Max Verstappen [1 & 14]

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for: karpazy

PROMPTS: [1] Stay with me & [14] Thank you for your understanding

Max begun his training for the new season quite early, which meant that he didn't have as much time for you as he would wanted. You understood him completely. Max was still eager to fight for the championship with Red Bull, though his absence had big impact on you. There was no one around to make you laugh or draw your thoughts away from the world and problems. That resulted sometimes in you waking up without any strenght to continue. Your bad mood was like a heavy weight in your chest, but you didn't want to call or text Max. You didn't want to be a distraction for him. Max on the other hand was worried when he didn't hear from you for a while and that was causing a big distraction for him. When he ended his daily doze of exercises, Max showered, put some fresh clothes on and drive to your apartment with some favourite food on passenger seat. He parked his car by the street and entered the buliding you were living at. With the help of the elevator Max quickly reached your floor. He walked the hall with boxes in his left hand, nodding here and there to your neighbours he saw in the past. Once Max found himself in front of your door, he knocked few times and waited for you to open up. When you did the smile disappeared from his face. Your hair was messy, tied into even messier bun. And the clothes you had on your body were mostly grey and too big. You looked as if you were sick. You knew that he thinks that way from his concerned looked. That only made you feel worst than few minutes ago.

"Are you okay?". Max asked softly, not wanting to scare you. He rathered to be cautious as he had no idea what happened in the last few days. "Yeah. Come in". You forced a smile and stepped away to make him space. "I thought you're training for the new season". You followed Max to your kitchen where he left the boxes with food at the counter. Whatever was inside smelled delicious, but you didn't feel like you were hungry. "I am, but you were silent for some time. I just wanted to check on you. And I brought you food, your favourite". He explained, studying features of your face. You looked very tired, which was odd for someone who was free from work for a week or so. "Thank you. That's very sweet of you, but I'm not hungry right now". You forced another smile, though Max didn't buy it. "Is something happened? I'm really worried about you". Max confessed. You shrugged, while lowering your head. Talking about your feeling was always embarassing, especially if it comes to your mental health. Max never judged you for anything, because he wasn't perfect himself, but something was blocking you. "Hey". Max approached you and took your face in his hands. He raised your head a little to look into your eyes. Your eyes became watery from his gentle touch. "What's going on?". Max tried once again, caressing your cheekbones with his thumbs. "I'm just having a bad time. That's it. I feel down before I'm able to do anything". You responded, avoiding his gaze. "It's not a crime. You know that, right?". You nodded with your face still in his big hands. "Why didn't you tell me? I can't stand the thought that you were here alone while feeling like this". 

"I didn't want to be a problem. I tried once to talk to my friend about it. She called me childish and laughed, so I thought everybody will think that". Single tear escaped your eye, but it was quickly brushed away with Max's finger. "Then she's the one to have problem, not you. Talking about this is very, very important and I'm always here for you. You just have to give me sign, so I could know that you need help". Max assured you with confident tone. "You're not alone". He added shortly after, while putting some strands of your hair behind your ear. "Thank you for your understanding". You smiled, this time for real. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Anything other than food?". He chuckled. You thought about it for a minute, but you realised there was only one thing you wanted the most. "Stay with me". You whispered, reaching your arms towards him to hug him. Max brought you closer to his chest and embraced you first. "Of course. I'll stay as long as you want". He said, when you nuzzled your face in his chest. "Even forever?". Your voice was muffled, but still he could understand you perfectly. "Forever and one day longer". Max replied and kissed the top of your head.

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