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"Guess what?" Harry said, coming out of the kitchen.

We are currently on my sofa sharing a pint of vegan Mint Chocolate Ice Cream.

"What?" I said stabbing my spoon into the ice cream.

"Chicken butt" He said laughing.

I didn't laugh. That was the most stupidest joke Harry has ever told.

But for him, his was laughing so hard. Making ice cream shoot out of his mouth, falling to his jaw.

Once he saw me not laughing he stopped and just stared straight at me.

It was kinda awkward so I just burst into laughter.

"I knew it was funny!" He yelled.

"No, its just your face is funny" I said wiping tears from my eyes.

He just stuck is tongue out at me in return.

I laughed and then got the ice cream lid putting it on the tub, then going to to the freezer to put it away.

"Wait..what are you doing?" Harry said running after me.

"Putting the ice cream away" I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"No. I want some more" he said trying to grab it from me.

"No Harry. You ate your whole side. And then you where stating to eat off of mine. So no" I said snatching it away from him.

He stuck his bottom lip out, staring at the floor. "FINE!" He yelled running to the sofa plopping down, and then started to 'fake' cry.

"Awww, Harry. I'm sorry" I said rubbing his back. "We need to save some for later, what else would you like instead?"

He grabbed my shirt and then blow his nose in it. "A hug" he said looking up at me. He looked so cute like this, I would do anything for him.

"Ok" I said leaning in wrapping my arms around his torso, embracing him in a hug.

"All better?" I said rubbing his head.

He giggled and then nodded. "Good."

"And I would like a selfie." He said chucking.

"Ok you take it"

We took a kissie. As Harry calls it. And then he posted it on Instagram and Twitter.

A few minutes later he was back to his normal self.

"Ari, today's Saturday. I came back Tuesday from my tour, and we haven't done anything yet"


"Do your YouTube vid, and then let's go out" he said drawing circles on my arm.

"Ok....where?" I said starting to get up to go get my camera.

"I don't know. Where ever the wind takes us." He said cheekily.


Ok, yes I know that it's short.

This is just the first chapter. The other chapters will be better I promise.

I just want to post the first chapter so you know what the rest will be like before the new year.

Happy New Year!!!! 😘😘😘😍😍😃


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