Charles Leclerc [17 & 27]

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for: lucreziasstories

PROMPTS: [17] I had a bad dream & [27] Can I fall asleep on your chest?

The sky went dark over the hills of Monte Carlo when you stepped out of the restaurant you've been working in for a couple of months now. Some said you could do better than a simple waitress, but you liked your job. It wasn't as stressful as it was in big cities like New York. People of Monaco were very nice and never rushed anywhere. But what's most important, this job let you provide for yourself, while continuing your course in the university during weekends. One of few flaws was this - coming home late or in the middle of the night. At the beginning it was bothering you, but you learnt to see beauty behind it. The city was quiet by that time, shinning with lights coming from apartments, street lamps and stars. It was this particular time when Monte Carlo was truly revealing its magic and you were one of the few who could witness it. As you were driving home you couldn't help thinking about Charles who was propably now sleeping peacefully in your shared bed, exhausted from training that should prepare him for the rest of the season. You smiled, imagining his dark messy hair on the while pillow, his eyelashes casting a shadow over his cheekbones and his sweet lips parted a little as he drifted off. 

With that image in your mind the ride passed faster than usual. You parked your car in appointed place and entered the builiding. The guard who was sitting behind the desk wished you a good night and you did the same. After that you took the elevator to your floor. Once there, you took your keys out of your bag and opened the door, only to hear that the tv was turned on. You thought it wasn't possible at such late hour, but as you walked further you could see the light flashing on the wall. "Charles?". You called out as you slipped your feet out from your shoes. "Living room". He replied. You followed his raspy voice to find him on the couch under the blanket with a remote control in his hand. His eyes were a bit swollen with purple bags starting to form under them. "Why aren't you in bed?". You asked softly, sitting next to him. Your hand immediately went to his dark strands to comfort him. "I had a bad dream". Charles confessed, while switching off the tv. The living room went darker in the second with just a lamp now giving some light at the back. "Do you want to talk about it?". You continued, knowing that talking about bad dreams and nightmares helps shoo them away. "I dreamt about you". Charles started. "You just walked out of our apartment and never came back. I kept sitting on this couch for days and nights, but the door didn't open, not even once".

When he finished talking you pulled Charles into a hug, bringing your palm up and down his back. Charles nuzzled himself into you, while his arms embraced your waist. You understood his fears. He was under a lot of pressure. To not let it consume him, Charles had to fulfil his duties as best as he could, which often ment he didn't have time for you. From that his nightmares were born. Charles thought one day he'll return to an empty apartment after a race weekend or you won't return to him after work, just like he said. "I'm always coming back to you. You have to remember that, okay?". You whispered, your lips brushing over his forehead. "I just... I love you so much. I can't imagine my life without you in it". He said in return. You could tell he was now relaxed from the way he mumbled those words. "I love you too. Do you want to come back to sleep?". Charles nodded and you got up from the couch, heading to your bedroom. Your boyfriend jumped under the covers first, while you changed into something more comfortable for a night. When you finally laid yourself next to him Charles shuffled closer to you. "Can I fall asleep on your chest?". He asked, his emerald eyes focused on you in the dark. "Of course". You opened your arms for him. Charles rested his head on your chest, right over your heart with the rest of his body was glued to yours. As you laid cuddled up under the sheets you played with his dark strands again, while he was listening to your steady heartbeat lulling him to sleep.

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