Chapter thirty three

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The running of shower water woke me up from my sleep . I slowly sat up and checked my surroundings , everything was still the same -everything except for the newly added idea on the wall . Give props to the artist . He perfected my nose , even the mole that's between my eyes and top part of my nose . Heck , he added the spots on my forehead . My eyes had the vibrant spark of life to it . Spencley's tongue was stroking my face . His eyes had the emotion: happiness to it . My sweet boy , I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him . I missed seeing his tail wagging frantically at the sight of me when I returned home from work . I missed taking him for evening walks . I missed brushing his fur . Surprisingly I even missed how he'd give me a tough time when it was time for his wash . But most importantly - I missed the bonding moments between us , especially on rainy days where he'd snuggle closer to me or place his head on my lap .

He's been away for almost two months now on dog training and his void keeps increasing by each day , especially on days where I just want to do nothing but just breathe . He should be back in two months time , how I'll spoil him rotten .

I smiled at the beautiful portrait , the gesture was too sweet for me to deny . I slowly sat up , a small picture frame had now replaced the lamp on the nightstand . A picture of me in a bright yellow floral dress , I remember this day . We had gone to Rishma's school function where we were both addressed as her parents , of course neither of us rectified the assumptions .

I had the biggest smile plastered on my face when it was Karishma's turn to go on stage . She performed a beautiful poem , her face instantly lit up when she finally took notice of Spencer and I's presence in the front seat row , along with Justin of course .

I walked to the other bathroom as the main one in the bedroom was still occupied . After the relaxing ten minutes shower , I wrapped myself in a white robe and went back inside the bedroom . I searched through the drawers for something to wear since I didn't have any clothes that fit me so I settled for his shirt and boxer . I searched through the first drawer but all I found there was cufflinks and pins .

I opened the second drawer and a whole lot of feminine greeted me . Underwear that were my size in all colours , bras that were a perfect fit and hairpins with my body conditioner . The makeup kit was in there too . This drawer was customized to look identical to the one I had at home . I stood timeless in awe as my stomach danced to this feeling inside of me .

What else had he rearranged to accommodate me and my personal space ?

I didn't notice that the shower had stopped running .

" You like what you see because I certainly do ?" His morning voice sounded in the quiet room . I turned around to meet him in all his glory , he was naked from his torso up , the droplets of water on his body made him look even more breathtaking than ever before . It was still hard to believe that this Adonis was mine and that he was the reason I was expecting peanut and that he was the reason for most of changes that happened in my life over the past year .

His towel hung dangerously low , exposing his v-line . Damn , this was a fine man . " Done drooling , you know all you need to do is ask me to take you?" The cockiness and the arousal in his voice was hard to miss .

His hungry eyes stared down at my naked self , before homing my eyes . " Hhhmm I don't know-" I tapped my chin , feigning that I was thinking. "-I'm not so sure if I want that or whether I'm in the mood ."

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