voice.

"You're the host, aren't you?" I heard and turned to the closet. A hand was sticking out and was going round in a hypnotic circle. "You are the reason he is here, and the world is so messed up."

He? Who are they talking about? I'm so confused...and scared. 


"Ssshh sshhh child, I will free you from his grip. And by freeing you, I will be rid of him," the person said and a glow started to come from their hand. A weird feeling in my stomach started to happen, which made me fall to the ground.

*Yami's POV*

"Yugi!! You alright in there!?!?" I yelled. He was taking a long time in there, and I think I heard a thud. The sinking feeling in my chest wasn't doing me any good either. I don't want to just check on him because of this feeling, but it is starting to hurt now.

I finally took action and went to the room, walking a little too fast for a house. I knocked on the door and got no answer. Suddenly, a surge of pain ran through my body. It was too much to handle and I collapsed onto the ground holding my arm. I looked down, and felt my stomach drop.

My hand was disappearing... my whole hand was like glass.

This made me think the worst of Yugi and got the strength to stand up, and burst through the door. I started to cry.

Yugi was on the ground with blood pouring out his stomach....and his eyes were rolled back.

I fell to the ground and crawled over to him, picking him up and holding him close. He had no heat to him, his blood was soaking through my shirt and his chest wasn't going up. 

"Yugi....." I mumbled and buried my face into his neck to try and silent my sobs. I had him right under my roof...and I still couldn't protect him.

Anger, sorrow, a sense of lose. All that was going in my mind. My only love has been stripped from me, and I couldn't do nothing about it. I started to feel more lighter, I looked over and saw my legs were almost fully gone.

I forgot, in this world if Yugi does not exist in this world then I can't exist. But in a world where Yugi is not in it, I want nothing to do with it. So, I accept this. As my final body parts were vanishing and Yugi's body was on the ground, I entered a white void as a teardrop slid down my face.

.........The end........

Hell no will I end this so soon!!! I am not nearly enough done with this story.


My vision came back, and the surroundings look familiar. "My lord, you have awoken," I heard and snapped my head to the voice. By the figure, you can tell it was a women but I do not recognise her voice. "You seem to have lost your body for the first time. Do you understand what you did wrong?"

"What the hell are you speaking about? Why am I here?" I asked and looked around. This cold feeling, it's the same for what I had inside the puzzle. But this is only one room, inside the puzzle is a literal maze.

"Do not worry my lord, for now understand what you did wrong and learn," she said and disappeared into the darkness. I sighed and looked down, my whole body was here.

A light was in the distance which seemed to be the only thing around, so I started to walk towards it. It turned out to be a mirror, and what was through it shocked my core.

Yugi was sitting in the game shop in his room, battered and bruised. But that isn't what shocked me, that actually made me livid. What shocked me, was that the puzzle was sitting in front of him....


Have fun with this ya'll, I think I sort of have an idea what direction to take this story. If I'm being honest most of my stories I don't even plan the ended. I just go with the flow!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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