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Ok im sorry school is like ugh and i hate it and ugh rlly like ugh. ill try to update regally now.


I tried holding in the tears through the rest of the plane ride-and the ride home I really did but just can't.

I left Grappie not even knowing how he's doing or if he really wants me to leave. Don't even mention Harry and how much I miss him too. I just feel like I need to be home, start getting ready for the fashion show, be in the front desk at Edwards, or even train for track. Just something.

I dropped all my stuff on the floor in my dorm and fell into the bed. "So nice of you to finally show up." I heard Emma say scaring the shit ball out of me.

"Heyyy.." I mumbled sitting up. "How's it been-I am sorry for no-" Emma cut me off.

"Don't worry about it, can we just go to the movies or something and start all over, I really need a friend right now." Emma said her voice cracking. 

"I really would love to but I can't, I just got back from Florida literally 10 minutes ago, I have jet lag, and I'm very tired." I sighed "but you can still tell me what happened its fine" I smiled.

"Okay don't judge me or anything, I already told someone this morning, and they spread it all around the school already." She ran her hand through her perfect black hair. 

She got up from her bad and moved over to my bed, next to me "Can we still be friends after I tell you this?" She grabbed my hands looking me straight in the eyes "Sure what is it?" I chuckled.

She look a deep breath "I'm pregnant."

My eyes widened as I starred at her. "Who's the daddy?"


"Louis?" I frowned "Louis who?"



I woke up the next morning with a killer headache. I still can't process Emma's prego, especially with Lou Lou's baby. When did they ever spend time together? The only time I remember Lou being in England was when we went to Starbucks, but that was a long time ago.

Emma's not here at the moment, she's at the doctor taking car of the prego stuff. So I decided to get up and take a shower, after my shower was done I put on a black long sleeved shirt and some jeans with some black heels, after that I did some natural makeup and tied my hair up so it was out of my face and texted Harry.

Ari: do you have some free time so we can talk or Skype? I rlly rlly need to talk to you ASAP and if u can get Lou pleSe to.

I pressed the send button and waited for a reply. About 2-4 minutes later I got a text back:

Har: sure Ari ;) but like in 10 minutes im in a car but were on our way 2 the hotel rn so ill text u when we get situated and Lou and I can Skype u ;$ xx.

Ari: k. please hurry its something v big i need to discuss w u and Lou

He texted back saying ok. While I waited to decided to do my nails in this nice light pink. I did my toes as well and when I was letting them dry my computer lit up saying I have a Skype call from Harry.

I clicked the accept button and waited for it to load. "Harry she's onnn!" Lou said as his face popped up on the screen.

Soon Harrys' face was there as well, both of them shirtless I might add

"So what happened that you wanted to talk to both of us about?" Harry said looking at me with a smile on his face. 'That smile's not going to be there for long' I thought

"Ok" I took a deep breath. "Lou remember when you came to England and you met a girl named Emma."

He nodded his head as his eyes became big, maybe he knows what I'm talking about?

"Well what did you do with her?"

"Umm all I remember is she took me to a bar and we had a few drinks, and the rest is a blerr.

"Ok, well do you remember sleeping with her that night?" I said glancing at Harry for a second as his eyes became wide.

"Don't remember." Lou mumbled wiping his eyes.

"Okay well, she told me she's pregnant and your're the father."


go ahead and hate on me for not updating.

go rant in the comments.

school ends on June 9th so summer is v close and ill be updating more 😋

v short ik dont kill me 😁

comment vote please ;)


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