twenty-seven (Part 1)

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Ok. This thing is going to be in 2-3 parts. So this time it's Chapter 27 (part 1) and next time it will be Chapter 27 (part 2) and so on.

Even known that's very obvious. -.-

Still I just wanted to say something.


Also, @arianaftharry made the cover for this book and let's just take a few minutes to look at it.



It's so cute! My personal favorite cover for this book so far.




"Happy Birthday." A deep British voice whispered in my ear.

I turned around from my sleeping position and opened up my eyes to see Harry with a cute smile on his face also, with a small box wrapped in pink wrapping paper.

"Your first gift for the day. " Harry cleared his throat handing the box to me.

I sat up, wiped my eyes and then took the box from him.

Inside the box was silver earrings with a gold outline on the sides "they're so pretty." I smiled moving the box around so the light can reflect on it, and the crystals could glisten.

"They're really beautiful, thank you Harry." I smiled once again giving him a bear hug.

After that, I put on a pair of shorts and a blue tank top to eat breakfast with. But, when I got down stairs no one was there. It was actually dark outside.

I turned around towards Harry furrowing my eyebrows at him. "Where's everyone? Why is it dark?"

"This next gift will explain everything." He handed me an envelope with my name written in perfect cursive: Ariana.

I opened up the letter type thing and then inside of it were 3 day 2 night passes for Disney Worlds VIP suits.

"We're going to Disney World?" I gasped looking up at him.

"Yup. Just the two of us."

"Ahh!" I squealed jumping up into Harry's arms. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I mumbled in his ear.

Once I was back on the floor I suddenly thought of something. "So is this where we're going for our date?"

"Yeah-well-if you don't want it I can cancel it-we can go see a movie instead-I heard tha-"

"No, no." I cut him off. "This is perfect, thank you, thank you, a million times thank you."

"You're welcome, your bags are already packed and in the car so let's go; before the traffic gets a mess."


"Ari, Ari wake up." I heard the voice I've known to love say while shaking me slightly.

"What?" I mumbled.

"We're at a rest stop. You hungry? Or have to use the bathroom?"

I nodded untangling myself from the blankets and then putting on my shoes.

The first thing that we did when we got into the stop was immediately go to the bathrooms; knowing the line was already long.

I had to stand between like a 12 year old that kept on staring at me, and a lady with her baby that wouldn't stop crying.

The 12 or something year old looked me up and down and had a discussed face on her face and then started looking at my legs.

I crossed my left leg over my right leg and then looked up at the dark blue wall connecting the food court to the restrooms.

"How much do you weigh?" A very high pitched voice said coming through the 12 year olds mouth.

"Excuse me?" I chuckled.

"How much do you weigh, you look anorexic to me."

"Does my weight bother you?"


"Too bad."

She rolled her eyes and then pulled out her 'phone' a.k.a iPod and pretended to call someone.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket-we'll actually it buzzed many many times.

All of the boys were sending me birthday wishes and hoping I have fun with Harry on our "Disney Date" as Niall called it.

It took me around 5 more minutes until I made it to the front of the line. I thought that I saw a free stall open but when I turned that corner I came face to face with a wall. Then, to make things more worse when I tried to get to the front of the line again the lady's there wouldn't let me through.


When the nearest stall opened I immediately jogged to it almost knocking someone over; but I didn't care. I had to go to the bathroom.

When I walked out of the restrooms I took a deep breath kind of enjoying the smell of grease and oil instead of poop and baby wipes.

I smiled spotted my favorite persons curly locks in the line for Dunckin Donuts.

"Hey." I mumbled resting my head on his forearm.

"What took you so long?" He sighed relief flashing through his green orbs.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you in the car."

"Ok. What do you want?"

"Umm I big cup of coffee."


"Then I met this-this-12 year old that was being a total bitch a-and she had the nerve to talk about my weight-she called me anorexic. I'm sorry honey but it looks like I'm not the only one with weight problems-and yours is on the opposite side of the scale." I told Harry whilst untangling my headphones and turning his hoddie he let me wear un-inside out.

"Wait you have weight problems."

"No." I rolled my eyes. "That's all you got from everything I said?"

"I also got that, that 12 year old was a young slut still in training."

"I have to make a video!" I remembered. "I haven't made any like in 2 weeks."

"I think your mom put your camera in your suitcase. We'll be at the hotel in about 30 minutes so you can film then? Or you can film on my or your phone, what ever one you're more comfortable with."

"When we get to the hotel is fine with me." I smiled.
He chucked looking at me smiling.

And at that moment I think I finally realized that all this stuff he's doing for me is real.



Testing was all week for me, that's why there was no update.

But now there's one! So that's what matters right!

12.02K reads!

Thank you!

Ok I'm sorry, but I have to say/do this.

I recently lost 2 followers. :(

I was pretty bummed about it because I thought that I did something wrong or they didn't like me. :/

I personally hate when people do this but, I'm sorry I-I just have to.


I'm sorry. I just really got upset for loosing the followers.

But yeah!

Other than that.. Hope you like it!


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