Chapter seventy five

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The dinner is not going the way it was supposed to go , how I envisioned it , how I had initially planned it and I have my mother to thank for that . Had she not brought Malcom with her , I wouldn't have to spend the rest of the night wishing for time to go any faster so this shame of a dinner could be over and done with .

I don't resent the man and I don't particularly like no want him for my mother . For the life of me I don't see what she sees in him that she thought it was best to bring him over to my house . I've only met him a few times at her place and that was it .

My in-laws are enjoying the meal , the ever so smiling Queeneth complements on the servings prepared. If you didn't know her , you'd automatically think she was buying face with all her compliments but that's really how she is , sweet, adorable and extremely gentle . She insists that Angel should have more vegetables on her plate and of course my wife rolls her eyes but grants her mother's wishes .

My father in-law Alec , the striking older version of my beautiful wife chuckles at the interaction between mother and daughter . The man absolutely adores his wife , he stares at her like she's the one controlling gravity . I've seen this look before and it's the same way she looks at him and how Zack looks at his wife Rosa and I know it's how I look at her , Harley . My relationship with him has changed for the better after that one faithful day , when I showed up unannounced at his doorstep.

One look at my face and he immediately knew what I came for . The old man sat in his chair and listened to me , telling him what my intentions were , not once interrupting or letting me know what was going on his head . I stated that I wanted to do right by his daughter and have her take my last name , I couldn't bring myself to tell him that his baby girl already bared my name . That would have destroyed their relationship .

Only after I made all my intentions clear did he finally stand up and shake my hand before pulling me into a tight hug . The man told me , I kept him waiting long enough after that , the lovely Queeneth treated us to a home cooked meal .

" Thompson , you have a lovely home son ." Alec spoke , refilling his wife's glass of juice . He flashed her a genuine smile before setting the jug down.

" Thank you sir ." somehow calling him by his first name didn't sound right to me , after all he addressed me respectfully by my last name .

" Baby girl tells me you made this meal , you know your way around the kitchen ," he says clearly amused by the fact that I prepared the entire meal.

I didn't do well with people growing up so cooking for myself was something I had always done so it's not a surprise that I've mastered all the skills .

Shooting my gossiping wife a glance , she buries her face with her hands and chortled , avoiding my gaze . I make a mental note to get her for this .

I feel my mother's gaze on me the entire time I conversed with Harley's parents . Knowing it's the very first time she's meeting them , she's watching our interaction very closely . Somewhere during the dinner , Queeneth and myself exchange recipes and I talk sports with Alec , completely avoiding any talks with Malcolm , who manages to insert himself in my conversation with Alec and my father in-law is oblivious to the tension surrounding us .

My mother made no efforts to attempt making small conversation with Harley's mother , but tried so hard talking to Harley herself.

" So , how far along are you ? " my mother asked just as the conversation died

My heavily pregnant wife , who looks like she's about to pop any second finishes chewing before bringing her attention to my prying mother . She offers her sweetest smile , " I'm 40 weeks next week." she tells her and I watch my mother's eyes light up at the news .

It's crazy that in less than two weeks , I'll be meeting my daughters for the very first time.

" That's fantastic , I'm beyond excited I can't wait to meet them . Have you thought about baby names ?" she asks and I know she has suggestions.

My wife shoots me a quick glance that says she needs me to come to get rescue . Clearing my throat , I do just that ,

" Yes . Mother but just like everyone else, you'll know when they arrive. " I tell her with finality in my tone .

And the rest of the dinner goes smooth if I have to put it like that. Malcolm behaved and had managed to create some friendship with Alec while my mother had finally gotten out of her cloud and engaged in small talk with Queeneth .

I felt my wife squeeze my thigh under the table , glancing at her , her face told me everything I needed to know -she was happy about tonight .

Her happy ensured my own happiness .

My wife has become so insatiable , her hunger does not get sated , at all . For someone who claims to be exhausted everytime she has to move , she always has energy for sexual activities . Not that I'm complaining .

But damn , the quietness of our bedroom due to soundproofed walls , her moans and my groans bounced back to us tenfold , driving me close to insanity especially when she screamed my name .

Fuck .

She yawns and says her goodbyes to the guests before heading up to our bedroom leaving me to make sure that our guests leave . I offered her parents a room but they kindly declined the offer . My own mother and her guest left immediately after my in-laws , saying she'll call me . I spent thirty minutes cleaning before retiring upstairs at well .

Upon entering the quiet room , I expected to find Harley sound asleep and definitely not handcuffed to the bed , naked and waiting for me .

" You've kept me waiting long enough , Thompson." she said , wetting her lips with her tongue.

See what I mean about her being insatiable.

Fuck , Angel . Yes I was about to fuck her in a moment .

She'll be the death of me , literally. I began losing my clothes .

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