Chapter 22, He stays...

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The next day...

*No one's POV*

Both Jonouchi and Yami fought on who would carry Yugi home after he was allowed home. Eventually after threatening a knife to Jonouchi, Yami won the battle and was happily carrying Yugi.

"So what's your plan now Jonouchi?" Yugi asked as he snuggled into Yami's chest. 

"Well I wanna make sure you're ok for the next few days so I'm gonna stay with you two," Jonouchi said. Yami was ready to fly at him.

"Hell no, you are not staying with us," Yami said and brought Yugi closer to him. "I brought him here to keep us safe from people and having you there with us will not help. You may be his friend but I refuse to let this happen."

Yugi swore he could see sparks between his boyfriend and best friend and didn't know how to defuse it. The argument kept going until they got home, Yami placing Yugi on the couch in the living room

"H-Having two people around is better right?" Yugi asked getting a death stare from Yami.

"Oh so all of a sudden I'm not good enough for you anymore huh!?! You need him more than me!!" Yami screamed out. He felt hurt, everything he has done to this point has been for Yugi. And right now, he felt like he was being replaced. "You shouldn't need anyone else but me!!"

"Oi fuse bomb, he's allowed friends by his side," Jonouchi said and shrugged his shoulders. "There is no need to be yelling like that, he's done nothing wrong."

As much he wanted to punch the blond in front of him, Yami had to ball his fists and left slamming the door on his way out. He just walked and walked as he didn't want to be near the two of them. 

He couldn't believe it, this was supposed to be only him and Yugi's time and then he had the guts to come here.

He ended up on a lonely bench along the beach, sitting down and taking a breath. Cause of the amount of resets, he has learned a lot of this world. There is a sort of, armed men called police who should do his job in protect people. But he hasn't seen a single one when his Yugi was in danger.

Giggles came from behind him, he turned and saw a young boy and girl sitting shoulder to shoulder on another bench. 

"Hey!!!! Akiza!!" someone screamed as the ran up to the pair. They separated a little, but held hands as they wave to the person wondering over to them. He got a Jonouchi vibe from this person.

They sat down with the pair smiling as the other two smiled with them. Can he be like that? Smile with Jonouchi there with them? He couldn't send him away, so he had no choice but to accept him. 

The time away always made him think that he was far too harsh with Yugi, going off on him like that was the worse thing he has ever done. He's never yelled at him like that in any of his loops. Sharing his Yugi, was going to be hard. Extremely hard. But for his Yugi he is willing to try. 

So with a plan in his head, he took off back to the house. He had all the confidence in the world, holding his chest out and having a strong walk. However when he got back to the house and a hand on the handle he froze. He never thought on how he was going to say sorry.

"O-Ow Jonouchi, that hurts!" Yugi screamed as Yami perked up. "Please move a little..."

"I can't, I'll just be more on you if I move," Jonouchi said and Yami's blood began to boil.

He slammed the door open and found something confusing in front of him. Yugi and Jonouchi on a mat, it had at least five colors on it and some sort of dial to the left of them. "Wha- what the hell is this?" Yami asked closing the door.

"Twister," Jonouchi said and looked up seeing Yami's confused face. "It's the aim of the game, the bodies to be all tangled to each other. So don't be too mad."

Yugi looked up and saw Yami's face, he looked away and seemed sad. 

"J-Just...Yugi?" Yami asked not getting the other to look at him. "Please... be careful, yo're healing..."

Yugi's heart skipped a beat as he slightly nodded his head. Yami sat on a chair away from them, watching them and making sure nothing went wrong. Yugi stepped on Jonouchi's hand at one point, but the blond was the one to fall at the end. 

They ended up eating beans, sausage and toast for their dinner and although it felt slightly awkward Yugi ended up in the middle of the couch. Once finished, the guilt was eating away at Yami too much so he tapped Yugi's thigh to gain his attention. He nodded his head to their bedroom and he stood up first.

He didn't think Yugi would follow, but the other was right behind him closing the door after. Yami didn't waste a second, to bring him into a tight hug and against the wall. 

"I am so sorry for yelling at you baby," Yami said, as he moved his hand to the back of Yugi's head and ran it through his hair. "I didn't mean to scream at you...I-I jealously just go-"

"Shut up," Yugi said and pushed him forward a little to see his face. He had a smile on him. "I understand Yami. I get understand jealousy as well. It may have been slightly overboard but... I wouldn't stay mad at you for it."

It was Yami's turn for his heart rate to pick up, his face to start to change a different color as Yugi's hand rested on his cheek.

Closer and closer their face's got as their lips touched. Yami couldn't help it, to press his chest to touch Yugi's and a leg in between his. A small whimper escaped Yugi, a grin on Yami as his kisses traveled down Yugi's face to his neck.

"Hey!!!! Yuge!!! There's a delivery at the door from the others!!!" Jonouchi shouted as Yami stopped what he was doing and sighed.

"I will not let him stay if he interrupts us," Yami said and put his hands to Yugi's waist. "Tell him to think before he speaks before I have to drill it into him."

"Ey be nice, he's my best friend and doesn't mean anything by it." Yugi said and held the door handle. he thought of what was going to happen a second ago, and his face went red looking at his lover. "A-And I wouldn't mind...ya know. I-If you did that to me later on...." 

Yugi escaped the room before Yami had a chance to react, to which his face turned a new a shade of red.

So I had half of this chapter written for a while and forgot about. Lol, so now that Jonouchi is staying with the couple will he be able to stop the cycle of loops? Or will he just cause trouble? What do ya'll think of him now living with them?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!!!

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