Lando Norris [20]

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A/N: This may also serve as a second part to my other one shot with Lando [1 & 11] as long as the person who requested this one doesn't mind.

for: Leniii11

PROMPT: [20] I'm not in the mood

The following weeks after Russian Grand Prix were tough ones. Lando would often leave the apartment early in order to spend entire day at MTC, while you kept yourself busy with additional assignments at work to not overthink about your relationship. At home you barely spoke to each other, none of you eager to drop your pride and make the first step towards reconciliation. You wished for things to get back to normal already in Sochi, but this time you couldn't be the one to do all the talking. Often after an argument at some point you would start to talk with Lando as if nothing happened. It always ended up with you holding your grudges and him feeling like he doesn't have to apologise for his actions. Lando felt good with it, he grew comfortable with it, but it couldn't be like this. It resulted in the week after returning from Russia passing mainly in silence. Then, Lando simply packed himself again and flew all the way to Istanbul for the Turkish Grand Prix. The car felt good throughout practise sessions, though as much as he tried he couldn't get close to Red Bull and Mercedes. On Saturday he qualified on descent P8, while Daniel was far away on P16. During the race, Lando pushed hard, but in the end he managed to gain only one position, finishing with 6 points for McLaren.

Now, they had two weeks to regroup before the team will travel to United States for another race and hopefully this time they'll find a way to challenge Ferrari somehow. As Lando was heading for post-race interviews, he caught himself looking forward to coming back home to you. He missed you. Lando realised the dull ache as well as disappointment faded away without him noticing. Your support meant a lot to him, because of course you supported him. You were making him stronger every step of the way. Unfortunately, he was too blind to see it and too dump to think before he spoke in anger. Lando found himself determinded to fix things between you two, not being able to afford losing you. That became his ultimate goal before next racing weekend, but it seemed simpler in his head. Once he returned from Turkey, Lando noticed you were gone from home longer than usual. You were leaving at the same time, but coming back much after what was called a descent time to return from work. You were tired, bags were forming under your eyes and it was visible that the whole situation was slowly draining you like an illness. As much as Lando wished to just sit at home and wait for you, he couldn't abandon his duties at MTC either or keeping up with training. All of that combined made you missing each other at every opportunity. It was during the weekend when Lando finally gained your attention when both of you didn't have to go anywhere.

"Maybe we could go somewhere today?" he proposed, while you were undoing the curtains in your shared bedroom. "For a walk around the park and then to some nice restaurant," Lando continued, but from the look on your face he knew it didn't impress you. "I'm not in the mood" you replied, making your way out of the bedroom. Lando was quick to react by jumping out of bed and shutting the door closed. "You're not going anywhere," he announced, barring your way to other parts of the apartment. "Are you five? Let me through," you sounded annoyed, but when you tried to pass him he extended his arms, blocking the possibilities completely. "No!" he said boldly. "Not until you listen to me," his chest was heaving with deep breaths, the importance of getting back to normal literally buzzing in his veins. "Well, I don't want to listen how you're accusing me of things I'd never do to you, so get out of my way," you almost yelled those word in his face, nevertheless he stood solid like a rock. "Can't you see I'm fighting for us? That I want to make things right since I came back?" he pointed it out to you. "I love you so much. Back in Sochi I was so angry, because I didn't win that race and I take it out on you. That was wrong. I understand what I did and I'll do anything you wish for, just say what," he sounded a little desperate at the end, but Lando didn't care as long as you believe his words. You felt deeply touched by his confession and tried to hide your watery eyes away from him, but it was useless when he was standing right in front of you. You didn't wish for him to do anything, only to draw his lesson from this and you were convinced he did, although you realised in this particular moment that silent treatment wasn't the best idea for solving relationship's problems. "I don't need you do anything," you said, throwing your arms around his neck to hug him tight. Lando embraced your waist, pulling you closer to him and nuzzling his face into your neck. In the end you both made mistakes, but managed to find a way back to each other.

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