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Ariana's p.o.v
"Don't go" I frowned as I sat on the bed watching Harry pack all his stuff in his suitcase.

He completely ignored me as he mumbled words to himself walking around the room, making sure he didn't forget anything. He zipped up his suitcase, took off his shirt and walked to the bathroom.

I frowned again, he's going to have to leave again. I've experienced this many, many, many times it's just each time it gets harder and harder to see him go. I think that this is the last time he'll be able to visit me, he's left the tour many times already to visit me and I think this was/is the last time he'll be able to.

When he came out of the bathroom his hair was wet and he had on some gray sweatpants and a white shirt. He walked towards the bed towards me and layed down right next to me pulling me into his chest like he normally does.

"I'm going to miss you so much." He whispered kissing the top of my head.


"Okay, so what do you call a group of condoms that can play instruments?" Harry said handing me my soy latte from Starbucks and then sitting down on one of the waiting chairs.

"No, not more of your jokes." I sighed sitting next to him.

"Come on. When I leave your going to be wanting to hear them."

I rolled my eyes, knowing that he's right.

"Ok, what Harry, what do you call a group of condoms that can play instruments?"

"A rubber band" He chukled.

I literally choked on my drink. "That one was actually kinda funny."



"Soy latte's are discussing." Harry says making a disgusted face.

"Your Frapachinno's are discussing." I mocked him, pocking his nose.

I checked my phone looking at the time its 7:34, Harry's plane leaves at 7:40. "Six more minutes." My voice cracks.

Harry puts down his drink and stood up, grabbing my arm pulling me into him, "I wanna spend these last six, probably five more minutes in your arms."

I just nod nuzzling my head in the crock of his neck taking in his beautiful smell.

"I love you Ari." He whispered, while wiping his eyes in my hair.

I would of yelled at him for doing that discussing action to me, but at that moment I didnt care.

"Skype, Call, Text, I'll do everything I can while I'm gone to keep in touch with you." He said rubbing my back.

"Harry it's time to go." One of his bodyguards said coming from a door in the corner.

All Harry did was hug me tighter. I moved my head from his neck to his shoulder to look at the bodygaurd, he was picking up Harry's belongings for him "when I get back it's time to go." He said walking to the door with Harrys stuff.

"I'm going to miss you."

"Same." He put a strand of hair behid my ear. I giggled doing to same to his hair.

"Harry, it's time."

"Bye." I gave him one last hug and pushed hin towards the door. "Bye."


Frankie came to pick me up, so we could go to breakfast.

"You okay?" Frankie asked as we waited in line to be seated.

"Yea... I guess so." I chucked, crossing my arms over my chest and switching my weight from my right to my left leg.

"How's Nonna doing?" I asked as we sat down.

"She's good, wonderful even. Now that Harry left." He chuckled. "Well I mean, as happy as she'll ever be. Grappie isn't doing so good."


"Anyway.. how's your foot doing?"

"Ankle." I corrected him. "But, alright I guess, they've let me know I can walk on it, but they perfer me using the crutches, but I'll be fine walking on it."

"It will heal faster if you don't walk on it."


When we're done eating our meal, we headed out and started driving home. The whole car ride was quite, neither of us knowing what to talk about.

I want to ask him when he thinks the best time for me to leave is, I haven't been to work, school, anything in a long time and I know they really need me.

When we get home I go to my room, take off my shoes and head to Grappie's room seeing that he's fast sleep, so I decided to go to Nonna's room.

"Nonna?" I say knocking on the door. "Yes sweetie, come in."

When I walk in I see my mommy and my Nonna laying on the bed. "I want to ask you somthing." I said sitting on the bed crossing ny legs.

"Well go right ahead." Nonna said sitting up Mamma doing the same.

"When do you think is the beat time I should leave?"

"Wh-What do you mean?" Mamma frowns.

"I mean I haven't been home in a long time, and I need to finish things there that people need me for." I sigh. "Grappie seems fine, and as soon as he's not I'll make sure to get the next plane back down here."

"Well when ever you feel like it I guess. No one's stopping you from getting the next plane back to England." Nonna said.

I sighed nodding my head, looking down at my fingers that really needed to get done. I stand up walking to my room to find the next plane that leaves to go to England.

About 10 minutes later I had found a flight that leaves at 8 P.M tomorrow, thats just enough time for me to say goodbye to everyone and finish packing.

It was already 4 when I finished packing when I noticed I was extremely hungry. I walked down stairs to the kitchen to see if we have somthing good to eat in there.

I made myself some green tea and a dragon fruit salad.

When I was done I sat on the window seel staring off at the moonlight. 🌙

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I'm sorry the last parts rushed and there's no gif. For some reason it wasn't working and yea, idk it just wasnt working.

Vote and Comment Please. 🌙

Bye 🌙🌙💜💜🌚🌚

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