Beep Beep WAKE UP

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Beep, Beep, Beep!

"Aah!" I said, shooting straight out of my comfy, blue- sheeted bed and almost instantly fell onto the ground. I scrambled to silence that blasted alarm clock that I wanted to throw off the Bay Bridge.

"Shit..." I mumbled from the ground. I was pissed. Not just pissed. LIVID. Don't get me wrong. Normally, I wake up happy. Normally I wake peacefully from my slumber to find the birds tweeting and all that crap but to be honest I had been having a very steamy dream that involved me, whipped-cream and a sexy hunk of Taylor Lautner. I groaned from the ground and pushed myself up into a sitting position, staring at my sheets wistfully. I am not creepy. I swear. If I ever met Lautner I wouldn't start humping matter how much I would want to...

I tore my gaze away from my bed and stumbled into the bathroom. I caught sight of the mirror and winced. I looked like hell. My skin was pale, my cheeks were covered in drool, and my brown hair was sticking up in all directions. My green eyes were covered in sleep crust and honestly I wanted to get a bat and beat the reflection out of that mirror. Sighing, I turned around and faced my tub. I turned on the water and stripped out of my blue pj's. If it wasn't obvious, blue is my favorite color. Climbing into the shower, I stood there and let the hot water wash away my horrid morning looks.

About five minutes into the shower I heard my phone ring. Hurriedly turning off the water and jumping out of the shower, I ran to get my I-Phone. I didn't bother to put clothes on. It's not like anyone would walk into my little New York City apartment anyways.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

" Violet? Where the hell are you?!"

I rolled my eyes at my stupid best-friend. Don't get my wrong. I love Dawn and her crazy tendencies but sometimes she could be a dunce.

"It is 8 o' clock. On a saturday morning. Where the heck do you think I am?"

"Don't use that tone with me Brunette- Beauty!"

I smiled when she used my nickname that she had given me when I was 12. "Sorry Blonde Bitch." Now that nickname she had given herself.

I heard her laughter through the phone as I searched threw my drawers to find something to wear for the day. Its not like I had any job to go to. Most of my days involved hanging around with Dawn and reeking havoc on the NYC. Hell, most of my nights involved parting with Dawn and reeking havoc on the NYC...and, regrettably, sleeping with a few guys and getting drunk. It wasn't my fault! My dad was practically rich because he was the manager of some UK band that I cared to little to ask him about. I basically lived off of daddy's money. He wasn't around enough to notice my dishonorable actions but thats good. If he knew what I get into on most nights I would be in some deep shit. So when Dad did decide to spend time with his only daughter, which was not often, I acted like the innocent, cute, girl he thought he had. I regret nothing. As for the sleeping-with-guy part, who could me blamed? I wasn't boasting body was pretty fit. Girls just wanna have fun. ;).

"So," I heard her ask from the phone. I threw on some black skinny jeans, black high heels, and a blue fitted t-shirt that showed off my rack. "What are we doing tonight?"

I scoffed while adjusting my outfit a bit. "What do we do every night?!"

"Party time! Lets get wasted!" Dawn shouted over the phone. I laughed at my dunce-friend and told her that I would see her at the club around the corner from my apartment called Liquid tonight.


Dawn and I had been at the club for about two hours and we were already completely wasted. The music was hypnotic. The beat pulsed threw my body and I danced dirty with Dawn. Im not gay or anything but Dawn and I would dance like this to catch the eyes of the guys. While throwing my head back and dancing to a pit bull song I caught the eyes of a blonde haired McHottie behind Dawn's shoulder. He was definitely keen. I was maybe only eighteen but I knew the look a guy got in his eyes when he wanted me.

I leaned down and whispered/yelled into Dawn's ear. "I thinks I caughts a fish!"

Dawn looked over her shoulder at McHottie who was still sending looks my way. She turned to me and gave me one of her devil grins. "Go get him girl!"

She slapped my ass and I stumbled away from her to Mr. McHottie. I reached and grinned up at him. Stepping forward, I left little space between us. I reached up and caught his chin. Pulling, I made him come down to my height. Dude was like three heads taller than me!

"Violet," I whispered/yelled seductivily into his ear.

He smiled and pulled back a little so that he could talk into my ear. "Kevin."

He leaned back so that he was at his original height. Still smiling, I grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor.

"You at the motel, hotel, Holiday Inn!" As Pit-Bull sung I thought about how much fun me  and Kevin would have tonight...


I pushed the door open to my apartment and let Kevin in. I shut the door and was in the process of locking it when I was pulled by the waist backwards and thrown against the wall. Kevin began to kiss me roughly and I was to wasted to register the pain that should have resulted from me colliding with the wall. I smiled into the kiss and pulled Kevin's bottom lip causing him to moan. If he thought he would be in control he had another thing coming. I pushed away from the wall, still kissing him, and backed us up into my tan couch in the living room. Breaking away for air, I halted the kiss and pushed Kevin onto the couch. I crawled over top of him and straddled his hips. I slowly leaned in but before I could meet Kevin's lips with my own I heard a voice from the door that definitely shouldn't be there.

"Violet! Honey! Why is this door open?! You live in New York! You should be more saf-" My father stopped his speech and took in the scene before him.

I stared dumbfounded at him before raising my hand and pointing, drunkingly, at him. "You, father dearest, are not supposed to be here." Then I leaned over and threw up on Kevin's chest. Kevin looked at me disgusted before rolling from under me and running out of my apartment. My dad's still shocked eyes followed him as he left.

"Bye!" I yelled before passing out on the couch.

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