Max Verstappen [31]

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A/N: What a coincidence that Victoria gave birth just three days ago! I wish her all the best :)

for: phoebe-durm

PROMPTS: [31] You said you wouldn't say anything

REQUEST: You and Max are trying to have a baby, but you've been unsuccessful for months. When you see his sister's little baby, it makes you sad that you'll never be able to start a family.

Max stopped his car under his sister's house. You took a bag with a gift from between your legs and got out first. Victoria has just welcomed her baby boy into the world, so she invited all family to spent a nice evening together. Not everybody could come to visit this weekend, but Max couldn't miss any opportunity to spent some time with his nephew. You on the other hand weren't in the mood to celebrate. It was cruel, but you were jelaous. You and Max were trying for a baby for a long time. This morning you were about to take another pregnancy test, when you got your period, whick spoke for itself. You were tired, frustrated and almost burst into tears when seeing all those women getting pregnant and giving birth without a problem. Why were you different? What did you do to deserve this?

Tom opened the door for you, inviting you inside. Max helped you with your coat, but you couldn't make yourself look at him. You felt like you were failing him at every step of the way. The three of you walked through the hall towards the living room, where Max's parents, Victoria and her little baby awaited you. Your heart squeezed at the sight of a baby boy in her arms. You sit on the couch next to Sophie, while Max approached his sister to welcome the new member of Verstappen family. "Hey, little guy". Your boyfriend cooed at the baby. "You want to hold him?". His sister asked, already handing him the baby. "Sure". Max replied, taking his nephew in his arms. Your eyes became watery, when you saw this picture perfect coming alive right before your eyes. You couldn't give that to him. You were doing everything like the doctors said, still, you were useless. With that thought some tears slipped from eyes. "Don't worry, honey". Sophie patted your shoulder, bringing attention of everybody to you. "You'll have your own baby. If now you have problems, it doesn't mean you'll have them in the future". You frowned at words of Max's mom, then you looked at him. He stood with a baby next to Victoria, concern visible in his features. But he knew also that he messed up. "You said you wouldn't say anything". You reminded him with your trembling voice. Max looked panicked as he saw your reaction. You shouldn't blame him. Sophie was his mother and it was good he was talking with her, but not about your shameful position. You felt like everyone was watching you, so you left the living room in order to calm down. You hid in the dark hall, leaning against the wall and slowly falling down on the floor. 

Max handed the baby back to his sister and followed you. When he saw you all curled up on the floor, his heart broke. He told you a million times it wasn't your fault that you didn't have a baby yet. Max approached you and knelt beside you. As you turned your head away from him, he took it into his hands to made you look into his ocean eyes. "I'm sorry I ruin this evening, but I just feel so hopeless". You cried, imagining what his family would think of you. Max sat on the floor next to you and embraced your body with his arms. "Don't worry about it. Everyone understand what you're going through right now". He assured you, but you shook your head. "No, no! You have no idea how it feels like to be a woman who can't give her man a child!". You explained, sobbing into his shoulder. "Having a child isn't obligatory in the relationship. I know how much you want that baby, but if it's so hard for you, then maybe we should stop for now. My heart breaks every time I see you cry. And with baby or not, my love for you won't change. You're still the same girl I loved yesterday and I'll love tomorrow". Max spoke, rubbing your shoulders to calm you down. "What if we stop and then try again, and nothing will come out of that?". You questioned. "There are mamy other options. We'll be fine. I promise you". He replied, washing the tears off your face with his hands. "Do we have a deal, princess?". You nodded and he kissed you on the forehead. You snuggled into him, knowing that he was right. Sometimes trying too hard is like not trying at all.

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