Chapter sixty eight

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Spencer .

I was the storm she built her home in /

Which is to say ,
She chose me
over the catastrophe - Spencer

Who would have thought that there'd be a time where I'd finally conclude the sessions with Rebecca . The entire purpose of these sessions were to help better my understanding my situation . Thirty years of being frustrated for being unable to relate when the gang spoke about something that related to sensations .

Being unable to be affectionate with my mother , always brought her what I now know as sadness , I'd watch her eyes leak from time to time , I have better understanding that the leaking of the eyes is caused by sadness and other emotions -crying .

Tapping my feet on the clean floors , waiting for Rebecca to say something . Over the years , she has watched me grow from a troubled five year old who thought he wasn't human because he had been born different , to a very much more troubling teenage boy filled with adolescent , filled with so much frustration seeing all his peers gather around and exchange their sexual experiences while he didn't even experience what they'd describe as full blown pleasure .

That's around the time I began searching for ways to make me feel , I seeked a woman's touch , as my peers said their touch was able to blow any boy's mind away . I too wanted that , eager and determined , I seeked for females both young and old thinking the age gap would work in my favour as the young ones were inexperienced and their work was rather sloppy and rushed , thinking I had been born like all the male species , weak and easily impressed . I seeked older females' touches thinking they'd be able to do a better job . It became very clear at a very early time that all women were the same and their techniques were the same .

Starts off with the batting of the eyelashes , next comes the seductive smile that works together with the batting of the eyelashes . Next comes the hands , the gripping of the chest area and the swaying of the hips , the rhythm way off . This technique would have any weak man's pants in a tent with lustful eyes. Weak men .

Next is the losing of the body items in a slow teasing pace , building up the effect for the semi final ,being left in the underwear . Up to this point , weak men are ready to combust as pre-cum is already leaking from them . The rate of breathing , I assume has increased and the female in play smiles seductively thinking , " I've got this in the bag ."

And for the final part , the sultry high pitched voice that causes migraines comes to play as the male pounds into the female . Females control the game whether the male species know this unfortunate truth or not , females control the entire act of sex . Males refer to themselves as alphas yet they only think with the hard penis ,get a male hard and ask anything from him , he shall grant you anything you ask as long as he gets his release .

Don't matter the females pleasure , weak mens' words are , " we started at the same time , each one must find their own release."

This is why you find that 90% females don't reach their release and are not satisfied, relying on self pleasing afterwards . I learnt this in my eighteen years of living the art of the act of sex .

This was the period where mother had booked me three sessions with Rebecca in a week , I recall the details all to well . Rebecca was still in her prime years but never did she falter or give up. No matter what challenge I presented to her , by doing so she earned my respect and from that day I met her efforts halfway.

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