Chapter eighteen

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" You were right Mrs Solomons , he did come back " I told my new favourite patient . Mrs Solomons has been visiting me often and spending lunch with me , I told her about what Spencer did for me but I left out the intimate parts and that he never told me his reasons for disappearing .

" If you weren't taken by your mystery man , I would've loved you to be with my son Welsie . Having a daughter -in-law like you would have been a blessing , the one who has your heart is indeed blessed and lucky " she told me sincerely.

" I do consider myself very lucky and blessed to have her in my life " a voice I knew very well said , interrupting our lunch .

" I'm glad you know that " I sassed. He walked over to me , looking all sorts of handsome in his black Armani suit and Nike air max sneakers .

" Hey Angel " he said placing a kiss on my forehead , I blushed knowing Mrs Solomons was watching us , " Hey handsome " I replied with a blush . " You look beautiful " he complimented me , I rolled my eyes . I was anything but beautiful today . I was in my operating gear , the emergency room has been filled with bodies since yesterday and I just performed a heart transplant . I even had dark circles under my eyes and my hair was nowhere being neat . " Stop lying , I look like a corpse " I whined hitting him an apple but he caught it and took a bite , "Tasty but not my favourite thing to eat " he winked at me , causing my face to flush .

" Harley my child , I'll see you soon " she said standing up, I stood up and pulled her into a hug . She gave the best motherly hugs .

"Take care of yourself , you chose well my child " she winked before leaving us .

" Who is she ?" Spencer asked . I walked over to him and pulled him into a long passionate kiss .

" I missed you " I said in between kisses . " I missed you too but Angel you smell like blood and dead people " he wrinkled his nose pulling away from me . He was right , I smelled like blood but he was exaggerating about dead people .

" It's part of my job , douchebag . I'll operate on you one day so watch it " I said pointing a finger at him . " So what are you doing here ?" I asked .

" I came to see you " he said , not looking at me and I just knew he was lying . " Why are you lying ?" I called him out , he chuckled and brought his lips to mine again before pulling away sighing , " You're right , I actually have a meeting around the corner and I just thought to stop by and get good luck kisses before going " he spoke .

" Well you better make sure you collect all the good luck kisses " I said puckering my lips and standing on my toes . He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him roughly . I felt him grow . " Down boy " I teased but managed to convince me otherwise . He walked us over to my table and gently placed me on the edge , I couldn't believe what was about to transpire at my place of work in my office . " Spencer , I work here . " I said , my subconscious was telling me to stop , it was showing me red flags but my body responded differently. It wanted him . " Move in with me then , if you don't the entire hospital hearing you scream my name " he said in a teasing voice but in actual fact he meant what he said . I stared at him dumbfounded , move in ? Our thing was still new, very new . "Move in ?" I asked but he just stared at me , " Yes woman , we'll have enough time together " he tried to reason . I was about to argue when Amy walked in without knocking , "Oh sorry , I didn't know you had a visitor , you are needed in the emergency room " she said batting her eyes at Spencer but he was looking at me, "So when are you moving in ?" he asked , completely ignoring me . " Lets continue with this conversation later , now off you go to your meeting . I'll walk you out " I said as we walked hand in hand , Amy was still standing by the door glaring at me .

" You should get back to your desk Amy" I said , with annoyance in my tone , she rolled her eyes at me but still swayed her hips as she walked away .

" She doesn't like you. " Spencer commented , holding my hand .

"She wants you. " I said , feeling the annoyance rising all over again .

" I want you. " he said placing a peck on my lips .

Elephants danced inside my stomach , I still couldn't get over the feeling I got whenever he said something like this to me or the small affections he gives me .

" Good luck on your meeting ," I said , stepping on my toes and placing a kiss on his lips . He brought me closer and deepened the kiss .

He pressed my back on the back of his car , kissing me roughly , "Spencer " I said panting and breaking the kiss . He looked at me with hooded eyes .

" Pick you up , later. " he said , kissing my crown and driving off . I watched until his car disappeared from my view .

I walked back inside with a huge smile on my face , Amy was not at her desk when I walked past . I was thankful for that , I couldn't have her ruining my day with her malicious self .

Something or someone pushed me so hard , I twisted my ankle , I winced in pain . I waited for the person to apologize but the apology didn't come . I brought my eyes to a familiar looking face , she had dark circles under her eyes now , her face was wrinkled , she looked old . Her eyes were cold and icy . I took in her ageing face . I rubbed my hot cheek after receiving the hardest slap I've ever received .

" Sorry ?" I asked confused .

She scoffed and pushed me into again. " As you should be , after all this is All your fault!" She hissed at me . What was my fault ? I fought back the tears .

" I don't understand Ma'am..-"

" Of course you don't understand , what could you possibly understand ? All you ever do is open your legs for him right ?" She spat .

" What are you talking about ?" My voice came out as a whisper . She was harassing me at my place of work . " How is it that few hours after we declined your request to fund your stupid project , we go bankrupt !?" She yelled at me , poking at my chest . I had no idea what she was speaking about , bankruptcy, decline , my project . I thought I received the funding .

" Ma'am I really have no idea what you're on about " This time I was on the verge of breaking down .

" Don't tell me you had no hand in my company and along with every single member who was present in that room going bankrupt , your boyfriend ruined us , my family!" She screamed .

" What , I had no idea , I'm sorry " my apology only made it worse as she raised her hand to hit me , I closed my eyes as I waited for her hand to hit me but it never came .

I opened my eyes and saw Mark pressing her against the wall , if looks could kill , I would've been long dead . "Stop embarrassing yourself Joana , leave " he hissed , pushing her out of my way . "You'll pay for this " she vowed as she exited the door . I looked around and saw everyone looking at me and Amy smirking but her smirk soon turned to a grimace as she saw Mark's hand on my lower back .

" You okay ?" He whispered softly at me , causing me to sob silently into his shoulder . " Thank you " I sobbed harder , he brushed my back . " Let's get you out of here " he said walking me out .

He opened the door for me and closed it after me . He went inside and looked at me softly . " Where should I take you ?" He asked me with his soft smile . "Anywhere but here " I answered , looking outside the window .

I couldn't be more embarrassed , to be saved by him out of all the people . Where was Paul , John , Victor , where was the security? . I knew he'd be livid when he finds out that I went with Mark but this wasn't about him or his man ego , this was about me . He wasn't there when I needed him , after all it's all his fault .

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