Max Verstappen [27]

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for: Brazowa_Alpaka

PROMPT: [27] Can I fall asleep on your chest?

You sat on your couch and turned off the tv as the race ended with another win from Mercedes. You weren't happy about it, but neither you were crestfallen. The winner of British Grand Prix didn't really matter to you at the moment. All you could think about was Max, his accident with Lewis and then him crashing with the force hard to even imagine. Your heart broke into million pieces when cameras showed him barely walking out of something that used to be his Red Bull. When Max was taken to an ambulance you made some phonecalls to people from the team, seeking information about your boyfriend. Those were the most exhausting minutes of your life and in the end you didn't find out anything. Everybody were in a big shock, just like you, so, you sat in silence praying for a miracle and crashing your phone in your hand. Max's stuff was all over the place which caused you to wonder if he ever comes back to collect them. You shook your head immediately, reprimanding yourself for such thinking. You couldn't do that, you had to stay positive.

For the next hour you couldn't find yourself a place. You were mindlessly wandering around the apartment. Your body was present, mind gone. Suddenly, your phone buzzed in your palm and you stopped dead in your tracks. It could be bad news, but good news as well. You unlocked the screen to see a message from Jos who went to the hospital with him. You tapped on the icon in your notfications with your heart pounding in your chest. It was a selfie of Max and Jos together in unknown to you room with green walls. Both of them were smiling and keeping thumbs up to the camera. You sighed with relief, hugging the device to your chest. Tears were streaming down your cheeks from pure happiness that Max was okay. You wrote a quick 'thank you' for Jos and he informed you that they should be at your place soon. As all the stress slowly flew off your body you fell to the couch and waited. You had to take a short a nap, because the next thing you heard was ringing of your doorbell. You jumped off the couch and ran towards the door. "Hey". Was all you could say when you saw Max and his father on the other side of the doorway. You tried your best not to cry in front of older Verstappen, knowing his attitude in such situations. You stepped aside, letting them in. Max was looking good as for someone who just survived a major crash, but you could tell he had enough for one day and was tired. "He's still a bit drug-addled and bruised, but doctors said he'll be fully recovered in following days". Jos informed you, while putting Max's bag on the floor. Max himself sat on the shoe cabinet to take off his shoes. "I wish I could stay longer, but I promised I'll help Red Bull with the press. The atmosphere after the race is heated". You nodded, understanding Jos had to step up for Max and take over some of his duties. "I'll watch over him, don't worry. And thank you once again".

Once Jos was gone, you kneeled in front of Max to help him with his shoes. He was protesting and groaning from pain in the same time, so eventually he let you do this for him. You untied his schoelaces first and then gently removed shoes from his feet, one at the time. Meanwhile, Max admired the features of your face. Single strands of your hair were falling to your face, making you even more beautiful. He had so many poetic remarks about you, but they were propably a side effect of painkillers the doctors gave him. After you were done, you raised your head to look up at him and check on him. That's when your red eyes caught his attention. He might be drugged, but not enough to not notice. "Have you been crying, love?". He asked, his eyebrows furrowing together. You wanted to lie, though Max would know and you didn't want to cause him more harm. "I was just scared. I saw everything on tv and I was sitting here with no information until your dad sent me the photo". You confessed with your voice breaking a little at the end. "I'm so sorry you had to go through this alone". You shook your head. "It's not your fault. It's racing, right? Things like that happen, I'm just not used to them". You bit on your lower lip, remembering Max's previous crashes in Formula One. As every driver he had been involved in more than one accident during his career, still it wasn't something you could just get used to. Every crash was different. If he was fine after one, it didn't mean he would be after another. And it could struck at every race weekend, at any moment of cars driving laps. You never knew when or where it was coming. Every day could be your last. 

"Come with me to bed. I'm not planning to be somewhere else this evening". He noticed and you smiled. You stood up first and extended your hands to help him get up. With his arm around your waist you slowly guided him to your bedroom. You let Max sat on the bed, while you went to search for some fresh clothes for him. A dark blue Red Bull teamwear was soon replaced by simple white t-shirt and a pair of clean boxers. Finally, Max could lay himself under the covers and he did that without your help. Nevertheless, as soon as he was comfortable he wanted you to join him. "Can I fall asleep on your chest?". He asked in the way as if he was embarrassed to ask you that. He was still learning to express his feelings to people around him, but in your opinion he was doing great. You laid yourself next to him, carefully bringing him closer to your chest. Max was relieved that you accepted him and he rested his head on top of your chest, right above your heart and a deep sigh escaped his lips as he listened to its beating. Your arms gently embraced him and your fingers intwined with his blonde strands. As Max was slowly falling asleep, you felt truly at peace having him back in your arms.

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