twenty-seven (Part 2)

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We'll got my 3 followers in like the first 3 minutes I updated.



Cover is by: @KylaDava

It's really cute. Don't you think?

"Ugh-shaving cream!" I groaned trying to unzip my suitcase. My hair got stuck in the zipper and is hurting like hell.

"Harry, we have a hair crisis over here. Come help please!" I yelled in pain as I tried unzipping it backward but that just made it worse.

A few seconds later Harry came in the room concern washing in his eyes.

"How did this happen?" He said dropping on the floor next to me, removing my hand from the zipper.

"I don't know. All I know is I was ready to see what my mom packed for me but I guess my hair was right there and before I knew it, it was stuck in the-ow- zipper."

"I might just have to yank it really fast and hard. So prepare for some pain."

Before I got the chance to protest a huge wave of pain came across my right side of my head, and my hair was free.

I leaned back grabbed the hair that was in the zipper and giving it a hug. "Thank you."

He didn't respond; all he did was smile, stand up, and then walk out of the room.


I put my hair into a bun and then continued unzipping the suitcase.

The first thing that I saw was a piece of paper folded in a square. I unfolded it and then read out loud:

Dear my 21 year old grand-daughter,

I am extremely bummed that I won't be able to spend your birthday with you. But I know that Harry will make the time that you're spending with him magical. Even known I don't like him (one bit) I know that he loves you.

Make sure you spend those 2 days you have with him amazing, enjoy the time, because after this you probably won't be able to see him until November I believe. Your mother and I went shopping for your clothes and shoes that we packed in here. That is your birthday present from us until you get back home then you can see the good stuff.

Anyway.. I know you would much rather go fuck the shit out of Harry then read this long ass letter from your grandmother.

I hope you like your outfits! Ari ❤️❤️


Grannie Grande. 😒

I chuckled a little at the last part then folded the letter back and put it to the side.

I continued looking through my bag, and I loved every single shirt/shoe that my Nonna and Mamma picked out for me.

I texted both of them a thank you, and to have a safe and blessed day.

I walked around the suite some more, until I found Harry in the kitchen sitting on the counter on the phone.

"So you're telling me that Cinderella's castle is closed down, until we're done?-You didn't have to do that-no she'll love that-I have to pay extra now? For what?-I told you that you didn't have to be closed down-how much?-that's not a lot-okay well fine we'll talk when I get there-Vannessa okay I'll make sure to ask for you-thanks again bye." He put his phone down, sighed and then looked my way.

"Hey. Who was that?" I mumbled walking to him.

"Vannessa." He chucked "I was just making sure your present is ready for you."

"Thank you for what ever you're doing." I smiled standing on my tippy toes pecking his lips softly.

"You're welcome. Now go get ready so we won't be late for your next present."


When we made it to Walt Disney World we were immedenly excoriated to Cinderella's castle where Cinderella and the prince themselves awaited.

"You must be Ariana." Cinderella smiled giving me a hug. "I'm glad I can finally meet you, I heard it was your birthday is that true?"

All I could do was smile and yelp. I can't believe one of my favorite princesses knows my name and knows that it's my birthday. "Yes it is."

"We'll happy birthday then." The prince and Cinderella said at the same time.

She sung me happy birthday and then the prince glided me to the back of the castle kind of to revile a cake that had my face in it with Cinderella's ball gain on.

I smiled dipping my finger in the frosting pulling it out, licking it. It tasted really good.

We spent about 10 more minutes together laughing, telling storys, and just having a great time.

Cinderella left and me and Harry stood there by the cake waiting for the next guest to arrive.

"I'm an adult now!" I cheered running and jumping around any free space that I could run.

I ran back over to Harry "Thank you for everything you've done." I told Harry kissing his pink plump lips.

"You're very welcome." He smiled kissing me back.



Yes, I know the last part is kind of rushed. I didn't know what to do then.

This is like 800 words not 1,000 like I want it to be. 😑

But, oh we'll.

If you don't already please read Boxer Styles by @In_Harry_Land

The book is kind of confusing but you learn to love it.

Just like this one!

Vote and Comment please! ☁️

Sorry I haven't updated in like 2 weeks. Tests tests tests!


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