Chapter five

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It took every bit of self control I had to refrain myself from claiming her lips whenever she smiled or laughed . I almost lost my cool at the mention of her lover boy .Why would she think of another man in my presence?

She has a mothering nature , she thinks I didn't see the way she was admiring the young waitress or that her tip went unnoticed. She does everything with grace . She chooses to see the good and best in people.

I wondered if she'll still see the good in me when she came to learn of my secrets . She stripped my soul naked , no matter how hard I tried to fight for dominance, in that moment when our eyes locked , I couldn't . She has no idea how a single innocent look from her brown eyes could do to a man like me . It was evident that she had an effect on me , rather her touching me does .

The second her hands made contact with my skin , my mind stopped working , leaving me to try and detect the unknown sensations on my own . It was infuriating because that was the only thing in my life I had no control over ; the second thing I had no control over was , my need for her .

Walking next to me , kicking the warm sand with her feet , refusing to look at me but stole glances at me was the most enchanting creature ever created . The sky was with us tonight along with the stars dancing above our heads .

Inhaling the warm night sea breeze , the night belonged to us . Wanting to know about her , I asked .

"Why are you single , angel?" She stopped walking and sat on the sand , facing the sea . I took a seat next to her waiting for her response. She watched the water dance , thinking about her reply .

"I haven't found the one worthy of my time and love yet-"

" You do not care for anyone but you are trying to care for me." she replied but questioned , stated .

Her statement had me wondering the same thing but the answer to that was easy , I guess being around her made it less difficult to try and act in any other way .

" I guess you make it easy for me to be like that to you." Pushing my feet up , I stood . She turned her face to me , I held out my hand and she slowly reached for it , eyes looking at my lips , I fought the urge to smirk . I reposed immediately at the contact of her touch . I helped her back to her feet and held her waist . I began leading the dance and she followed my lead .

It was in this moment that I wanted to put an end to this misery and kiss her till we were both panting , in need of air but again I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stop myself from doing more so I pushed all thoughts that might cause me to take a cold shower again at the back of my mind .

I told myself that seeing her smile was better than sex .

" A movie ?" I asked and she nodded . I walked us back to the house . Once inside I let go of her hand and walked into the storage closet and took out a blanket .

I walked to the lounge and found her relaxing on her couch , I took my seat next to her and covered her with the blanket . We fell into silence , the comforting kind .

After five minutes of silence she finally spoke.

" Why are you single?"

How do I answer her question without hinting out or exposing myself . I thought for a few moments , avoiding her eyes that may detect my lie .

" I don't do the girlfriend thing." it's not really a lie but it's not necessarily the truth either . From my perplexed view , I watched her face fall.

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