Chapter seventy nine

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" I am breathing , what is your problem!?" Spencer tried to calm me down . "Hang in there angel . We are almost there." his voice two octave high squeals .

"Hurry your babies are coming!" I yell at him. Oh how I wish to murder him now . "This is your fault ! I wouldn't be here if you used a bloody condom!" I pushed the blame on him , well technically it is his fault because if he had used a condom we wouldn't be in this situation . I know both of us are equally responsible for this but given the current situation , he's the one that's more wrong because I have to go push to humans out of me and he just stands there telling me to breathe.

" Drive faster!" I hiss .
" We're almost there angel." he tries to salvage my wrath . God I wish labour came with a manual and I would have prepared myself for this. I hate him. At this point he is nothing but an enemy and a heart wrenching sound escapes me once again , screaming in agony as the contraction hits me.

My water broke thirty minutes ago and we are still here on the road. He is passing every traffic light , every stop sign . He is driving like a mad lunatic , well he is a madman at this point and I'm mad at him. He steps on the accelerator and speeds as he continues his best to calm me down but everything he's saying now just irks me . If I wasn't on the verge of giving birth , I would have pushed him out of this goddamn moving car .

Damn Spencer . Damn you.

The hospital is at least another fifteen to twenty minutes but he has already called Suzanne and she's already waiting for us at the entrance. They came a day early . They came a day early , it was supposed to be here tomorrow not today.

I thought I had severe menstrual cramps but what I'm experiencing now takes the fucken cup . Gold help me. Nobody warned me . My mother who is sitting rubbing my stomach didn't warn me . She didn't tell me it would be this painful . My dad is left at home , being my babysitter. I just want these children out of me . The excruciating pain I'm feeling , feels like I'm being torn apart . I'm never doing this again never.

I'm a crying , sweating mess .

"I hate you! I hate you so much! I hate you with everything in me! I hate you!" I tell him , sending him the biggest , ugliest and the most murderous glare ever .

" What can I do to help you ? " he asks in a panicking tone.
"Can you get this baby out of me ? If not then shut the hell up and drive!" I fire back . I'll probably regret this once the babies are here but in this moment he deserves it.

"Fuck," he murmurs.

My mother is trying to calm me down through breathing exercises telling me to calm down and relax as if I'm not trying to do that while these children want to come . I'm not sure how long it will last but he better arriving soon .

He takes a sharp turn into the hospital parking lot and immediately we get help. I'm being put on a stretcher . I am being ushered to the delivery ward . It's crazy , he's panicking , telling me he loves me . A lot is happening and I'm not hearing any of it.

"Suzanne get these babies out of me now," I whisper .

Inside the ward , she's checking my vitals. She's checking my contractions and they seem to be coming faster which means I am close. I am eight cm dilated .

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