Lance Stroll [1, 2 & 11]

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for: madridisimo

PROMPTS: [1] You can't ignore me forever, [2] Don't flatter yourself & [11] Is that how you really feel?

"Baaabyyy," Lance teased you with his 'childish' tone, drawling and trying to make his way to your lap. He was poking your shoulder with his head like a puppy, while kneeling on the couch beside you. You rolled your eyes, nevertheless you were finding his dalliances quite amusing. "You can't ignore me forever," he noticed and it was true. You were sure Lance will eventually will make you drop your book and draw your full attention to him. "Yes, Lance?" you asked, closing the book after you marked the page you finished on. "I have a free weekend before the next race," Lance started as if you weren't aware you get to spend time with him for a whole week instead few days. "I know this and I'm happy we can plan something nice," you replied, combing your fingers through his hair. Lance would sometimes look so adorable that you couldn't help it. "Exactly and do you remember what you promised me?" he continued, enjoying his little game in guiding you to unriddling. You tried very hard to bring back memories from your previous conversations, unfortunately you couldn't guess what was the promise you made to Lance. "Ice skating," he answered for you, a wide smile growing on his face with it. "Oh yes! I'm sorry I forgot about it. There was a lot of stuff going on at work lately," you felt bad about forgeting about it, but your boyfriend didn't mind at all. "Don't worry about it. You're my hard-working little bee and you need some time off," he cooed, taking a strand of your hair and putting it behind your ear. "I've already rented a rink for us nearby, so we should propably get ready," Lance kissed your cheek before getting up from the couch and you wondered about his words for a minute. "Wait, you mean you reserved the whole place just for us?" you asked in disbelief. "Yeah," Lance shrugged. "It's just for an hour, though I think it'll be enough. And then we can grab something to eat," you loved the idea and the day already seemed to be starting perfectly. You quickly changed from your comfy home clothes to sweats and hoodie in the same dimmed pink color. At first you weren't sure if this was the right choice, but when you saw your reflection in the mirror a smile blossomed on your face and that was a sign the outfit was a bull's eye. Satisfied with the result you tied your long hair into a high ponytail, completing your look with it.

Lance was waiting for you at the door after changing himself and refreshing his hair in the bathroom. When he saw you coming out from the bedroom you swore he blushed for a slightest moment. "Look at you," The Canadian purred, pulling you to his chest. You felt flattered, although you could never complain about your boyfriend. Lance always cared that you felt loved and confident, because that was his priority. To thank him, you took his face into your hands, kissing the tip of his nose first, then pecking his lips a couple of times. "Princess, I love kissing you, but I'm afraid if you keep doing this we'll never get to the rink," Lance chuckled and you agreed with him. He hand you your coat from the rack, keeping it open, so you could easily slip your arms into the sleeves. Once both of you were ready, you came outside together to get into Lance's car. It wasn't as cold as it looked when sitting inside the apartment, but the thaw that came after the first snow (...) which wasn't encouraging. The drive to the rink passed rather quickly, because you got consumed by Christmas decorations which started to appear in the city. While Lance was keeping his hands on the steering wheel, you pointed your fingers here and there, commenting whether something was cute, shiny or lovely. Lance was just smiling in response every time.

When you arrived in the right place Lance parked his silver Aston Martin in almost empty parking lot. The building with the rink was right in front of you. During the summer when people weren't that interested in skating, the building served as place for concerts and other gatherings. You and Lance jumped out of the car and made your way to the main entrance. Once inside, a man who seemed to be the owner greeted you and led you further towards the rink. Before you got on the ice, you had to choose skates for yourself in right size, but then there was nothing standing in your way. You didn't have as much experience as Lance if it came to skating. Your boyfriend loved hockey like almost every Canadian and played it with his friends when he had the occasion, so his amazing skills on the rink didn't surprise you. For him it was enough to set one foot on the ice to move like figure skater. You prefered to warm up (sort of) and gain more confidence, while skating close to the plastic fence. "Oh don't flatter yourself!" you yelled from your side of the rink, while Lance was showing off on its other side. "You should get a divorce with the fance and join me," he proposed, pausing with his performance and extending his arms for you. Pushing yourself from the fence, you skated towards Lance, but when his hands touched your waist you somehow lost your balance and you both collapsed. Your boyfriend was the one who hit the ice with you falling on top of him. As much as wet and unpleasant it was you were both giggling like children. "We should do skating more often," Lance gasped out, brushing your hair away from your face. "Is that how you really feel?" you let out a breathly laugh, wondering what was so special about your clumsy skills. "If we get to be this close, yes," you shook your head, nevertheless getting close with Lance became your favourite part of the day.

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