James' Welcome

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A while later, we finally reached D.C. Immediately, I threw the door open and fell on the cement outside. Dramatically, I started kissing it vehemently.

Then I sat up and threw my arms in the air.

"Finally! Freedom!"

I was interrupted from my praising by many chuckles. Looking around, I saw that the boys were jumping off the bus giving me amused looks. We had arrived in the parking lot of a massive building. Random people, that were probably crew workers, were giving me weird looks.

Blushing, I ran to catch up to the boys who were walking to the entrance of the building. I got an idea and grinned massively as I ran straight towards Louis. I don't know why I was feeling so giddy! I think its the carrots that I have been eating by the ton...

The boys didn't seem to notice me as I ran towards them. Liam and Niall were laughing at something. Zayn was walking calmly towards the door while giving amused looks to Harry and Louis who were sending each other kissy faces.

When I reached Louis, I jumped and landed on his back, struggling to get a grip.


Louis started flailing his arms and running.

"Iv been caught!" he yelled.

He gave me a piggy back ride to the door. We were the first to get there and when we did, I jumped off of him and watched while he panted and leaned against the door.

"Wow. Someone needs to lose some weight!"

My mouth fell open. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. Then I heard laughing from behind me.

"Yeah Vi," Niall said. He winked at me. "Lay off the carrots, would ya?"

The door was opened and we all went in but I lagged behind a little. I couldn't deny that that fat comment kind of hurt. I kind of had a slight eating disorder. If you count barely eating as slight.

I sighed, frustrated, as I followed the boys through the building. Was I really that fat? Maybe I should lay of the carrots...

"You okay?"

I jumped, startled when I heard Liam. He had slowed down his walking so that he could be beside me rather than in front of me with the boys.

I looked up at his worried eyes.

"Fine." I said. I put a smile on my face to prove my point.

He continued to stare at me with a doubtful expression on his face as we walked. Finally, he nodded and we caught up with the boys as we reached our destination.

We had stopped in a room that had different stations set up. I recognized make-up, both male and female clothes, and hair supplies.

What were we doing here?

Suddenly, both Harry and Louis shouted:


Well I guess they were doing an interview...As the boys walked towards different stations, I pranced towards a couch wondering what I would do while I was waiting for them. Thats when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the make-up station.

"What-" I started to ask but the woman who had grabbed me cut me off.

"Your in the interview. Don't ask questions cause I don't know the answers."

Then she pushed me into the chair and started wiping the make-up that was on my face, off. I stared at the woman in shock. I was doing an interview?! And no one had bothered to tell me?! Hell to the know!

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