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hello my peeps. 😀

as u can see from the title i have entered this book in the wattys2015.

i dont think this book will win bc there're other books that are far more amazing than this one, but its worth a try right? 💜

so please make sure you vote for it on twitter and all that stuff. also, make sure you put the name of the book and my username bc there are other people with the name of this book.

idk if i told u but im going to another Ariana Grande concert on July 18 for my birthday, and im sitting in section 1 row E and seat 4-5 so ill be so close to Ari its not even funny 🌙💜😉😉😉

but yea please vote for the story it would be nice to win and if i dont ill try again next year 😂.

ok i have gotten a few people to ask me to update and 1 of my Co-Writers is doing it and i told her to give it to my by July 8th (my birthday 💜) but then i have to prof read it, fix some stuff and find a gif, pic to match it so idk when ill update but it will be sometime this week ☁️

ok ily and remember to vote for this story in the Wattys 2k15 ☺️

Bye 💜

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