Chapter 26, Another remembers...

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*No one's POV*

Anzu was running the opposite direction of her house, blood coming from her arm.

Yami had threw his knife at her cutting her. She took it out, regretting it when the blood started to run out her and she managed to push past him.

She was terrified and now thoughts were running through her head. Yugi was with a crazy man, but does he know it? Was he the one who murdered Jonouchi? Too much was running through her head with the most important thing.

Is she going to die?

Anzu was smart, making sure to stick to the main roads hoping someone would see her and avoiding any sort of dark alleyway.

Only taking a few glances to see if he was still following. He was, keeping her in eye sight. She knows what he did, so in his mindset.

She had to die.

Anzu was getting closer, her house was now is sight and she could see Honda and Yugi in the window. Screaming right now would be a waste, she was too far away for them to hear.

She crossed a street and was closing in on the four intersect. But the other lane was on red, a speeding car went straight through and crashed into a truck.

More cars started to pile up, some had started to pile on the side Anzu had to cross. Stress started to build, Yami was getting closer and this crash was going to be the death of her.

She had no choice, she had to go the other longer way. This was was risky, if she didn't clear a wall she would be murdered down that alley.

The human body of hers was starting to lose breath, but she wasn't about to quit as she reached the wall.

Her first attempt to jump up failed, her arm cramped up as she fell.

"Annnnnzuuuu~" she heard Yami sing and echo. He was at the top of the entrance of the alley. His eyes were now a different colour as he had a longer knife. "Nooooo wherreeeee tooooo ruuuuun~"

"You're fricken insane," Anzu mumbled as she jumped for the wall again, her good hand had a grip on it. Her feet was trying to find a good point to boost herself up but were scraping against the wall.

Something banged against the wall, Yami had threw a small knife that missed her.

Anzu tried using her cut arm, but the pain was too much and she accidentally let both her arms drop and fall to the ground.

The smirk that was plastered on Yami's face was visible to Anzu even in the dark, she didn't have enough time to try and climb up.

She didn't want to cry, she didn't want him to have any enjoyment in killing her.

"You hurt him, so now you will face the punishment," Yami said as he got closer. "It's a shame, I think my angel liked you as a good friend."

"There's better ways to handle this, and news flash I didn't hurt him HE CAUGHT HIS HEAD AGAINST THE SIDE!!!" Anzu screamed but he didn't listen.

Yami was inching his way closer, Anzu thought she was a goner.

"Game over Anzu," Yami chuckled and she closed her eyes. She heard him kick off the ground and took a deep breath ready to die.

But nothing happened, she heard something flop on the ground and by the time she opened her eyes all see saw was black.

"You are ok young one, I apologise for taking so long," a voice said. Anzu was looking around trying to locate it. "Oh, your arm, I'll heal it. But please keep your eyes closed."

She did as instructed, and felt a warm light on her. The cut on her arm closed in on itself and the mystery person smiled.

"Now, child. I will give you the same power as him, as he has spiralled down the path of no turning back without help."

"If Yugi dies, it resets. If Yami dies, it rests. And now if you die, it resets. So take care and be careful around him."

Before Anzu could get a word out, she felt as though she was floating for a minute before she felt something hard she was leaning on.

She opened her eyes, and saw she was in school. Her eyes and hand flew to her 'bad arm' and saw it was indeed fully healed.

Confusion was taking over, until she saw a familiar scene. Yugi was being bullied by Honda and Jonouchi. Then, she remembered the words she heard.

Does that mean she went back in time? Does Yugi know? And is Yami already out?

She wasn't going to waste any time.

She walked over to the group, grabbing Jonouchi's hand and taking all the puzzle pieces out of it.

"Yugi I need to talk to you right now," she stated and waited for him to gather his stuff and walk away. They ended up behind the school with her taking a deep breath. "Have you met anyone who looks like you?"

"What? No..... although I do know there is someone out there who does look like you a small bit," Yugi said fiddling with his puzzle. "Why? Is there an issue?"

It was at this point that Yami was watching her in his spirit form, not liking anything she was trying to pull but also unaware that she now had the same power as he did. Anzu could feel that someone was watching her, and knew it was him so she decided to try and play a dangerous game.

She placed her hand on Yugi's shoulder and leaned into his ear. "I will try everything in my power to help you," she whispered and started to walk away. Obviously Yami did not like that at all, his still red eyes watching her every more.

Since right now he couldn't do much as a spirit, he grabbed a bottle of water and poured it over her as she walked. 

Anzu meant what she said though, and getting rid of Yami didn't seem to be the right choice. He believes what he is doing is right for some reason, killing a person to get them out the way for if they have 'done wrong to his Yugi'.

She had to help them, because she now was stuck in these loops as well.

Guys, my sister has let me on to her laptop to write!!! Which means there shouldn't be too many mistakes. 

But what do ya'll think of Anzu now being aware of the loops? Can her effect do anything to Yami? Will she help to change his point of view of things? Or is his mind too far gone and will only stick to murder?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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