Chapter 36, What now...?

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*No one's POV*

Yami trid the best he could to get to Yugi's side and also looked over, feeling nausea as he looked. Shadi had smashed his head off of a kirb, looks like it killed him on the spot. And another person lay there, they knew all too well.

Kiki was lying down there as well with her eyes rolled back.

After everything she had done for him, for even getting the motivation to try again. All of it is now gone. Yami didn't want to have to settle for that, he wanted to start the loop again.

This time he was confident, they know everything that can possibly happen. Although he knows it, if they reset it this time he might not make it.

Something they havent figured out though, can hand held items go through with them as well.

"Aibou we need to go..." Yami mumbled as he held Yugi's arm and held him and dragged him away. Sitting him down on something, Yami placed his hands in the side of Yugi's face and stroked his check with his thumb.

"She's dead Yami, we couldn't h-help her," Yugi mumbled and tried to fight back tears. Because in his head this wasn't the time to cry and be selfish. "I-Is this all my fault?"

Yami choose not to say anything here. But used the chance to pick up Yugi, despite his own body pain, and carried him at least to back inside. He placed him at the top of the stairs then basically flopped onto the ground himself while Anzu stayed up.

"Maybe....just maybe we can make it now," Anzu said trying to get the mood up. "I mean we can't be sure that he wasn't the one causing all those guys to come after us an-"

"But now we have no knowledge about this power and have to risk this one chance left," Yami mumbled holding his stomach.

He saw Anzu duck her head down, feeling actually guilty for it. But felt a warm hand on his thigh. Yugi was there still sniffing away but had a small smile.

"I-It's fine. Cause normally we only have one shot a-at life," he sniffles and goes to wipe his eyes. "W-We can do it! Wait for you guys to heal before we try another loop to save her!"

Yugi didn't look like he believed his own words, his body was still shaking and was getting more violent. As Yami brought him into his arms, finally some members of the staff appeared to find out what had happened.

Since they explained there were cameras on top they all knew they wouldn't get framed.

But what made the story even worse with Kiki was that they had learned the truth as to why she wad so sad.

A few days before, her crazy ex burned her house down. With her twin baby children and a babysitter.

At this point Yugi's tear well had run dry for the day and just had a blank face on him in the sitting room while Yami dragged Anzu away to speak to her.

"This isn't good at all, but there's nothing we can do..." Anzu mumbled while crouching against the wall.

"No there is, but you won't like it," Yami said and reached into a pocket and pulled out a knife. "Surprised my jacket wasn't searched when we got he-"

"Yami you promised not to murder anyone again."

"Oh I'm not doing the murdering, I'm going to be the body," he said and turned the knife so the handle end was pointing to Anzu. "And you're gonna do it."

Anzu's foot slipped as she felt on her butt from that sentence. Yami wasn't confident that his body will hold another loop, but his mind couldn't let this sit.

Maybe when he first started jumping the times he would have, well because Kiki had no importance to his Yugi. But there was this, gut feeling he had that was eating him away. And the one thing he couldn't stand seeing was his Yugi hurt over his mistake.

"Yami.... you won't survive this..." Anzu said and took the knife handle making Yami smirk.

"Ironic, isn't it?" Yami asked confusing Anzu. "I've killed you in the past life and now you're getting your payback."

"This isn't a time to fuck around," Anzu snarled while Yami shook his head. She looked at the blade, it looked brand new.

She couldn't believe that the man standing in front of her had murdered so many people in the past, he really had changed a lot.

"What if we both die at the same time?" Anzu asked putting the knife aside. "Maybe the pain will get spilt? Or it won't be so bad cause we both failed."

"No, I'm more hurt than you so the less pain you get the better. You can continue with this if I fail," Yami said picking back up the knife and twirled it around a bit, it's blade catching his finger. "Just don't fall in love with him."

"And what if I do Yami.... I can't control my feelings," Anzu said ducking her head down. All she got from Yami was a grunt as he didn't want to cause harm this time. "But.....I'll try. I can't promise anything Yami."

"Good girl," Yami smirked as he passed her the knife once again. He was ready this time, maybe not a final goodbye to Yugi but he was actually prying he would make it.

Even if he didn't however, despite his warning to her. He knew Anzu would be good for Yugi considering he liked her before Yami appeared in his life.

"Y-You ready?" Anzu asked words a little shaky. Yami opened his eyes and saw het bawling while her hands were shaking.

"Hey hey calm down, it's ok," Yami whispered placing a hand on one of hers. "Remember, there is a chance I will come back. Don't think of this as you're killing me, think of it as we are going back to save Kiki."

Anzu sniffled as she looked at the man in front of her who was showing a gentle smile. He was a shell of the man she had met the first time, but the shell he crawled out of was a good one.

She took a deep breath, feeling her hands being pulled forward a little. Yami was pulling her, but it was something in his eyes that made her stop for a second.

Regret, he had regret in his eyes. Looking at the verge of crying. She shook it off, closed her eyes.

And stabbed him in his heart. She heard him for a minute, coughing and slamming both his hands onto her side but trying not to grip too hard.

The world started to crumble around them, a new world being born as they started to disappear from the bottom up.

Anzu looked up opening her eyes, the same soft smile he had on before still there. But, he opened his mouth. He said something before the world was erased.

"I'm sorry Anzu."

So I'm not dead.....again. What can I say, turning 20 and playing online has taken over me, but i never forget about my readers or stories.

No matter how long I stay away for, I will always return to finish my stories, as I too wish to see the endings I have planed.

Buuuuuuuuut what dose everyone think? Is Yami on the last run of his life? Or will he come back and this loop be the winning one? What about Shadi? What will he do now he is back alive.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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