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"Ari I'm going to need you in my office now for a very important meeting." Mr. Edwards said knocking on the door.

This is it. The day I find out if I'm getting payed more, or not getting payed at all.

I stood up from my chair walking down the hallway in the direction of Mr Edwards office.

I have heard that he's not going to have all his staff come to his office and let everyone know who's staying and who's not. He's just going to call 2 people to his room and let one go and one stay.

And I guess I'm the 1 out of the 2.

I walked down the hall, right behind Mr.Edwards or Dave as he says his staff to call him.

Well I don't know if I should call him Dave, I might not be his staff anymore.

He held open the door for me being the gentleman he is.

"Thank You." I mumbled sliding past him to his grand office well I shouldn't call it a office it's more like a room or a huge office.

I sat in one of his many chairs sighing to myself. My heart beating a mile a minute.

"The other person is coming." Dave said slightly startling me. I just nodded looking back down at my lap playing with my fingers.

A few minutes later there was a small knock on the door. "Come in." Dave said not looking up from his papers.

That's when I started fully looking at his desk. Dave's desk was full of articles that I recommended for him to publish. I also looked at the one he was looking and and saw it was from November! It's April.

What has he been doing all this time? Maybe he IS going to firer me because he has to many articles to read?!?

My leg bounced, my hands and my four head started getting sweaty.

"Morning." The person that walked in said. "Oh shit." I mumbled to myself. The person that walked in isn't just a person.

It's Cristina. Cristina's the middle aged person that works at the front desk, not to mention she's awesome at her job.

Yup. I'm defiantly getting fired now.

After a few more minutes, Dave scribbled his signature on a letter and then tossed it to the side.

"Alright." He said clapping his hands together. "As you two know I am planning on giving someone a raise and firing someone, just to cut it all short you two are the people." He looked between us.

"Ariana you know that I love you." He leaned towards me, resting his head on his hands. "But unfortunately I'm going to have to give you the raise." He smiled.
I looked at his hands then back up at his eyes. "Seriously?" I said my mouth hanging open. "Seriously." He conformed.

"Wait." Cristina cut in. "So that means your firing me." She sighed her voice cracking a little to the end.

"Yes it does." He said standing up digging in his pocket. "But for a fantastic reason, you have been working here sense you where about Ariana's age."

"So." he said dragging on the word.

"We also have been seeing each other sense you were about Ariana's age, so I was going to firer you so you can worry more about this." He said getting on one knee, pulling a box out of his pocket.

"I will direct you to another place later on but until then will you do me the honor of becoming Ms. Edwards?" He bit his lip.

Christina's mouth hung open, her hands covering her mouth, tears starting to come from her eyes. "Y-yes." She said smiling widely.

After they did there little ring on the finger, kiss, wipe each other's tears thing I said something. "You too were dating?"

"Yes." Ms Edwards agreed. "Sense we where about your age. Like he said." She smiled. "Oh also. I'm not only giving you the raise, but you will take Christina's place at the front desk. I have to many articles to read already and make sure the wedding is in one piece . But you may still have your same schedule I know your already busy as it is. Michael can just do it when you're not there I know he won't mind. You can have your office and I won't accept any more articles for the next 6 mouths so you don't have that many papers piling your desk. Is that alright?"

"That's wonderful!" I smiled. "Thank you so much."


I was getting ready to take a nap when my phone rung.

I thought it was Chase or Emma so I took my time answering and was ready to cuss them out for bothering me right before I was getting ready to take a nap.

But it turns out it was my track coach.

She said she needed me for a very important team meeting and that I need to be there ASAP.

So I got up grabbing my bag that was for tomorrow, and walking out of the house.

"Guess who did not get fired!" I yelled walking into the girls locker room getting ready to change for track. "you didn't?" Macy one of the girls asked me. "Nope." I popped the 'p'.

We ran a few miles then the coach called us over. "Ok lady's, we all know that for our school track lasts all year but there isn't another meet until May 12, because of finals and stuff so practice ends early and there isn't another one until then or if there is I will just let you know. Ok?"

"Ok." We all said nodding walking anyway from her.


I was scrolling through Twitter looking at what One Direction has been doing the past few days, when I got a Skype call.

"Hey!" My favorite guy said popping up in my computer screen. "You don't look like you got fired." He smiled.

"Ya. I didn't, Christina is marring Dave now."

"Really cool! When did he propose?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Today." I chucked. "He said he was going to firer her and then proposed."

"Very romantic." He smiled. "I literally only have 2 more minutes to talk to you so update me on your life." He said leaning closer to the screen.

I told him everything I could remember that happened to me the past couple days and all I could in those very short 2 minutes.

"Well that's good. Bye! See you soon. Love you." He said making a heart putting it to his chat.

"Bye love you too." I said making a heart of my own putting it to my chest.



Read the authors note I posted today also it explains everything!

Put ideas here please! Running out if some.

Shout out too...

1dkings read her story 'one last time' also please.

Ok ya.


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