Mick Schumacher [29]

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A/N: I don't know if I caught the request right. I just wrote what came to my mind and I hope you'll enjoy it! :)

for: phoebe-durm

PROMPTS: [29] You've changed

REQUEST: You're about to meet Mick's parents, but can't decide what to wear. Mick comes to your rescue.

You stared at your reflection trying on another dress which felt like millionth this evening. You were about to meet your boyfriend's parents in few hours, but you still struggled with choosing the right outfit. The black dress you had right now on you fitted your body well, but whenever you made a move it was riding up your thighs which would be very awkward for everyone during dinner. You huffed at yourself in the mirror, hopelessly falling on the bed. You hid your face in your hands as the situation was slowly starting to overcome you. Mick's parents were good and nice people and you wanted to meet them for a long time, but you agreed to wait till Mick will have some more free time, so he could spent time with them as well. Now you realised that impression you'll made on them tonight could determine your relationship with Mick for years. Or end it.

You heard a soft knocking on a door frame of the bedroom. You looked up to see Mick already dressed up in his black suit and white blouse. His blonde hair were done as well, though you liked them a little messier. But anyway, he was perfect. As always. "What's going on, love?". He asked with concern hearable in his voice. "I don't know what to wear. Everything I put on myself tonight looks ten times worst than while hanging on the rack". You admitted, turning your vision away from him in embarrassment. "What about that dark blue one you had earlier?". Mick approached you and sat next to you on the bed. "You looked marvelous in it". A charming smile appeared on his face, which usually lift your spirit right away. But not this time. "You just saying that to make me feel better". Your tone was bitter. You shook your head, while looking at your bare feet. "I'd never lie to you about such matter. For me you always look gorgeous". You closed your eyes in case you were about to burst into tears. In some weird way his words were hurting you. 

"You've changed". Mick stated after you've been silent for a while and didn't dare to face him. "I've never seen you so anxious before. Is it because the dinner with my parents? If that's making you so uncomfortable we can postpone it". He reached out his hand to your cheek, his thumb starting to make comfoting circles on your skin. "I don't think it's a good idea. It would only show that I don't have respect for them. And I really want to meet them". You sighed as if all the strenght of your body evaporated. "Then tell me what's bringing you down?". With Mick words your face found itself fully in his warm hands. He made you look into his eyes. His heavenly blue hues on the other hand studied every little detail of your expression, trying to understand the situation. "You're an F1 driver now, Mick. It's amazing, but with that come some expectations from people towards your personal status". You spoke, swallowing hard. "I'm afraid that I'm not enough to satisfy those expectations and meeting your parents started to feel like a test for me. If they reject me, then the whole world will. Your friends, your team, your staff... ". Mick was processing your words for a few seconds, before he pulled you closer to him. You snuggled your face to his chest, while his chin was at the top of your head. "I thought we agreed on not thinking about other's opinions". He reminded you. "We did, but it turned out to be harder for me than I thought". You admitted and gnawed on your bottom lip. "You should told me then. I can't help you if you keep it inside". He let you sit straight again and you nodded. A charming smile appeared on your boyfriend's face once again as he took some strands of hair away from your face. Then he got up and approached your wardrobe. You observed him as he stood in front of the furniture, focused like he was about to get into the car. His long fingers followed the racks until they stopped on the right one. He came back to you with red dress that you wore only once during Christmas Eve. "It's red like Ferrari". You noticed, making you both laugh. "And like my love to you, darling. Vivid, crazy, unstoppable". 

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