Turtles and What Not

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 My eyes shot back and forth to take in all the beauty of what I was seeing. I had stepped into a huge aquarium. The glass of the room separated me from the turtles on the other side. The water cast a turquoise light causing everything to bathed in blue.

Including Harry, where he stood in the middle of the room. He was standing on a traditional checkered red and white picnic blanket that also held a basket and a guitar.

“Fancy seeing you here,” he said happily with a wide smile, obviously pleased with my reaction.

“Harry,” I started while slowly walking towards him and taking in my surroundings. “How did you know?”

I was momentarily distracted by a huge turtle swimming near the glass. I wanted to trace the designs on his shell with my fingertips. Not many people knew that I adored turtles. And aquariums.

“Don’t you remember?” Harry questioned while I came to stand in front of him on the blanket. I tore my gaze away from the magnificent animals only to become distracted by Harry’s magnificently green sparkly eyes. I was surrounded by beauty. “We were playing twenty questions.” His arms found their way around my waist and he pulled me towards him. “You let it slip that you ‘adore turtles’. I actually listen to you, you know.”

I laughed lightly and went on my tip toes to peck his nose. Before Harry could complain about ‘wanting a proper kiss’, I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the glass.

“They’re so perfect!” I squealed as we approached the glass. Yes. Squealed. I’m that excited.

“I’m better,” Harry said playfully and I smacked his chest lightly. “Ow!”

A turtle swam close to us and I put my forehead on the glass.

“Did you know that seeing a turtle fall from a swing set is what helped Newton make his theory about gravity?” I asked randomly. “And hearing one talk is what drove him crazy?”

Harry laughed and we walked around, watching the turtles, until we came back to the basket and he pulled out sandwiches. I told him all the funny stories I knew about turtles and, surprisingly, he didn’t get bored with them. Instead, he actually enjoyed them and interjected things like ‘I am 100% sure that’s not true’ and ‘I can see why you like them so much’. Somehow, we ended up lying side by side on the blanket. My head was on his shoulder, my right leg entangled with his left, his hand brushing strands of long,brown hair from my face. We played ‘Would You Rather’ and I questioned his sanity.

“Would you rather always feel like you have to pee (and never really have to) or not feel it when you have to pee?” I questioned, my eyes closed while focusing on the comforting tug of my scalp while he ran his finger through my hair.

“Hmmmm….Not feel it when I have to pee,” he answered.

My eyebrows shot up.

“But what if you peed yourself?” I said, laughing because this was one of the most absurd conversations I’ve ever had.

“But if I would have chosen to have to feel like always peeing, then I would be in a constant state of discomfort.” He said in a ‘matter-of-fact’ tone.

“That’s disgusting,” I stated.

“I would just be walking around with a deceivingly heavy bladder,” he snickered.

I stuck my tongue out.

“That’s even disgusting-er,” I laughed.

“That’s not even a word!” Harry said, his voice echoing and bouncing off the glass walls.

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