Daniel Ricciardo [48]

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for: cherryshake_

PROMPTS: [48] You're such a romantic

REQUEST: Daniel is taking you out for a date to celebrate your anniversary

Before leaving your bedroom, you took one last look at your reflection in the mirror. The red dress you chose for anniversary date fitted your curves perfectly and you were more than sure that Daniel will love it as well. Some say only particular group of women in the world can wear red without hesitation. You heard that myth being repeated over and over again, but relationship with Daniel meant simply 'no hesitation'. He's spirit and adventurous type of character inspired you every day to go beyond boundaries created by your own mind or by society. He was the kind of man you could evolve with, reach your full potential and be supported while doing that. So when you finally left the bedroom and presented yourself to Daniel, he opened his mouth in awe. "What do you think?". You twirled in front of him. You couldn't take your eyes off him as well. Daniel looked so good in suits and white button up, so you had to enjoy the view as long as you could. "Baby, you just took my breath away". He chuckled, while his eyes wandered all over you. "You look gorgeous!". He exlaimed, approaching you and taking you in his arms. "You look fine yourself, Mr. Ricciardo". You giggled as his hands moved to your lower back and he leaned down to kiss you. After that you washed some lipstick from his lower lip with your fingers. He gave it a light peck when you were done and it made you giggle again.

Once outside Daniel's blue McLaren was seeable from away. Maybe because such cars weren't something common in your neighbourhood before. He opened the door for you like a true gentleman and closed it after you were seated comfortably in the seat. When Daniel seated himself in the car behind the steering wheel and started the engine, you could feel the power within the vehicle. You could notice a smirk forming on Daniel's face. You knew he loved that roars. You didn't have a chance yet to take a drive in McLaren, but anniversary date seemed like a perfect opportunity to do so. 

Daniel made a reservation a couple of weeks ago in one of those fancy restaurants downtown. Before meeting him you could only admire people sitting inside such places and now you were one of them. It was a bit confusing, but in the same time you were happy about it. When you sat at your table by the window waiter immediately came to you with two glasses and bottle of champagne. He set the glasses before you and poured the drink with surgical precision. Once the waiter was gone, Daniel rose his glass to make a toast. "Happy anniversary, darling. I love you". You raised your glass as well with your eyes becoming a bit watery. "I love you too. Happy anniversary". A silent ping followed when the glasses met in symbolic way and you sipped some champagne to give this evening a proper beginning. Later you ordered some meals from the menu. You eated partially in silence, partially talking about the new season and Daniel's new team. He was excited, which was making you excited as well. 

"And as we talk about the season, I have something for you". Daniel announed all of the sudden, when the waiter took your empty plates away. "I thought we agreed on not making any gift this year?". You immediatelty felt guilty that you weren't prepared for that. Daniel chuckled. "It's not a gift. You can call it special merch or a gadget". He explained, while reaching to the inner pocket of his jacket. Few seconds later a black box appeared in front of you. You took it in your hands and opened it. The lid revealed a necklace inside with the number three made from orange stones. "What do you think?". Daniel asked tired from anticipation. "I'm speechless. I mean, this is so beautiful and I didn't expect that". He smiled. "As the new season is about to start I want you to wore my number everywhere you go. I thought it'd be nice and bring some luck as well". You shook your head. "I'll never take that off. I promise". You said, while tracing the number with your fingertips. "Good. We belong together after all". You looked up at Daniel and saw those honey colored hues watching you with so much love and desire, and you couldn't feel more content like in this moment. "Indeed, my love". You replied, feeling butterflies in your stomach like it was the first time you met your favourite Aussie.

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