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Violet POV

Since it was only just past 10, nobody felt like going to sleep yet. Liam wanted to watch Toy Story 3 so I went into the room to change. Did I mention that this suite only had one room, a living room, and a kitchen. Yea. With a warning from Niall saying that they would start the movie without me, I went to my suitcase and pulled out some black shorts and a white long sleeved shirt. Before I could shrug my shirt off, I heard somebody open and close the door.

I turned around and my heart skipped a beat.

Harry stood in front of the door scanning me with his emerald green eyes.

"You have been ignoring me," Harry stated. He slowly walked across the room until we were standing just a few inches away from each other.

"N-no I haven't," I stuttered. That was a lie. I knew full well that I had been purposefully ignoring Harry because I didn't want to feel anything towards him.

Absentmindedly, he caught a bit of my hair between his fingers and began to twist it. My heart was going double time.

"You trip over your words when you lie," Harry muttered. He still twirled my hair and stared at it, transfixed. Unexpectantly, his eyes flicked up to stare intently into mine's. "And your ears twitch. It's quite adorable."

I blushed scarlet. Harry was way to close for comfort. And he was making my body react to his touch. I was his friend and a friend doesn't blush when another friend looks at them. My heart shouldn't feel like it was about to break out of my rib cage. My body was a traitor.

"May I try something?" Harry whispered. His words came out slow, deep, and british.

I nodded, unwilling to break the quiet.

Harry's eyes flickered down to my lips and I swallowed. He wasn't about to kiss me. No. I was dreaming and any second now I would wake up and curse myself for having this silly, impossible dream.

His long, gentle fingers came up and lifted the bottom of my chin up. His gaze stayed locked on mine and he looked at me warily as if waiting for me to push him away. A small part of my brain whispered:

"Push him away NOW Violet. Don't let yourself fall for him because you will only get hurt!"

While another, louder and larger part of me shouted:

"Kiss him! You know that you have already fell for him! There is no need to deny it!"

And as much as I knew that I should listen to the smaller part, I couldn't push him away. I wanted so badly to kiss Harry that it felt like a physical pain. But I was so scared. I was so scared that he would just use me like I have let myself been used so many times before and then just throw me to the side. I didn't know if I would be able to handle that. Not when Harry was the first person that I longed to love. But I longed to love him so much that I let his other arm snake around my waist and pull me into his chest.

Our foreheads lay on each others. Our noses touched. Our breath mingled and became one as a few centimeters became the distance between our lips. I closed my eyes waiting for that moment when our lips would finally meet. We stood like this for a couple of seconds before he closed the distance and his lips pressed softly but determined onto mine.

And I exploded.


Okay. Maybe I didn't explode but it felt like it. Heat coursed through my veins as he pulled me tighter into his chest. There was absolutely no space between our bodies. The earth shattering kiss quickly got more intense. Where it was once hesitant but determined, it was now filled with hunger and passion. This was by far the best kiss that I had ever had. Ever. My arms went behind his neck and my fingers slipped inside his silky curls. I moaned softly as his tongue ran along my bottom lip, begging for entrance. Not thinking twice, I let him in and our tongues danced with each other. I didn't think about the repercussions of this kiss. Instead, I bathed in bliss.

When my lungs were begging for air I pulled back and looked up at Harry. The room was totally quiet except for our pants as we caught our breathe. Harry was slightly flushed as he stared back at me.

"I want you to be my girlfriend, Violet Lexington," he said softly. At first I didn't hear him. I was to busy focusing on his perfect features. But then I did. And my heart suddenly stopped before beating furiously.

Oh God. He wants me to be his girlfriend. But I can't...But what if I was his girlfriend? Mental images of us walking hand in hand flashed through my mind. I stared wide eyed up at Harry whi looked nervously down at me, waiting for my answer.

Lets take a moment.


I think I fucking love him.


My dad and management WOULD NOT approve.

The fans SURE AS HELL WOULD NOT approve.

I didn't deserve someone like Harry and, if I really do love him, then there is a chance that Harry could break my heart....

"I can't," I whispered. My eyes closed as I refused to let tears slide from my eyes.

I heard Harry take in a sharp intake of breath.

"And may I ask why?!"

Harry's voice raised a little and broke the peaceful quietness causing me to flinch slightly.

"Because of my dad," I said. I opened my eyes to his emerald green orbs staring into my own. I ignored the way my heart was soaring at how his arms still enclosed me in his embrace.

Harry stared wide eyed at me before chuckling.

"Fuck him," he said. And his lips returned to my own, fiercely. Once again, tingles exploded across my body. I shivered and goose bumps appeared.

This time Harry broke away and rested his forehead on mine. He smirked.

"I'v never been the one to listen to management." he muttered. "Violet, I don't care what your dad thinks. All I know is that I REALLY like you and I want to be with you. Nothing else matters." His arms left my waist and instead, his hands rested on either side of my face while he gazed intensely into my eyes. "I want you to be mine's. I'm so sick of seeing you and knowing that, at any moment, you could find another guy thats better than me and love him. So. I am BEGGING you Vi. Be. My. Girlfriend."

Who was I to say no?

"I would be honored," I said.

My father didn't have to know.


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