Callum Ilott [1, 2, 8 & 16]

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A/N: My first one shot with Callum!!! I'm beyond thrilled to write for him :) Thank you for this request. I was crying, while writting this haha. Would you like to maybe read a full story with Callum in the future? By the way this is the last request from my list, but request will stay closed for some time. As I have my semestral break now I wish I could work over Ciao, Amore and new book with Pierre Gasly I have in plans :)) Anyone interested? ;)

for: Verst4ppen

PROMPTS: [1] Stay with me [2] Please, don't pass out on me, [8] I need to lay down. Like, now & [16] Don't scare me like that

As you were standing in the garage that belonged to Haas team you could feel another wave of nausea and dizziness. You didn't feel good since you woke up this morning. You thought that maybe it was a thing after waking up too fast too early, but it didn't stop after you left the hotel. You didn't tell Callum about it, because you didn't want to ruin his day. He was so excited about testing for any F1 team, so you kept it for yourself trying to act normal around him. You blamed your poor condition on the weather as it was raining in Germany since you arrived. Such weather always influenced you in bad way, though you choose to fight it for Callum.

First practise session started, but none of twenty cars left the garage. The rain and fog made it impossible to drive safely and for medical helicopter to raise from the ground. When Callum was discussing details with mechanics and other people present, you went outside to breathe some air into your lungs hoping it will help. Callum was quick to notice that you left his side and he saw you standing under the roof in front of garage. You hid your face in your hands, so he immediately knew something was wrong. "You okay?". He asked once he approached you from behind. You were about to lie, but you felt light headed. Suddenly, you lost your vision for a second and your legs gave up, though Callum was there to catch you in his embrace. "Love, what's going on? Talk to me". You could hear panic in his voice. "I need to lay down. Like, now". You replied, trying to stand by yourself, but failed. "Let's get somewhere private, okay? I'll help you, don't worry". Callum's strong arms secured your waist, while you both were taking little steps back and out of garage.

Haas team prepared a small room for Callum in the paddock next to Romain and Kevin's ones and that's where he took you. You were clinging onto his body like a bear, afraid to fall and hit your head or break your arm. The fear made you feel a lot worse as your heart was pounding in your chest and you were sweating under Haas team waterproof coat. Callum brought you to the couch and laid you down on it, securing your head with one hand and your lower back with another. For a moment you felt like a baby, he was just so gentle with you. Then Callum quickly undone the zipper of your coat, fixing the collar of your hoodie next to make your neck some space. "Please, don't pass out on me". Callum begged as he kneeled next to you on the floor, squeezing your hand as if he wanted to give you all the strenght he had. "I'm sorry. I ruined everything. I ruined your day". All of the sudden tears started to stream down your face. You tried to force back the sobs, but their were powerful enough to shake your body. You couldn't breath anymore. You parted your lips, gasping for air, but no oxygen reached your body. "You didn't ruin anything, baby. Stay with me. I need you to breath for me, in and out. You can do it". Callum squeezed your hand even thigher to let you know he's here. You looked into his eyes that were watching you with so much love and concern. You kept watching him until he became your whole world, matching your breathing with his. Callum's other hand reached your head to caress it as your breathing pattern was getting back to normal. "Do you feel any better now?". You nodded, still focused on his eyes. "I'm still a little light headed, but not as much". You added. "When did this start?". Callum asked next, while brushing your tears away. "This morning. I got up, while you were in the bathroom and just felt like passing out". You confessed ashamed of yourself. "Why didn't you tell me? This is not a joke, love. When I felt how your body is getting weak in my arms I thought I was about to have a heart attack". Callum admitted, putting some strands of your hair behind your ear. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to ruin your first practise session and driving the F1 car". You explained and Callum shook his head. "There's no session or a car that's worth losing you. I mean it. Don't scare me like that, ever". You squeezed his hand in agreement and Callum got up to put a kiss on top of your head. Then he took off his coat and part of the suit to tie it around his waist. You made him space on the couch, so he could lay down with you. It seemed like there will be no driving anyway. You let Callum embrace you with his strong arms, while you rested your head on his chest. You could hear a steady thumping of his heart beneath your ear and it caused your racing one to slow down. "I love you". Callum whispered against your forehead, his lips touching your skin softly. "I love you too". You answered, nuzzling your nose more into him.

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