Chapter 25, Anzu in trouble...

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*No one's POV*

The whole school was sent home after police had investigated the surrounds. Apparently the cameras on the street were blocked which meant that they couldn't get any video evidence. The students that they questioned as well, but none were a witness to the scene nor was a sound heard.

They had no choice but to put it down as a suicide, even though Anzu was convinced it wasn't. She said she wanted to make a search with the group and try to find clues, but Yami being good with words made it so he and Yugi were left out.

After all, he was Jonuochi's best friend and the whole thing would be traumatizing to him. 

So there they were, Yami and Yugi lying down on Yugi's bed with not a word being spoken. Yami was feeling delighted with himself though, even though his baby was sad he had him all to himself.

"Yami...where were you when it happened?" Yugi asked gripping onto Yami's shirt and fighting back tears.

"I was in the bathroom, I'm sorry my love. I promise though we will get to the bottom of this," Yami mumbled smiling away to himself.

A promise that didm't need to get made however, and was one surely he would break.

Meanwhile, in another house four people were gathered.

Anzu stretched her arms out as the others all sighed. "Everytime we get close another wall comes up. Ryou please tell me you guys are closer?" Anzu asked but got a head shake in response.

"It's the same for us, remember we are no wizards at computer hacking," Ryou stated as Honda  and Miho both sighed and took a drink of their fuzzy juice. "Not to mention it is a street camera we are going after."

"Well what else do you recomend genius!?!" Honda screamed out making the girls flinch. Ryou curled up watching as now both Honda and Anzu were getting mad.

They didn't mean it of course, but the pain of losing their close friend still hurt and both were unconvinced.

Jonouchi, no matter what the trouble would always speak to the group. So they knew something wasn't right.

Anzu decided to message Yugi and Yami could come to help, which was answered with a 'sure thing!'

Not a lot of time went by before the pair, hand in hand, were outside of Anzu's house and knocking on the door. She answered with a smile as the two took of their shoes and entered.

"Well I think we're long overdue for some tea, anyone wanna help?" Anzu asked looking around.

No one put their hand up, so Yugi sighed and moved from Yami although the other really didn't want him to move.

Yugi and Anzu were in the kitchen, and she couldn't help but notice the glares she was receiving.

"Hey Yugi?" Anzu said with her back o  the counter. Yugi hummed as he got out some small plates and tried to find the biscuits. Can't have tea without biscuits. "Have you noticed with Yami?"

"What? No he is perfectly fine, what makes you say that?" Yugi asked finally finding the packet and moving his head from the cupboard.

However he didn't notice the bar and banged his head against it making a small whimper.

"It's just a feeling. But you know, with everything that is happening. I'm always gonna be here for you to speak to yeah?" Anzu stated. Sure, she liked Yugi a long time ago, but that time passed. He was her best friend now.

Yugi nodded his head as the kettle popped and the tea was poured. The pair took everything in and settled down with the group taking five to relax.

Yami was observant, very observant for when it came to his Yugi. He noticed a lump on his head, the way he flinched when he grazed it with his hand.

In his mind, someone had done this to him. And it wasn't there for when they entered. She did this to him.

Time pasted, the group getting no where and Honda trying to crack jokes every now and again to lighten the mood. Yami noted on how Yugi when laughing his face would be all scrunched up and he held his chest.

All the while he would stumble into Anzu, somehow she had used black magic on him and her women charms to turn him against Yami. This timeline was a mess, he needed to restart.

"Guys I need to nip to the super market to get stuff for dinner. I'l be back in a while," Anzu said getting up. Before anyone could say anything, she was in the hall putting her shoes on.

"I would like to come Anzu," Yami said after following her. She turned to him with a questionable face. "Wouldn't be much of a man if I let you carry them all the way back home after paying for it."

"Wow, Yugi is getting to be with such a gentlemen!" Anzu cheered and clapped her hands. She agreed to let him come with, to which he fixed his belt. But this belt, had a knife he 'borrowed'.

The walk was silent, Anzu trying to make conversation but Yami only had vague answers and hummed. The shop was short, the pair getting ingredients for pizzas.

The night was starting to set with them half way back home.

"Yami, there is one last thing I need to ask you," Anzu said as she swung a bag behind her back. "When 'that' happened in school. Where were you?"

"I was speaking to a teacher about a class," Yami stated. Which made Anzu stop.

"Heh, that's slightly funny I think," she giggled and spun round. "I didn't take you for a liar."

Yami was taken back, but watched as she back away from him slowly. He moved his hand to his back ready to grab his weapon.

"Cause when I was speaking to Yugi. He told me you were at the bathroom."

So writing will be a struggle as my laptop has stopped working and I'm going off by my phone.

What's everyone's thoughts on Yami? Can he stop with all this lying? Will he stop these time loops?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!

Also I'm sorry if there will be mistakes, my phone doesn't pick up on a lot of things.

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