Mobster!Charles Leclerc [daytona meth]

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A/N: I changed a little your request for Mobster!Charles in 20s setting. Hope you don't mind!

for: yourgirlel

PROMPTS: [5] I love this song

REQUEST: daytona meth by lana del rey

You laid comfortably on the sofa, radio playing softly your favourite song in the background. You rested your head on the pillows and closed your eyes to get lost in the moment. You felt your body relax, so you kept breathing slowly to bring yourself more into that divine state. Still, your mind stayed alerted for any sounds different than the voice of the singer. That's why when you heard the door being opened somewhere down the hall, footsteps in the corridor followed and your heart skipped a beat. The steps gradually grew louder and louder, and you waited with anticipation for what happens next. The air hitched in your throat the moment footsteps suddenly went silent. You knew he's here. You knew he's standing over you, watching you. You could hear his breathing, smell his cologne in your nostrils. With your eyes still closed you arched your neck a bit, longing for him. Your lips parted when his soft hand brushed over your cheek. You sighed at the feeling of his touch on your skin and you lifted your eyelids to meet his gaze. "Mon amour". Charles whispered, lowering himself to kneel next to the sofa. His white shirt was unbuttoned in the way that his neck, collarbones and firm chest were exposed. "My love, I missed you". You spoke, reaching out your hands to caress his face. You brought your fingers through all his features, sketching lines of his lips, eyes, nose. "I had a lot of work to do, but now I'm here". He took one of your hands to put a kiss on inside part of it.

"I love this song". You stated out of the blue when there was a moment of silence between you two, music filing the empty. Charles smiled, knowing that fact very well. "Would you like to dance?". He asked, already offering his hand to you. He knew you'll say yes. After all you were his princess.

You grabbed Charles' hand and he raised you both to stand in the middle of the living room. His arm immediately curled up around your waist, bringing you closer to him. You intertwined your fingers with his, while you put your other hand over his heart. You felt steady thumping under your palm as Charles started to sway your bodies to the music. He rested his head on top of yours, his lips touching your forehead from time to time. "My sweet girl. I'm madly in love with you". He said, his lips lazily brushing over your skin. "I love you too. There's nothing in the world that I could love more". You replied, resting your head on his chest and nuzzling your nose into his shirt. Charles embraced your figure with his arms and closed his eyes as if he was falling asleep. With you he was at peace he has never known before. With you everything seemed to be like a perfect dream. Every time he has tasted you or touched you he got a taste of heaven.

The song on the radio ended and your bodies stopped moving. Nevertheless, you stayed in his embrace and he didn't even think of moving away from you. "Charles". You said his name as if it was the first time. The letters were tingling your lips before being spoke out loud. "Yes, love?". You lifted your head from his chest to be able to look up at him. His emerald eyes shined like precious stones in the dimmed room. "I want to stay in your arms through the whole night". You confessed, already thinking how you didn't want him to give you a ride back to your parents house. You didn't come from much, so you're not only felt safer with your lover, but also richer with emotions. "I'm not letting you go. I can be your home if you let me. Just say a word". He announced to the joy of your heart. "I'm not letting you go". He repeated, pushing your head against his chest again. It was where you belonged from the day he met you. He never felt so ready to give everything he had to someone else, to sacrifice himself if he had to. You were his little miracle and he couldn't let you get lost in this dark cruel world.

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