A Blast From the Past

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I promise I would have slapped that bastard. I would have enjoyed the pleasure that leaving a bright red mark across that man's cheek would have given me. I would have, that is, unless Harry hadn't stopped me.

Ed let out a booming laugh, apparently amused by my anger. Harry stared at me in bewilderment but, right now, I couldn't focus on anything but the way anger spiked up inside me from seeing him.

"This definitly wasn't the way I expected you guys to meet," Harry said, his eyes wide with shock. His hand still held mines; they were intertwined and flotaing in the air. "So I guess theres some history here."

Ed opened his mouth and began to say something and my chest froze with worry. My mind went through all the ways Ed could mess my life up right at this moment. Ed knew the old me. Harry doesn't know that there is an old me. Harry can't know.

"Its a long story," I said, cutting Ed off. I took my hand away from Harry's grasp and stuffed it into my pocket, giving Ed a meaningful look.

"Not really," Ed commented, winking at me.

I'm literally two seconds away from killing this man.

Harry looked between the two of us before shrugging and walking into Ed's house, presenting the two of us with his back.

"Whatever," Harry said, taking his jacket off and dropping it on the floor. Ed scowled and I laughed. "Where's the beers? Ed we're planning on being here or a while-"

"Perfect," Ed mumbled looking down at me.

"-so lets get the movies out. Call for pizza. Do you want pizza, baby?" Harry asked, looking back at me.

"Chinese," I suggested, bumping my shoulder against Ed's and following Harry into a small and untidy living room. It held one small dirty brown couch and a flat screen tv. It was obviously meant for a person who didn't have company often.

Harry nodded and got out his phone, plopping down on the couch.

"So basically you guys are just gonna come into my house, drink all my beer, and leave a huge mess?" Ed drawled.

"Yes!" Harry answered, smiling widely.

"We can go if you like?" I asked hopefully. Ed looked down at me and smiled sweetly.

"Make yourselves at home," he said, looking between the two of us. He then began to back up to another part of the house. "I'll get refreshments."

I could hear Harry mumbling into his phone, the words 'chicken fried rice' and 'lo main' coming up in his conversation. He motioned for me to sit beside him but a quick shake of my head notified him that I had other plans. He gave me a questioning glance as I followed Ed into his kitchen. 

 It seemed as if Ed knew that I would follow him from the way he leaned against the fridge, a sly smirk on his lips.

"I'm personally surprised," Ed said, as if were in the middle of a conversation. "Not only did you get your father to send you off with one of the biggest boy bands that he manages but you also got Harry to like you."

"Ed I didn't do this on pupose," I hissed, glaring at the red haired singer.

"The Violet I knew was masochistic, selfish, unloving, unloved, and sex crazed," Ed hissed back, eyes trailing up and down my body. "Nobody makes a change that drastic in such a short time. I don't trust this. Does Harry and the guys even know who you really are?"

I looked down at my shoes and shook m head.

Ed was silent for a moment but I could feel his eyes still on me. Ed and I have history. It had been a long time ago. My dad had wanted Ed on his label so he had drafted me to show Ed around New York. My father's plan had been for Ed to gain a liking to me, probably even date me. That way Ed would choose my father as his manager and I would be the person that sealed that deal. What my father didn't think about when making his plans was that I hated him with every fiber of my being. Over the years I had grown to hate everyone. I was lonely and I only had human contact while getting fucked. I was bitter. So instead of showing Ed the best of New York, I showed him the darkest corners. Drug deals, clubs, and everything NYC had to offer. By the end of the night we were both drunk and I had slept with him because I was who I was. I slept with everything with a heartbeat because their was no one to tell me I couldn't. In the morning Ed woke up with a massive headache, alone, and in a trashed apartment. I had left him in the middle of New York with no way of getting back to his hotel. He had given me crabs, ironic enough. I don't want Harry to know about that Violet. That was my past. A past that I am ashamed of. I have changed.

"I'm telling Harry who you are," Ed breathed, walking passed me.

I quickly clutched his shirt, my fist wrapped around his cotton t-shirt.

"Ed please!" I whispered, looking up at him pleadingly. "I swear I've changed. I'm not like that anymore!"

"How do I know that you're not with Harry just to hurt him?" Ed paused, looking down at me with distaste.

"I would never ever do that to Harry," I whispered.

Ed and I locked into a staring contest. He searched my eyes trying to decipher if I was telling the truth. Then something clicked in his eyes and before I could stop him his lips were on mine. He backed me up to the kitchen wall and desperately tried to pry his tongue into my mouth. I knew what he was trying to do. I used to have no self control. Ed was completely right when he said I was sex crazed. I made out with anything that walked because I was a slut. But i'm not like that anymore.

"Stop," I hissed, pushing him away. I dragged the back of my hand across my lips. Ed looked at me curiously. "I promise I 've changed. I cant and wont cheat on Harry. I-I love him."

Ed's eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at me. Both of our breathing was heavy.

"Why don't you just tell him?" he questioned.

"Because if he knows about all those people I slept with he'll leave me," I answered, looking away from his blue eyes. "He thinks i'm innocent. He wont trust me or who I am." I looked back into Ed's eyes. "Ed I remember who I was. And I finally know that who I was is wrong. I did that because I wanted people to love me."

"How is sleeping with people going to do that?" he scoffed.  

"I wanted people to love me even if it was for five minutes at a time. I had no one else."

Ed sighed, backing away from me. He dragged a hand down his face.

"It goes against all my instincts to not tell Harry who you really are," Ed sighed. "We've been friends for years now. Its my duty to tell him. But I won't. You love him?"

I nodded vigorously.

Ed closed his eyes before sighing and giving me a pointed look.

"You have to tell him someday," he said, looking away and getting beers from the fridge.

"Someday," I replied, looking up at the ceiling. "But now today."


I dragged my fingers through Harry's curls. We had been over Ed's house for two hours now, long enough to see the sun set and the stars take its place. Ed was actually a funny person. He had kept his promise to not tell Harry but  I could see him watching Harry and I interact out the corner of his eye.

I was now laying on the only couch in the living room, eating shrimp fried rice with one hand and massaging Harry's scalp with the other. Ed and Harry sat on the floor, their heads resting on the couch. A soccer game played on the tv but I was never one for sports. Instead I got lost in my past and what I was supposed to do about it.

How was I supposed to tell Harry that his girlfriend used to use drugs, have sex with everything, and get drunk every night? I was ashamed of who I used to be. Harry and the guys wouldn't trust me. They would hate that I lied to them about who I used to be. The Violet they know isn't a slut.

I sighed and took my hand out of Harry's hair, earning a whine from him.

I would tell him. Just not soon.

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