Chapter 19, Trying his best...

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*Yami's POV*

This is most stressful thing I have ever tried to do. I have been counting, at least 10 people have tried to kill my Yugi and I have stopped them every time. I have even took a knife in my arm, which wasn't that bad because Yugi insisted on 'nursing' me back to health. 

My body hasn't been taking a toll on me like the past few times however, I can stay in Yugi's world a lot more easier than the past few times. Ra knows I have been needing every second with Yugi to protect him. Which I have.

What I have also done, is what I said I wasn't going to do. I feel head over heels for Yugi once again. Every time the world reset, I tried to push him away. But each time, he would make me fall for him even harder than before.

Now, I was doing the worst thing I could possibly do. 

I'm meeting with Yugi's friends. 

Yugi said if we were to run away, his friends should at least know me. This time, I actually told Jonouchi my name instead of making up a name. The changes I've made had been slight, but have taken a toll on body as it wasn't the normal path we normally take.

"Yami, you ready to leave yet?" Yugi asked peaking in with a hoodie on and the hood up. He was looking far to cute I had to try and hold myself together. "Wow, leather looks good on you. Shows your muscles."

"I feel slightly stiff Yugi," I said and looked down. The pants were snug against my thighs, which made them stand out. "I don't like how you stand out Yugi. You're gonna attract too much attention to yourself."

"Aww is my Yami jealous?" Yugi asked as he poked at my arms.

"Yes. I don't people looking down at you," I said and looked at his shirt which was fully white. If he gets wet slightly, the shirt will cling to him.

Yugi may have giggled, but in one loop when Yugi got wet someone attacked him. So I make sure nowadays to make sure he doesn't get wet from the rain. I grabbed my hoodie and put it on with the hood up as we left.

My murder was still hot on the news, so for us to be spotted would not end well. We got the bus to a cafe nearby and since we were the first to get there, we had t wait for the others that I wasn't looking forward to. 

I saw two older men looking in our direction, I wasn't too happy about so I moved my chair over to Yugi and wrapped my arm around him. "You're too good looking for this world, honestly," I said and kissed his cheek.

"Um, Yugi?" we heard and turned around. Anzu was standing there holding one arm while looking at us. I growled slightly cause now that she was here, we actually have to talk to her.

"H-Hello Anzu!" Yugi yelled as he shot up breaking free from my arm. I folded them and sighed to myself as she sat on the other side of the table. "T-This is my good friend Yami!"

Anzu was looking at me and I was getting uncomfortable, she had the same look in her eyes she does with Yugi.

"W-Well it's wonderful to meet you Yami, I hope you will be great friends with us all," she said and held out her hand to me. I looked at Yugi, tried to say in my eyes that I didn't like this but he was smiling at me. I took her hand, to make him happy and shook it. "The others will be here soon!"

I took my hand from her as soon as I could and placed it on my lap. Things were getting awkward, Anzu was staring at Yugi, while those other guys were still looking over here. "Yugi do you want a drink?" I asked and got up. 

"Sure if you don't mind! Anzu you want something?" he asked turning to the female I wish that wasn't here. 

"Um, yeah. Some juice I guess," she said and I walked away, intending not to get her anything. I put some money into a vending machine and waited for mine and Yugi's drink. But then I felt something brush past my back and I turned to see those two from before.

"Damn, I saw you looking thick but didn't see below," one said looking up and down me. "Tell me, are you and your little brother waiting for someone?"

"No, me AND MY DATE are very happy to be here," I said and bent down down to get the cans. Standing up, I put a can in my pocket and pushed one of them back. "Now get lost before I snap your hands off and slap you with them."

The guys looked terrified and backed away as I made my way back to the table. I smiled putting mine and Yugi's cans, while making up the lie that the machine broke after the second can. I saw those two go back to their seats, so in order to stop them staring I grabbed Yugi and brought him to my lap letting him sit there.

"This is much more comfortable then these fricking seats," I said and looked over. The two growled at me but turned their back to me. I won.

"Umm is that alright with Yugi?" Anzu asked as she made eye contact with me. "Beside, my lap is better to sit on."

Her face went red as she nodded her head and turned away. Yugi got comfy on me as he swung his legs around and placed his hands around the back on my neck. Soon enough, Jonouchi and Honda showed up, surprised to see how Yugi was with me but never questioned it.

"So this is the guy you're running off with eh?" Jonouchi asked and Yugi and he nodded his head to his friend. "Yami, you know you've got a lot to take care off there."

"He isn't a lot, and of course I know what I'm doing. I always know," I said and placed my hands at Yugi's butt to pull him up slightly because he was slipping. Yugi slightly gasped at the sudden touch, and tried to hold in any sort of sound slipping. "Yugi is safe in my hands."

Jonouchi sighed but smiled at me, trusting me with Yugi. The rest of the afternoon went by fast as the just blabbed about different things I had no interest with. The only thing I wanted right now, was to go run away with Yugi.

Well, this is random.

Lol who would've thought people can turn on you after 2 and a half years of knowing each other? Fricking hurts I tell ya.

But anyways, Yami trying to take different paths on his next cycle with Yugi. Will it work and he keeps him safe? Or will he soon have to reset and suffer from the start again?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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