The Soul Colors of the Sky

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It was night, 12pm to be exact. It was a period of the day that belonged to the stars that were held in place by the black sky. It was a period of the day when each soul lay resting in their beds as they dreamt of things that belonged only to them, little worlds that only they had access to. But Violet and Harry were awake. It was the presence of the other that kept our two lovers wide-eyed, the need to be with each other acting as their caffeine. Instead of in bed, they lay on lush, green grass of a field near a playpark. They were each staring at the stars that had been tightly sown by God into the fabric of the night. No words passed between them, no quiet confessions that would eventually be forgotten by time. Instead they just stared at the sky. Quietly. Because there was no need for words. Harry and Violet just knew what the other was thinking, feeling, experiencing because these two souls were thinking, feeling, experiencing the same exact thing. They were experiencing the sweet, sweet drug of love.

“Did you ever wonder why the sky is blue sometimes? Then pink? Then black?” Harry whispered, breaking the silence. The boy didn’t expect Violet to answer. It was a simple question, a question asked by curious snot-nosed five year olds. But Violet turned to Harry and Harry watched as that cute line formed between her eyebrows.

“Did somebody ever teach you about that pharaoh in Egypt that killed all the baby boys because he was searching for Jesus?”

Of course Harry knew about that. But he acted ignorant, yearning for the wonderful sound of her voice as it rhythmically told a tale.

“I’m not religious, so I don’t know the exact names. But there was once a pharaoh. And this pharaoh was mean, the sort that you wouldn’t want to invite for dinner. He wanted to stay powerful and was threatened by Jesus who, by the way, was only, like, two or something. So he ordered to have all the baby boys killed.”

Harry and Violet’s hands had found their way into each other’s grasp.

Violet continued. “But the baby boys didn’t wanna die, obviously. So instead of ceasing to exist, their souls drifted up into the sky and, because boys like the color blue, they stained the sky blue.”

It didn’t matter that the story was preposterous. Both the boy and girl were drinking it in because the night that they both shared made everything possible.  

Harry decided to complete the story. “And sunrise and sunset are pink because girls like pink.”


Both were silent. And then Violet said,” When people grow up their souls turn different colors depending on the person favorite color. And when they die, their souls go up to the sky. The mixes of all those colored souls create a black night.”

Silence. Then once again Violet, “We just made dying the most beautiful thing.”

And Violet laughed in that way that she does. Harry watched as her freckled nose crinkled. As her eyes shut tight and her chin titled towards the sky. He watched as her body reacted to joy and Harry felt so alright.

Harry decided that there were so many beautiful things. The sky. The memory of his mother singing on a Saturday morning. The relief of closing your eyes when his head hits the pillow after a long day. But there was nothing, absolutely nothing, that was as beautiful as the person lying beside him.  

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